BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / src / new / X / libvs100 / report.c
/* $Header: report.c,v 10.3 86/02/01 15:47:36 tony Rel $ */
/* report.c routine to do a ReportStatus call to the vs
* ReportStatus Get information about the workstation
* *
* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984 by *
* DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, Massachusetts. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This software is furnished on an as-is basis and may be used and copied *
* only with inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any *
* other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to *
* others only for non-commercial purposes. No title to or ownership of *
* the software is hereby transferred. *
* *
* The information in this software is subject to change without notice *
* and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL EQUIPMENT *
* *
* DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its *
* software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL. *
* *
* *
#include "vs100.h"
char *AllocateSpace();
/* Issue a report status. This returns the device type and version (usually
* useless), the microcode version (also useless), a bitmap describing the
* frame buffer (very useful), a description of framebuffer memory
* that isn't mapped to the screen, a description of the program memory
* not used by the firmware (useful for caching data in the workstation),
* and a description of where to map the host Vax's memory (useful to the
* driver but not to anyone else). There are two versions; if rom is
* 1 the rom version is used; this only works before the firmware is started
* up. Any of the pointers may be NULL if the appropriate information
* isn't required.
ReportStatus (devType, devVersion, ucodeVersion, framebuffer,
freeFramebuffer, freeProgram, hostMem, rom)
int *devType, rom;
short *devVersion, *ucodeVersion;
BitMap *framebuffer;
MemArea *freeFramebuffer, *freeProgram, *hostMem;
register ReportStatusPacket *rsp;
#define h ((PacketHeader *) rsp->rsp_head)
rsp = (ReportStatusPacket *) AllocateSpace (sizeof (ReportStatusPacket));
if (rsp == NULL) return (-1);
/* Format the packet */
h->ph_modifier.emptymod = 0;
h->ph_opcode = (rom ? REPORT_STATUS_ROM : REPORT_STATUS);
*(long *) h->ph_next = NULL;
/* And send it off */
if (WritePacket ((caddr_t) rsp) || SynchWrites()) return (-1);
if (devType) *devType = *(long *) rsp->rsp_deviceType;
if (devVersion) *devVersion = rsp->rsp_deviceVersion;
if (ucodeVersion) *ucodeVersion = rsp->rsp_ucodeVersion;
if (framebuffer)
*framebuffer = *(BitMap *) rsp->rsp_visibleFramebuffer;
if (freeFramebuffer)
*freeFramebuffer = *(MemArea *) rsp->rsp_freeFramebuffer;
if (freeProgram)
*freeProgram = *(MemArea *) rsp->rsp_freeProgramMemory;
if (hostMem)
*hostMem = *(MemArea *) rsp->rsp_hostMemory;
return (0);