'300' isn't portable char; fix for ANSI C
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / mille / init.c
2 * Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
6 * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
7 * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
8 * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
9 * software without specific prior written permission. This software
10 * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
11 */
13#ifndef lint
14static char sccsid[] = "@(#)init.c 5.2 (Berkeley) %G%";
15#endif /* not lint */
17# include "mille.h"
20 * @(#)init.c 1.1 (Berkeley) 4/1/82
21 */
23init() {
25 reg PLAY *pp;
26 reg int i, j;
27 reg CARD card;
29 bzero(Numseen, sizeof Numseen);
30 Numgos = 0;
32 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
33 pp = &Player[i];
34 pp->hand[0] = C_INIT;
35 for (j = 0; j < NUM_SAFE; j++) {
36 pp->safety[j] = S_UNKNOWN;
37 pp->coups[j] = FALSE;
38 }
39 for (j = 1; j < HAND_SZ; j++) {
40 pp->hand[j] = *--Topcard;
41 if (i == COMP) {
42 account(card = *Topcard);
43 if (issafety(card))
44 pp->safety[card - S_CONV] = S_IN_HAND;
45 }
46 }
47 pp->mileage = 0;
48 pp->hand_tot = 0;
49 pp->safescore = 0;
50 pp->coupscore = 0;
51 pp->can_go = FALSE;
52 pp->speed = C_INIT;
53 pp->battle = C_INIT;
54 pp->new_speed = FALSE;
55 pp->new_battle = FALSE;
56 for (j = 0; j < NUM_MILES; j++)
57 pp->nummiles[j] = 0;
58 }
59 if (Order)
60 sort(Player[PLAYER].hand);
61 Discard = C_INIT;
62 Finished = FALSE;
63 End = 700;
66shuffle() {
68 reg int i, r;
69 reg CARD temp;
71 for (i = 0; i < DECK_SZ; i++) {
72 r = roll(1, DECK_SZ) - 1;
73 if (r < 0 || r > DECK_SZ - 1) {
74 fprintf(stderr, "shuffle: card no. error: %d\n", r);
75 die();
76 }
77 temp = Deck[r];
78 Deck[r] = Deck[i];
79 Deck[i] = temp;
80 }
81 Topcard = &Deck[DECK_SZ];
84newboard() {
86 register int i;
87 register PLAY *pp;
88 static int first = TRUE;
90 if (first) {
91 werase(Board);
92 werase(Score);
93 mvaddstr(5, 0, "--HAND--");
94 mvaddch(6, 0, 'P');
95 mvaddch(7, 0, '1');
96 mvaddch(8, 0, '2');
97 mvaddch(9, 0, '3');
98 mvaddch(10, 0, '4');
99 mvaddch(11, 0, '5');
100 mvaddch(12, 0, '6');
101 mvaddstr(13, 0, "--BATTLE--");
102 mvaddstr(15, 0, "--SPEED--");
103 mvaddstr(5, 20, "--DECK--");
104 mvaddstr(7, 20, "--DISCARD--");
105 mvaddstr(13, 20, "--BATTLE--");
106 mvaddstr(15, 20, "--SPEED--");
107 mvwaddstr(Miles, 0, 0, "--MILEAGE--");
108 mvwaddstr(Miles, 0, 41, "--MILEAGE--");
109 Sh_discard = -1;
110 for (pp = Player; pp <= &Player[COMP]; pp++) {
111 for (i = 0; i < HAND_SZ; i++)
112 pp->sh_hand[i] = -1;
113 pp->sh_battle = -1;
114 pp->sh_speed = -1;
115 pp->sh_mileage = -1;
116 }
117 first = FALSE;
118 }
119 else {
120 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
121 move(i, 0);
122 clrtoeol();
123 }
124 wmove(Miles, 1, 0);
125 wclrtobot(Miles);
126 wmove(Board, MOVE_Y + 1, MOVE_X);
127 wclrtoeol(Board);
128 wmove(Board, MOVE_Y + 2, MOVE_X);
129 wclrtoeol(Board);
130 }
131 Sh_discard = -1;
132 for (pp = Player; pp <= &Player[COMP]; pp++) {
133 for (i = 0; i < NUM_SAFE; i++)
134 pp->sh_safety[i] = FALSE;
135 for (i = 0; i < NUM_MILES; i++)
136 pp->sh_nummiles[i] = 0;
137 pp->sh_safescore = -1;
138 }
139 newscore();
142newscore() {
144 reg int i, new;
145 register PLAY *pp;
146 static int was_full = -1;
147 static int last_win = -1;
149 if (was_full < 0)
150 was_full = (Window != W_FULL);
151 stdscr = Score;
152 move(0, 22);
153 new = FALSE;
154 if (inch() != 'Y') {
155 erase();
156 mvaddstr(0, 22, "You Comp Value");
157 mvaddstr(1, 2, "Milestones Played");
158 mvaddstr(2, 8, "Each Safety");
159 mvaddstr(3, 5, "All 4 Safeties");
160 mvaddstr(4, 3, "Each Coup Fourre");
161 mvaddstr(2, 37, "100");
162 mvaddstr(3, 37, "300");
163 mvaddstr(4, 37, "300");
164 new = TRUE;
165 }
166 else if (((Window == W_FULL || Finished) ^ was_full) ||
167 pp->was_finished != Finished) {
168 move(5, 1);
169 clrtobot();
170 new = TRUE;
171 }
172 else if (Window != last_win)
173 new = TRUE;
174 if (new) {
175 for (i = 0; i < SCORE_Y; i++)
176 mvaddch(i, 0, '|');
177 move(SCORE_Y - 1, 1);
178 while (addch('_') != ERR)
179 continue;
180 for (pp = Player; pp <= &Player[COMP]; pp++) {
181 pp->sh_hand_tot = -1;
182 pp->sh_total = -1;
183 pp->sh_games = -1;
184 pp->sh_safescore = -1;
185 }
186 }
187 Player[PLAYER].was_finished = !Finished;
188 Player[COMP].was_finished = !Finished;
189 if (Window == W_FULL || Finished) {
190 if (!was_full || new) {
191 mvaddstr(5, 5, "Trip Completed");
192 mvaddstr(6, 10, "Safe Trip");
193 mvaddstr(7, 5, "Delayed Action");
194 mvaddstr(8, 10, "Extension");
195 mvaddstr(9, 11, "Shut-Out");
196 mvaddstr(10, 21, "---- ---- -----");
197 mvaddstr(11, 9, "Hand Total");
198 mvaddstr(12, 20, "----- -----");
199 mvaddstr(13, 6, "Overall Total");
200 mvaddstr(14, 15, "Games");
201 mvaddstr(5, 37, "400");
202 mvaddstr(6, 37, "300");
203 mvaddstr(7, 37, "300");
204 mvaddstr(8, 37, "200");
205 mvaddstr(9, 37, "500");
206 }
207 }
208 else
209 if (was_full || new) {
210 mvaddstr(5, 21, "---- ---- -----");
211 mvaddstr(6, 9, "Hand Total");
212 mvaddstr(7, 20, "----- -----");
213 mvaddstr(8, 6, "Overall Total");
214 mvaddstr(9, 15, "Games");
215 mvaddstr(11, 2, "p: pick");
216 mvaddstr(12, 2, "u: use #");
217 mvaddstr(13, 2, "d: discard #");
218 mvaddstr(14, 2, "w: toggle window");
219 mvaddstr(11, 21, "q: quit");
220 if (!Order)
221 mvaddstr(12, 21, "o: order hand");
222 else
223 mvaddstr(12, 21, "o: stop ordering");
224 mvaddstr(13, 21, "s: save");
225 mvaddstr(14, 21, "r: reprint");
226 }
227 stdscr = Board;
228 was_full = (Window == W_FULL || Finished);
229 last_win = Window;