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<H1><A NAME="SECTION0010000000000000000000"></A><A NAME="initialization"></A>
8. Initialization, Finalization, and Threads
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>void&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-773' xml:id='l2h-773' class="cfunction">Py_Initialize</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Initialize the Python interpreter. In an application embedding
Python, this should be called before using any other Python/C API
functions; with the exception of
<tt class="cfunction">Py_SetProgramName()</tt><a id='l2h-815' xml:id='l2h-815'></a>,
<tt class="cfunction">PyEval_InitThreads()</tt><a id='l2h-816' xml:id='l2h-816'></a>,
<tt class="cfunction">PyEval_ReleaseLock()</tt><a id='l2h-817' xml:id='l2h-817'></a>,
and <tt class="cfunction">PyEval_AcquireLock()</tt><a id='l2h-818' xml:id='l2h-818'></a>.
This initializes the table of loaded modules (<code>sys.modules</code>),
and<a id='l2h-775' xml:id='l2h-775'></a> creates the fundamental modules
<tt class="module">__builtin__</tt><a id='l2h-819' xml:id='l2h-819'></a>,
<tt class="module">__main__</tt><a id='l2h-820' xml:id='l2h-820'></a> and
<tt class="module">sys</tt><a id='l2h-821' xml:id='l2h-821'></a>. It also initializes the module
search<a id='l2h-776' xml:id='l2h-776'></a> path (<code>sys.path</code>).
It does not set <code>sys.argv</code>; use
<tt class="cfunction">PySys_SetArgv()</tt><a id='l2h-822' xml:id='l2h-822'></a> for that. This
is a no-op when called for a second time (without calling
<tt class="cfunction">Py_Finalize()</tt><a id='l2h-823' xml:id='l2h-823'></a> first). There is
no return value; it is a fatal error if the initialization fails.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>void&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-777' xml:id='l2h-777' class="cfunction">Py_InitializeEx</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>int <var>initsigs</var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
This function works like <tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt> if
<var>initsigs</var> is 1. If <var>initsigs</var> is 0, it skips
initialization registration of signal handlers, which
might be useful when Python is embedded.
<span class="versionnote">New in version 2.4.</span>
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>int&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-778' xml:id='l2h-778' class="cfunction">Py_IsInitialized</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return true (nonzero) when the Python interpreter has been
initialized, false (zero) if not. After <tt class="cfunction">Py_Finalize()</tt>
is called, this returns false until <tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt> is
called again.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>void&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-779' xml:id='l2h-779' class="cfunction">Py_Finalize</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Undo all initializations made by <tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt> and
subsequent use of Python/C API functions, and destroy all
sub-interpreters (see <tt class="cfunction">Py_NewInterpreter()</tt> below) that
were created and not yet destroyed since the last call to
<tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt>. Ideally, this frees all memory
allocated by the Python interpreter. This is a no-op when called
for a second time (without calling <tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt> again
first). There is no return value; errors during finalization are
This function is provided for a number of reasons. An embedding
application might want to restart Python without having to restart
the application itself. An application that has loaded the Python
interpreter from a dynamically loadable library (or DLL) might want
to free all memory allocated by Python before unloading the
DLL. During a hunt for memory leaks in an application a developer
might want to free all memory allocated by Python before exiting
from the application.
<strong>Bugs and caveats:</strong> The destruction of modules and objects in
modules is done in random order; this may cause destructors
(<tt class="method">__del__()</tt> methods) to fail when they depend on other
objects (even functions) or modules. Dynamically loaded extension
modules loaded by Python are not unloaded. Small amounts of memory
allocated by the Python interpreter may not be freed (if you find a
leak, please report it). Memory tied up in circular references
between objects is not freed. Some memory allocated by extension
modules may not be freed. Some extensions may not work properly if
their initialization routine is called more than once; this can
happen if an application calls <tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt> and
<tt class="cfunction">Py_Finalize()</tt> more than once.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>PyThreadState*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-780' xml:id='l2h-780' class="cfunction">Py_NewInterpreter</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Create a new sub-interpreter. This is an (almost) totally separate
environment for the execution of Python code. In particular, the
new interpreter has separate, independent versions of all imported
modules, including the fundamental modules
<tt class="module">__builtin__</tt><a id='l2h-824' xml:id='l2h-824'></a>,
<tt class="module">__main__</tt><a id='l2h-825' xml:id='l2h-825'></a> and
<tt class="module">sys</tt><a id='l2h-826' xml:id='l2h-826'></a>. The table of loaded modules
(<code>sys.modules</code>) and the module search path (<code>sys.path</code>)
are also separate. The new environment has no <code>sys.argv</code>
variable. It has new standard I/O stream file objects
<code>sys.stdin</code>, <code>sys.stdout</code> and <code>sys.stderr</code> (however
these refer to the same underlying <tt class="ctype">FILE</tt> structures in the C
<a id='l2h-782' xml:id='l2h-782'></a>
The return value points to the first thread state created in the new
sub-interpreter. This thread state is made in the current thread
state. Note that no actual thread is created; see the discussion of
thread states below. If creation of the new interpreter is
unsuccessful, <tt class="constant">NULL</tt> is returned; no exception is set since the
exception state is stored in the current thread state and there may
not be a current thread state. (Like all other Python/C API
functions, the global interpreter lock must be held before calling
this function and is still held when it returns; however, unlike
most other Python/C API functions, there needn't be a current thread
state on entry.)
Extension modules are shared between (sub-)interpreters as follows:
the first time a particular extension is imported, it is initialized
normally, and a (shallow) copy of its module's dictionary is
squirreled away. When the same extension is imported by another
(sub-)interpreter, a new module is initialized and filled with the
contents of this copy; the extension's <code>init</code> function is not
called. Note that this is different from what happens when an
extension is imported after the interpreter has been completely
re-initialized by calling
<tt class="cfunction">Py_Finalize()</tt><a id='l2h-827' xml:id='l2h-827'></a> and
<tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt><a id='l2h-828' xml:id='l2h-828'></a>; in that case,
the extension's <code>init<var>module</var></code> function <em>is</em> called
<strong>Bugs and caveats:</strong> Because sub-interpreters (and the main
interpreter) are part of the same process, the insulation between
them isn't perfect -- for example, using low-level file operations
like <a id='l2h-784' xml:id='l2h-784'></a> <tt class="function">os.close()</tt> they can (accidentally or maliciously) affect
each other's open files. Because of the way extensions are shared
between (sub-)interpreters, some extensions may not work properly;
this is especially likely when the extension makes use of (static)
global variables, or when the extension manipulates its module's
dictionary after its initialization. It is possible to insert
objects created in one sub-interpreter into a namespace of another
sub-interpreter; this should be done with great care to avoid
sharing user-defined functions, methods, instances or classes
between sub-interpreters, since import operations executed by such
objects may affect the wrong (sub-)interpreter's dictionary of
loaded modules. (XXX This is a hard-to-fix bug that will be
addressed in a future release.)
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>void&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-785' xml:id='l2h-785' class="cfunction">Py_EndInterpreter</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>PyThreadState *<var>tstate</var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Destroy the (sub-)interpreter represented by the given thread state.
The given thread state must be the current thread state. See the
discussion of thread states below. When the call returns, the
current thread state is <tt class="constant">NULL</tt>. All thread states associated with
this interpreter are destroyed. (The global interpreter lock must
be held before calling this function and is still held when it
returns.) <tt class="cfunction">Py_Finalize()</tt><a id='l2h-829' xml:id='l2h-829'></a> will
destroy all sub-interpreters that haven't been explicitly destroyed
at that point.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>void&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-786' xml:id='l2h-786' class="cfunction">Py_SetProgramName</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>char *<var>name</var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
This function should be called before
<tt class="cfunction">Py_Initialize()</tt><a id='l2h-830' xml:id='l2h-830'></a> is called
for the first time, if it is called at all. It tells the
interpreter the value of the <code>argv[0]</code> argument to the
<tt class="cfunction">main()</tt><a id='l2h-831' xml:id='l2h-831'></a> function of the program. This is
used by <tt class="cfunction">Py_GetPath()</tt><a id='l2h-832' xml:id='l2h-832'></a> and some
other functions below to find the Python run-time libraries relative
to the interpreter executable. The default value is
<code>'python'</code>. The argument should point to a zero-terminated
character string in static storage whose contents will not change
for the duration of the program's execution. No code in the Python
interpreter will change the contents of this storage.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-787' xml:id='l2h-787' class="cfunction">Py_GetProgramName</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return the program name set with
<tt class="cfunction">Py_SetProgramName()</tt><a id='l2h-833' xml:id='l2h-833'></a>, or the
default. The returned string points into static storage; the caller
should not modify its value.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-788' xml:id='l2h-788' class="cfunction">Py_GetPrefix</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return the <em>prefix</em> for installed platform-independent files.
This is derived through a number of complicated rules from the
program name set with <tt class="cfunction">Py_SetProgramName()</tt> and some
environment variables; for example, if the program name is
<code>'/usr/local/bin/python'</code>, the prefix is <code>'/usr/local'</code>.
The returned string points into static storage; the caller should
not modify its value. This corresponds to the <span class="makevar">prefix</span>
variable in the top-level <span class="file">Makefile</span> and the
<b class="programopt">--prefix</b> argument to the <b class="program">configure</b> script
at build time. The value is available to Python code as
<code>sys.prefix</code>. It is only useful on <span class="Unix">Unix</span>. See also the next
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-789' xml:id='l2h-789' class="cfunction">Py_GetExecPrefix</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return the <em>exec-prefix</em> for installed
platform-<em>de</em>pendent files. This is derived through a number
of complicated rules from the program name set with
<tt class="cfunction">Py_SetProgramName()</tt> and some environment variables; for
example, if the program name is <code>'/usr/local/bin/python'</code>, the
exec-prefix is <code>'/usr/local'</code>. The returned string points into
static storage; the caller should not modify its value. This
corresponds to the <span class="makevar">exec_prefix</span> variable in the top-level
<span class="file">Makefile</span> and the <b class="programopt">--exec-prefix</b> argument to the
<b class="program">configure</b> script at build time. The value is available
to Python code as <code>sys.exec_prefix</code>. It is only useful on
<span class="Unix">Unix</span>.
Background: The exec-prefix differs from the prefix when platform
dependent files (such as executables and shared libraries) are
installed in a different directory tree. In a typical installation,
platform dependent files may be installed in the
<span class="file">/usr/local/plat</span> subtree while platform independent may be
installed in <span class="file">/usr/local</span>.
Generally speaking, a platform is a combination of hardware and
software families, e.g. Sparc machines running the Solaris 2.x
operating system are considered the same platform, but Intel
machines running Solaris 2.x are another platform, and Intel
machines running Linux are yet another platform. Different major
revisions of the same operating system generally also form different
platforms. Non-<span class="Unix">Unix</span> operating systems are a different story; the
installation strategies on those systems are so different that the
prefix and exec-prefix are meaningless, and set to the empty string.
Note that compiled Python bytecode files are platform independent
(but not independent from the Python version by which they were
System administrators will know how to configure the <b class="program">mount</b>
or <b class="program">automount</b> programs to share <span class="file">/usr/local</span> between
platforms while having <span class="file">/usr/local/plat</span> be a different
filesystem for each platform.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-790' xml:id='l2h-790' class="cfunction">Py_GetProgramFullPath</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return the full program name of the Python executable; this is
computed as a side-effect of deriving the default module search path
from the program name (set by
<tt class="cfunction">Py_SetProgramName()</tt><a id='l2h-834' xml:id='l2h-834'></a> above).
The returned string points into static storage; the caller should
not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as
<a id='l2h-792' xml:id='l2h-792'></a></dd></dl>
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-793' xml:id='l2h-793' class="cfunction">Py_GetPath</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
<a id='l2h-794' xml:id='l2h-794'></a> Return the default module search path; this is computed from the
program name (set by <tt class="cfunction">Py_SetProgramName()</tt> above) and some
environment variables. The returned string consists of a series of
directory names separated by a platform dependent delimiter
character. The delimiter character is "<tt class="character">:</tt>" on <span class="Unix">Unix</span>and Mac OS X,
"<tt class="character">;</tt>" on Windows. The returned string points into
static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value
is available to Python code as the list
<code>sys.path</code><a id='l2h-796' xml:id='l2h-796'></a>, which
may be modified to change the future search path for loaded
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>const char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-797' xml:id='l2h-797' class="cfunction">Py_GetVersion</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return the version of this Python interpreter. This is a string
that looks something like
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
"1.5 (#67, Dec 31 1997, 22:34:28) [GCC]"
The first word (up to the first space character) is the current
Python version; the first three characters are the major and minor
version separated by a period. The returned string points into
static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value
is available to Python code as <code>sys.version</code>.
<a id='l2h-799' xml:id='l2h-799'></a></dd></dl>
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>const char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-800' xml:id='l2h-800' class="cfunction">Py_GetPlatform</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return the platform identifier for the current platform. On <span class="Unix">Unix</span>,
this is formed from the ``official'' name of the operating system,
converted to lower case, followed by the major revision number;
e.g., for Solaris 2.x, which is also known as SunOS 5.x, the value
is <code>'sunos5'</code>. On Mac OS X, it is <code>'darwin'</code>. On Windows,
it is <code>'win'</code>. The returned string points into static storage;
the caller should not modify its value. The value is available to
Python code as <code>sys.platform</code>.
<a id='l2h-802' xml:id='l2h-802'></a></dd></dl>
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>const char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-803' xml:id='l2h-803' class="cfunction">Py_GetCopyright</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return the official copyright string for the current Python version,
for example
<code>'Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam'</code>
The returned string points into static storage; the caller should
not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as
<a id='l2h-805' xml:id='l2h-805'></a></dd></dl>
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>const char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-806' xml:id='l2h-806' class="cfunction">Py_GetCompiler</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return an indication of the compiler used to build the current
Python version, in square brackets, for example:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
The returned string points into static storage; the caller should
not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as part
of the variable <code>sys.version</code>.
<a id='l2h-808' xml:id='l2h-808'></a></dd></dl>
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>const char*&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-809' xml:id='l2h-809' class="cfunction">Py_GetBuildInfo</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Return information about the sequence number and build date and time
of the current Python interpreter instance, for example
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
"#67, Aug 1 1997, 22:34:28"
The returned string points into static storage; the caller should
not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as part
of the variable <code>sys.version</code>.
<a id='l2h-811' xml:id='l2h-811'></a></dd></dl>
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline"><td><nobr>int&nbsp;<b><tt id='l2h-812' xml:id='l2h-812' class="cfunction">PySys_SetArgv</tt></b>(</nobr></td><td>int <var>argc</var>, char **<var>argv</var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Set <code>sys.argv</code> based on <var>argc</var> and <var>argv</var>. These
parameters are similar to those passed to the program's
<tt class="cfunction">main()</tt><a id='l2h-835' xml:id='l2h-835'></a> function with the difference that
the first entry should refer to the script file to be executed
rather than the executable hosting the Python interpreter. If there
isn't a script that will be run, the first entry in <var>argv</var> can
be an empty string. If this function fails to initialize
<code>sys.argv</code>, a fatal condition is signalled using
<tt class="cfunction">Py_FatalError()</tt><a id='l2h-836' xml:id='l2h-836'></a>.
<a id='l2h-814' xml:id='l2h-814'></a> </dd></dl>
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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