date and time created 92/07/13 00:44:04 by torek
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / sparc / rcons / raster_op.c
* Copyright (c) 1991 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to the Computer Systems
* Engineering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and to the University
* of California at Berkeley by Jef Poskanzer.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)raster_op.c 7.1 (Berkeley) %G%
* from: $Header: raster_op.c,v 1.22 92/06/17 08:14:44 torek Exp $
* Bitblit routine for raster library.
* This raster-op is machined to exacting tolerances by skilled native
* craftsmen with pride in their work.
* The various cases are broken down like this:
* src required
* 1-bit to 1-bit
* 1-bit to 8-bits
* 8-bits to 8-bits
* no src required
* 1-bit no-src
* 8-bits no-src
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "sys/types.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "raster.h"
/* CONFIGURE: To save on executable size, you can configure out the seldom-used
** logical operations. With this variable set, the only operations implemented
#ifdef KERNEL
/* CONFIGURE: bcopy() is supposed to be the ultimately fastest way to move
** bytes, overlapping or not, ignoring the startup cost. Unfortunately
** this is not true on some systems. For example, on a Sun 3 running
** SunOS 3.5, bcopy() is about five times slower than a simple for loop
** on overlapping copies. And on a 4.1.1 SPARC, bcopy() is about 2/3rds
** as fast on backwards overlaps. So, only define this if your bcopy is ok.
/* End of configurable definitions. */
/* Definitions. */
/* Raster-op macros. These encapsulate the switch statements and so make
** the source code 16 times smaller. The pre and pst args are code
** fragments to put before and after the assignment in each case. They
** can be the beginning and end of a loop. If the pst fragment includes a
** masked assignment, for example to handle the left or right edge cases,
** a good optimizing compiler will simplify the boolean expressions very
** nicely - both cc and gcc on the SPARC will do this.
#define ROP_DST(op,pre,d,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
case RAS_CLEAR: \
pre \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_INVERT: \
pre \
(d) = ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_DST: \
/* noop */ \
break; \
case RAS_SET: \
pre \
(d) = ~0; \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
#define ROP_DSTCOLOR(op,pre,d,c,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
case RAS_CLEAR: \
pre \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_INVERT: \
pre \
(d) = ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_DST: \
/* noop */ \
break; \
case RAS_SET: \
pre \
(d) = (c); \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
#define ROP_SRCDST(op,pre,s,d,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
case RAS_NOTOR: \
pre \
(d) = ~( (s) | (d) ); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
(d) = ~(s) & (d); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
(d) = ~(s); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
(d) = (s) & ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_XOR: \
pre \
(d) = (s) ^ (d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_NOTAND: \
pre \
(d) = ~( (s) & (d) ); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_AND: \
pre \
(d) = (s) & (d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_NOTXOR: \
pre \
(d) = ~( (s) ^ (d) ); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
(d) = ~(s) | (d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_SRC: \
pre \
(d) = (s); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
(d) = (s) | ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_OR: \
pre \
(d) = (s) | (d); \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
#define ROP_SRCDSTCOLOR(op,pre,s,d,c,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
case RAS_NOTOR: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = ~( (c) | (d) ); \
else \
(d) = ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = ~(c) & (d); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = ~(c); \
else \
(d) = ~0; \
pst \
break; \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c) & ~(d); \
else \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_XOR: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c) ^ (d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_NOTAND: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = ~( (c) & (d) ); \
else \
(d) = ~0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_AND: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c) & (d); \
else \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_NOTXOR: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = ~( (c) ^ (d) ); \
else \
(d) = ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = ~(c) | (d); \
else \
(d) = ~0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_SRC: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c); \
else \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c) | ~(d); \
else \
(d) = ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_OR: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c) | (d); \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
#define ROP_DST(op,pre,d,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
case RAS_CLEAR: \
pre \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_INVERT: \
pre \
(d) = ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_SET: \
pre \
(d) = ~0; \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
#define ROP_DSTCOLOR(op,pre,d,c,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
case RAS_CLEAR: \
pre \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_INVERT: \
pre \
(d) = ~(d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_SET: \
pre \
(d) = (c); \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
#define ROP_SRCDST(op,pre,s,d,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
pre \
(d) = ~(s); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_XOR: \
pre \
(d) = (s) ^ (d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_SRC: \
pre \
(d) = (s); \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
#define ROP_SRCDSTCOLOR(op,pre,s,d,c,pst) \
switch ( op ) \
{ \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = ~(c); \
else \
(d) = ~0; \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_XOR: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c) ^ (d); \
pst \
break; \
case RAS_SRC: \
pre \
if ( s ) \
(d) = (c); \
else \
(d) = 0; \
pst \
break; \
default: \
return -1; \
/* Variables. */
static int needsrc[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
u_long raster_bitmask[32] = {
0x80000000, 0x40000000, 0x20000000, 0x10000000,
0x08000000, 0x04000000, 0x02000000, 0x01000000,
0x00800000, 0x00400000, 0x00200000, 0x00100000,
0x00080000, 0x00040000, 0x00020000, 0x00010000,
0x00008000, 0x00004000, 0x00002000, 0x00001000,
0x00000800, 0x00000400, 0x00000200, 0x00000100,
0x00000080, 0x00000040, 0x00000020, 0x00000010,
0x00000008, 0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001 };
static u_long leftmask[32] = {
0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0xc0000000, 0xe0000000,
0xf0000000, 0xf8000000, 0xfc000000, 0xfe000000,
0xff000000, 0xff800000, 0xffc00000, 0xffe00000,
0xfff00000, 0xfff80000, 0xfffc0000, 0xfffe0000,
0xffff0000, 0xffff8000, 0xffffc000, 0xffffe000,
0xfffff000, 0xfffff800, 0xfffffc00, 0xfffffe00,
0xffffff00, 0xffffff80, 0xffffffc0, 0xffffffe0,
0xfffffff0, 0xfffffff8, 0xfffffffc, 0xfffffffe };
static u_long rightmask[32] = {
0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007,
0x0000000f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f,
0x000000ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff,
0x00000fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff,
0x0000ffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0007ffff,
0x000fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff,
0x00ffffff, 0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff,
0x0fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff };
#endif /*MSBYTE_FIRST*/
#else /*MSBIT_FIRST*/
u_long raster_bitmask[32] = {
0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000004, 0x00000008,
0x00000010, 0x00000020, 0x00000040, 0x00000080,
0x00000100, 0x00000200, 0x00000400, 0x00000800,
0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00004000, 0x00008000,
0x00010000, 0x00020000, 0x00040000, 0x00080000,
0x00100000, 0x00200000, 0x00400000, 0x00800000,
0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000,
0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000 };
static u_long leftmask[32] = {
0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007,
0x0000000f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f,
0x000000ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff,
0x00000fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff,
0x0000ffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0007ffff,
0x000fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff,
0x00ffffff, 0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff,
0x0fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff };
static u_long rightmask[32] = {
0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0xc0000000, 0xe0000000,
0xf0000000, 0xf8000000, 0xfc000000, 0xfe000000,
0xff000000, 0xff800000, 0xffc00000, 0xffe00000,
0xfff00000, 0xfff80000, 0xfffc0000, 0xfffe0000,
0xffff0000, 0xffff8000, 0xffffc000, 0xffffe000,
0xfffff000, 0xfffff800, 0xfffffc00, 0xfffffe00,
0xffffff00, 0xffffff80, 0xffffffc0, 0xffffffe0,
0xfffffff0, 0xfffffff8, 0xfffffffc, 0xfffffffe };
#endif /*not MSBYTE_FIRST*/
#endif /*MSBIT_FIRST*/
/* (The odd combinations MSBIT+~MSBYTE and ~MSBIT+MSBYTE could be added.) */
static u_long bytemask[4] = { 0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff };
#else /*MSBYTE_FIRST*/
static u_long bytemask[4] = { 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0xff000000 };
#endif /*MSBYTE_FIRST*/
/* Forward routines. */
static int raster_blit();
/* Raster operations. */
/* Performs a bitblit. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */
raster_op( dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy )
struct raster* dst;
int dx, dy, w, h, rop;
struct raster* src;
int sx, sy;
if ( dst == (struct raster*) 0 )
return -1; /* no destination */
if ( needsrc[RAS_GETOP( rop )] )
/* Two-operand blit. */
if ( src == (struct raster*) 0 )
return -1; /* no source */
/* Clip against source. */
if ( sx < 0 )
w += sx;
sx = 0;
if ( sy < 0 )
h += sy;
sy = 0;
if ( sx + w > src->width )
w = src->width - sx;
if ( sy + h > src->height )
h = src->height - sy;
/* Clip against dest. */
if ( dx < 0 )
w += dx;
sx -= dx;
dx = 0;
if ( dy < 0 )
h += dy;
sy -= dy;
dy = 0;
if ( dx + w > dst->width )
w = dst->width - dx;
if ( dy + h > dst->height )
h = dst->height - dy;
if ( w <= 0 || h <= 0 )
return 0; /* nothing to do */
return raster_op_noclip( dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy );
/* No source necessary - one-operand blit. */
if ( src != (struct raster*) 0 )
return -1; /* unwanted source */
/* Clip against dest. */
if ( dx < 0 )
w += dx;
dx = 0;
if ( dy < 0 )
h += dy;
dy = 0;
if ( dx + w > dst->width )
w = dst->width - dx;
if ( dy + h > dst->height )
h = dst->height - dy;
if ( w <= 0 || h <= 0 )
return 0; /* nothing to do */
return raster_op_nosrc_noclip( dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop );
/* Semi-public routine to do a bitblit without clipping. Returns 0 on
** success, -1 on failure.
raster_op_noclip( dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy )
struct raster* dst;
int dx, dy, w, h, rop;
struct raster* src;
int sx, sy;
int op;
op = RAS_GETOP( rop );
if ( src->depth == 1 )
/* One-bit to ? blit. */
if ( dst->depth == 1 )
/* One to one blit. */
u_long* srclin1;
u_long* dstlin1;
int srcleftignore, srcrightignore, srclongs;
int dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs;
srclin1 = RAS_ADDR( src, sx, sy );
dstlin1 = RAS_ADDR( dst, dx, dy );
/* Special-case full-width to full-width copies. */
if ( op == RAS_SRC && src->width == w && dst->width == w &&
src->linelongs == dst->linelongs && src->linelongs == w >> 5 )
(char*) srclin1, (char*) dstlin1,
h * src->linelongs * sizeof(u_long) );
return 0;
#endif /*BCOPY_FASTER*/
srcleftignore = ( sx & 31 );
srclongs = ( srcleftignore + w + 31 ) >> 5;
srcrightignore = ( srclongs * 32 - w - srcleftignore ) & 31;
dstleftignore = ( dx & 31 );
dstlongs = ( dstleftignore + w + 31 ) >> 5;
dstrightignore = ( dstlongs * 32 - w - dstleftignore ) & 31;
return raster_blit(
src, srclin1, srcleftignore, srcrightignore, srclongs,
dst, dstlin1, dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs, h, op );
/* One to eight, using the color in the rop. This could
** probably be sped up by handling each four-bit source nybble
** as a group, indexing into a 16-element runtime-constructed
** table of longwords.
u_long* srclin1;
u_long* dstlin1;
u_long* srclin2;
u_long* srclin;
u_long* dstlin;
register u_long* srclong;
register u_long* dstlong;
register u_long color, dl;
register int srcbit, dstbyte, i;
color = RAS_GETCOLOR( rop );
if ( color == 0 )
color = 255;
/* Make 32 bits of color so we can do the ROP without shifting. */
color |= ( color << 24 ) | ( color << 16 ) | ( color << 8 );
/* Don't have to worry about overlapping blits here. */
srclin1 = RAS_ADDR( src, sx, sy );
srclin2 = srclin1 + h * src->linelongs;
dstlin1 = RAS_ADDR( dst, dx, dy );
srclin = srclin1;
dstlin = dstlin1;
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
srclong = srclin;
srcbit = sx & 31;
dstlong = dstlin;
dstbyte = dx & 3;
i = w;
/* WARNING: this code is KNOWN TO FAIL on Sun 3's / CG2's. */
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ while ( i > 0 )
dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ *srclong & raster_bitmask[srcbit],
/*d*/ dl,
/*c*/ color,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & ~bytemask[dstbyte] ) |
( dl & bytemask[dstbyte] );
if ( srcbit == 31 )
srcbit = 0;
if ( dstbyte == 3 )
dstbyte = 0;
} )
srclin += src->linelongs;
dstlin += dst->linelongs;
/* Eight to eight blit. */
u_long* srclin1;
u_long* dstlin1;
int srcleftignore, srcrightignore, srclongs;
int dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs;
if ( dst->depth != 8 )
return -1; /* depth mismatch */
srclin1 = RAS_ADDR( src, sx, sy );
dstlin1 = RAS_ADDR( dst, dx, dy );
/* Special-case full-width to full-width copies. */
if ( op == RAS_SRC && src->width == w && dst->width == w &&
src->linelongs == dst->linelongs && src->linelongs == w >> 2 )
bcopy( (char*) srclin1, (char*) dstlin1,
h * src->linelongs * sizeof(u_long) );
return 0;
#endif /*BCOPY_FASTER*/
srcleftignore = ( sx & 3 ) * 8;
srclongs = ( srcleftignore + w * 8 + 31 ) >> 5;
srcrightignore = ( srclongs * 32 - w * 8 - srcleftignore ) & 31;
dstleftignore = ( dx & 3 ) * 8;
dstlongs = ( dstleftignore + w * 8 + 31 ) >> 5;
dstrightignore = ( dstlongs * 32 - w * 8 - dstleftignore ) & 31;
return raster_blit(
src, srclin1, srcleftignore, srcrightignore, srclongs,
dst, dstlin1, dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs, h, op );
return 0;
/* Semi-public routine to do a no-src bitblit without clipping. Returns 0
** on success, -1 on failure.
raster_op_nosrc_noclip( dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop )
struct raster* dst;
int dx, dy, w, h, rop;
int op;
op = RAS_GETOP( rop );
if ( dst->depth == 1 )
/* One-bit no-src blit. */
u_long* dstlin1;
u_long* dstlin2;
u_long* dstlin;
int dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs;
u_long dl, lm, nlm, rm, nrm;
register u_long* dstlong2;
register u_long* dstlong;
dstlin1 = RAS_ADDR( dst, dx, dy );
/* Special-case full-width clears. */
if ( op == RAS_CLEAR && dst->width == w && dst->linelongs == w >> 5 )
bzero( (char*) dstlin1, h * dst->linelongs * sizeof(u_long) );
return 0;
#endif /*BCOPY_FASTER*/
dstleftignore = ( dx & 31 );
dstlongs = ( dstleftignore + w + 31 ) >> 5;
dstrightignore = ( dstlongs * 32 - w - dstleftignore ) & 31;
dstlin2 = dstlin1 + h * dst->linelongs;
dstlin = dstlin1;
if ( dstlongs == 1 )
/* It fits into a single longword. */
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore] | rightmask[dstrightignore];
nlm = ~lm;
while ( dstlin != dstlin2 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
dstlin += dst->linelongs;
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore];
rm = rightmask[dstrightignore];
nrm = ~rm;
nlm = ~lm;
while ( dstlin != dstlin2 )
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong + dstlongs;
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/* Leading edge. */
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
/* Main rop. */
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
/*d*/ *dstlong,
/*pst*/ ++dstlong;
} )
/* Trailing edge. */
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
dstlin += dst->linelongs;
/* Eight-bit no-src blit. */
register u_long color;
u_long* dstlin1;
u_long* dstlin2;
u_long* dstlin;
int dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs;
u_long dl, lm, nlm, rm, nrm;
register u_long* dstlong2;
register u_long* dstlong;
dstlin1 = RAS_ADDR( dst, dx, dy );
/* Special-case full-width clears. */
if ( op == RAS_CLEAR && dst->width == w && dst->linelongs == w >> 2 )
bzero( (char*) dstlin1, h * dst->linelongs * sizeof(u_long) );
return 0;
#endif /*BCOPY_FASTER*/
color = RAS_GETCOLOR( rop );
if ( color == 0 )
color = 255;
/* Make 32 bits of color so we can do the ROP without shifting. */
color |= ( color << 24 ) | ( color << 16 ) | ( color << 8 );
dstleftignore = ( dx & 3 ) * 8;
dstlongs = ( dstleftignore + w * 8 + 31 ) >> 5;
dstrightignore = ( dstlongs * 32 - w * 8 - dstleftignore ) & 31;
dstlin2 = dstlin1 + h * dst->linelongs;
dstlin = dstlin1;
if ( dstlongs == 1 )
/* It fits into a single longword. */
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore] | rightmask[dstrightignore];
nlm = ~lm;
while ( dstlin != dstlin2 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
/*d*/ dl,
/*c*/ color,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
dstlin += dst->linelongs;
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore];
rm = rightmask[dstrightignore];
nrm = ~rm;
nlm = ~lm;
while ( dstlin != dstlin2 )
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong + dstlongs;
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/* Leading edge. */
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*d*/ dl,
/*c*/ color,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
/* Main rop. */
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
/*d*/ *dstlong,
/*c*/ color,
/*pst*/ ++dstlong;
} )
/* Trailing edge. */
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*d*/ dl,
/*c*/ color,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
dstlin += dst->linelongs;
return 0;
/* This is a general bitblit routine, handling overlapping source and
** destination. It's used for both the 1-to-1 and 8-to-8 cases.
static int
raster_blit( src, srclin1, srcleftignore, srcrightignore, srclongs, dst, dstlin1, dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs, h, op )
struct raster* src;
u_long* srclin1;
int srcleftignore, srcrightignore, srclongs;
struct raster* dst;
u_long* dstlin1;
int dstleftignore, dstrightignore, dstlongs;
int h, op;
u_long* srclin2;
u_long* dstlin2;
int srclininc, dstlininc;
u_long* srclin;
u_long* dstlin;
register int prevleftshift, currrightshift;
int longinc;
register u_long* srclong;
register u_long* dstlong;
register u_long* dstlong2;
register u_long dl, lm, nlm, rm, nrm;
prevleftshift = ( srcleftignore - dstleftignore ) & 31;
srclin2 = srclin1 + h * src->linelongs;
dstlin2 = dstlin1 + h * dst->linelongs;
srclininc = src->linelongs;
dstlininc = dst->linelongs;
longinc = 1;
/* Check for overlaps. */
if ( ( dstlin1 >= srclin1 && dstlin1 < srclin1 + srclongs ) ||
( srclin1 >= dstlin1 && srclin1 < dstlin1 + dstlongs ) )
/* Horizontal overlap. Should we reverse? */
if ( srclin1 < dstlin1 )
longinc = -1;
srclin1 += srclongs - 1;
srclin2 += srclongs - 1;
dstlin1 += dstlongs - 1;
else if ( ( dstlin1 >= srclin1 && dstlin1 < srclin2 ) ||
( srclin1 >= dstlin1 && srclin1 < dstlin2 ) )
/* Vertical overlap. Should we reverse? */
if ( srclin1 < dstlin1 )
srclin2 = srclin1 - srclininc;
srclin1 += ( h - 1 ) * srclininc;
dstlin1 += ( h - 1 ) * dstlininc;
srclininc = -srclininc;
dstlininc = -dstlininc;
srclin = srclin1;
dstlin = dstlin1;
if ( prevleftshift == 0 )
/* The bits line up, no shifting necessary. */
if ( dstlongs == 1 )
/* It all fits into a single longword. */
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore] | rightmask[dstrightignore];
nlm = ~lm;
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
/*s*/ *srclin,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
srclin += srclininc;
dstlin += dstlininc;
/* Multiple longwords. */
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore];
rm = rightmask[dstrightignore];
nrm = ~rm;
nlm = ~lm;
if ( longinc == 1 )
/* Left to right. */
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
srclong = srclin;
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong + dstlongs;
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/* Leading edge. */
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ *srclong,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
/* Main rop. */
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
/*s*/ *srclong,
/*d*/ *dstlong,
/*pst*/ ++srclong;
} )
/* Trailing edge. */
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ *srclong,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
srclin += srclininc;
dstlin += dstlininc;
/* Right to left. */
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
srclong = srclin;
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong - dstlongs;
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/* Leading edge. */
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ *srclong,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
/* Main rop. */
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
/*s*/ *srclong,
/*d*/ *dstlong,
/*pst*/ --srclong;
} )
/* Trailing edge. */
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ *srclong,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
srclin += srclininc;
dstlin += dstlininc;
/* General case, with shifting and everything. */
register u_long sl, prevsl;
currrightshift = 32 - prevleftshift;
if ( srclongs == 1 && dstlongs == 1 )
/* It fits into a single longword, with a shift. */
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore] | rightmask[dstrightignore];
nlm = ~lm;
if ( srcleftignore > dstleftignore )
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
/*s*/ *srclin << prevleftshift,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
srclin += srclininc;
dstlin += dstlininc;
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
/*s*/ *srclin >> currrightshift,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
srclin += srclininc;
dstlin += dstlininc;
/* Multiple longwords. */
lm = leftmask[dstleftignore];
rm = rightmask[dstrightignore];
nrm = ~rm;
nlm = ~lm;
if ( longinc == 1 )
/* Left to right. */
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
srclong = srclin;
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong + dstlongs;
if ( srcleftignore > dstleftignore )
prevsl = *srclong++ << prevleftshift;
prevsl = 0;
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/* Leading edge. */
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ sl = *srclong;
dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ prevsl | ( sl >> currrightshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
prevsl = sl << prevleftshift;
/* Main rop. */
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
sl = *srclong;,
/*s*/ prevsl | ( sl >> currrightshift ),
/*d*/ *dstlong,
/*pst*/ prevsl = sl << prevleftshift;
} )
/* Trailing edge. */
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ prevsl | ( *srclong >> currrightshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
srclin += srclininc;
dstlin += dstlininc;
/* Right to left. */
while ( srclin != srclin2 )
srclong = srclin;
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong - dstlongs;
if ( srcrightignore > dstrightignore )
prevsl = *srclong-- >> currrightshift;
prevsl = 0;
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/* Leading edge. */
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ sl = *srclong;
dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ prevsl | ( sl << prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
prevsl = sl >> currrightshift;
/* Main rop. */
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
sl = *srclong;,
/*s*/ prevsl | ( sl << prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ *dstlong,
/*pst*/ prevsl = sl >> currrightshift;
} )
/* Trailing edge. */
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
/*s*/ prevsl | ( *srclong << prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
srclin += srclininc;
dstlin += dstlininc;
return 0;