date and time created 90/09/03 18:58:37 by sklower
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / usr.x25 / README-4.2bsd
Installation Instructions
1. Install the kernel part of this distribution. A reboot is not
2. Examine the various makefiles in this directory and subdirectories
and if all appears to be well, type "make install".
3. Edit /etc/rc.local; You will need to add the following lines:
if [ -f /etc/x29d ]; then
/etc/x29d -r -c 1980 "/bin/login login -f" >/dev/console
echo -n ' x29d' >/dev/console
if [ -f /etc/nimd ]; then
/etc/nimd -c 1980 /dev/ptyq0 >/dev/console
/etc/nimd -c 1980 /dev/ptyq1 >/dev/console
/etc/nimd -c 1980 /dev/ptyq2 >/dev/console
echo -n ' nimd' >/dev/console
/etc/x29d is the call-in server and /etc/nimd is used for making out-calls
to other sites. Removing the "-r" flag to x29d will cause the kernel X.25
software to clear incoming collect (ie. reverse charged) X.29 calls.
The exact number of nim daemons started, pseudo-tty devices used, and
parameter support are installation dependent. This example starts
three daemons that support the 1980 CCITT ITI parameter set.
4. Optional: compile and install dist/bin/login.c (see makefile in that
directory). This modified login program more gracefully handles
incoming X.29 calls.
5. If you run 'tip' then add these lines to /etc/remote:
nimd|pad|NIM Daemon:\
Make sure that the 'dv' entry lists the slave devices corresponding to
the master pseudo-tty devices that the nim daemons are connected to.
Additional lines like the following can be added if you have the version
of tip locally modified at UBC and wish to simplify connection procedures
to other remote hosts:
datapacinfo|Datapac help:\
:cm=NIM p\s92100086:tc=nimd:
ubcg-mts|ubc-mtsg|mts-g|U of British Columbia MTS-g:\
:cm=NIM call\subcg-mts:\
6. Edit /etc/x25hosts. This step is optional. The X.29 callin server uses
the information in this file to map an X.121 address to host name and
the nimd needs the same information to do the opposite with the "call"
command (see above example with 'ubcg-mts'). Add to the hosts file an
entry for each remote host that the X.121 address is known. The flags
before the X.121 address must be either an 'r' (reverse charge), or 's'
(hi priority), or a 'p' (also hi priority). The "hi priority" flag is
specific X.25(1976) DTE's attached to Canada's Datapac network; all other
sites can ignore this flag. Some examples:
# Datapac hosts
68100124 camosun # Camosun College, Victoria BC
p,92100086 datapacinfo # Datapac help
r,67200040 ubcg-mts # UBC MTS system 'G'
# US CCITT hosts
s,1311060700067 cornell # Cornell University, Ithaca NY
s,1311061700139 mit-multics # Mass Institute of Tech
7. Reboot with the new system. The log file (default /usr/spool/log/nimd_log)
will contain a record of routine nimd server activity and any serious
problems. This file should be periodically truncated.