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Project Description Owner Last Change
Computing History
simh-images Collection of classic software snapshots and instructions for running them in simulators. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
unix-history Continuous source code history from original PDP-7 UNIX to FreeBSD 2, the first fully... Aaron Taylor 54 years ago
ned1 Simulator and tools for NED1, a 32-bit RISC stack machine. Aaron Taylor 2 years ago
obfuscated-c A repository of simple programs written in obfuscated C. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
surreal-numbers Notes associated with the book Surreal Numbers by Donald Knuth. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
OpenSPARC-T2-DV Full OpenSPARC design & verification tarball including full HDL. Aaron Taylor 14 months ago
OpenSPARC-T2-SAM Full OpenSPARC architecture tarball including simulator, hypervisor, and OBP. Aaron Taylor 14 months ago
pdp11-211bsd-simh 2.11BSD disk image configured for SIMH PDP-11 simulator and associated files. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
pdp11-bin2load Convert binary blob into paper tape image loadable by SIMH PDP-11 simulator. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
pdp11-bin2pdp Set of programs to load binary data into memory via serial port, bootstrapping a... Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
pdp11-memory-test Baremetal memory tests for diagnosing memory failure patterns. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
pdp11-modern-c Template for writing modern C targeting bare-metal PDP-11. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
pdp11-unix-fusefs FUSE fs driver compatible with PDP-11 UNIX filesystems. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
Programming Languages
pforth Fork of 'github/philburk/pforth', a portable ANS-like Forth written in ANSI C. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
vvhitespace A programming language using only whitespace, plus implementation of Hunt the Wumpus. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
Unix Tools
dwm-status Updates status bar in 'dwm' with load average, date and time. Aaron Taylor 16 months ago
dwm Personal fork of window manager 'dwm'. See README for modifications. Aaron Taylor 8 months ago
icmpmonitor Monitor hosts via ICMP ping and execute user hooks when host goes up/down. Aaron Taylor 4 years ago
illi X11 window manager using tag hierarchy to categorize/select windows. Aaron Taylor 16 months ago
screensavers Collection of hacks (screensavers) for use with XScreensaver framework. Aaron Taylor 16 months ago
xmenu Personal fork of a simple menu utility for X. Aaron Taylor 16 months ago
cmless Comprehensible, extendable, minimal CMS for publishing a filesystem-based website... Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
gitweb-sgk Fork containing customizations to gitweb as used on Aaron Taylor 16 months ago Content for Aaron Taylor 3 years ago Content for Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
Xeon Phi
sgk-go Fork of GNU Go supporting Xeon Phi coprocessors (and other modifications). Aaron Taylor 3 years ago
xeon-phi-kernel-module Port of Intel kernel module included with MPSS 3.8.6 to newer Linux kernels. Aaron Taylor 3 years ago