Research V7 development
[unix-history] / .ref-Research-V6 / usr / sys / proc.h
* One structure allocated per active
* process. It contains all data needed
* about the process while the
* process may be swapped out.
* Other per process data (user.h)
* is swapped with the process.
struct proc
char p_stat;
char p_flag;
char p_pri; /* priority, negative is high */
char p_sig; /* signal number sent to this process */
char p_uid; /* user id, used to direct tty signals */
char p_time; /* resident time for scheduling */
char p_cpu; /* cpu usage for scheduling */
char p_nice; /* nice for scheduling */
int p_ttyp; /* controlling tty */
int p_pid; /* unique process id */
int p_ppid; /* process id of parent */
int p_addr; /* address of swappable image */
int p_size; /* size of swappable image (*64 bytes) */
int p_wchan; /* event process is awaiting */
int *p_textp; /* pointer to text structure */
} proc[NPROC];
/* stat codes */
#define SSLEEP 1 /* sleeping on high priority */
#define SWAIT 2 /* sleeping on low priority */
#define SRUN 3 /* running */
#define SIDL 4 /* intermediate state in process creation */
#define SZOMB 5 /* intermediate state in process termination */
#define SSTOP 6 /* process being traced */
/* flag codes */
#define SLOAD 01 /* in core */
#define SSYS 02 /* scheduling process */
#define SLOCK 04 /* process cannot be swapped */
#define SSWAP 010 /* process is being swapped out */
#define STRC 020 /* process is being traced */
#define SWTED 040 /* another tracing flag */