utah rcsid 1.25 87/12/10 19:48:54: Fortran also needs implicit float to
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / pcc / ccom.tahoe / macdefs.h
/* macdefs.h 1.5 87/12/10 */
#ifndef _MACDEFS_
#define _MACDEFS_
#define makecc(val,i) lastcon = (lastcon<<8)|((val<<24)>>24);
#define AUTOINIT (13*SZINT)
* Storage space requirements.
#define SZCHAR 8
#define SZINT 32
#define SZFLOAT 32
#define SZDOUBLE 64
#define SZLONG 32
#define SZSHORT 16
#define SZPOINT 32
* Alignment constraints
#define ALCHAR 8
#define ALINT 32
#define ALFLOAT 32
#define ALDOUBLE 32
#define ALLONG 32
#define ALSHORT 16
#define ALPOINT 32
#define ALSTRUCT 8
#define ALSTACK 32
#define ACONFMT "$0x%lx" /* format for printing address constants */
#define CONFMT "%ld" /* format for printing constants */
#define LABFMT "L%d" /* format for printing labels */
typedef long CONSZ; /* size in which constants are converted */
typedef long OFFSZ; /* size in which offsets are kept */
#define CCTRANS(x) x /* character set macro */
* Register cookie for stack pointer.
#define STKREG 13 /* stack pointer */
* Maximum and minimum register variables
#define MINRVAR 6 /* use R6 thru ... */
#define MAXRVAR 12 /* ... R12 */
#define BACKAUTO /* stack grows negatively for automatics */
#define BACKTEMP /* stack grows negatively for temporaries */
/*#define FIELDOPS /* no hardware field support */
/*#define RTOLBYTES /* bytes are number from left to right */
#define ADDROREG /* can unwind &o, where o is OREG */
#define ASSTRINGS /* assembler handles string initializations */
#define STABDOT /* assembler understands .stabd */
#define LCOMM /* assembler supports .lcomm */
#define SPRECC /* double only arithmetic not supported */
#define ENUMSIZE(high,low) INT /* enums are always stored in full int */
#define FIXDEF(p) if (!nerrors) outstab(p); else
#define FIXARG(p) if (!nerrors) fixarg(p); else
#define FIXSTRUCT(p,q) if (!nerrors) outstruct(p,q); else
#ifndef ncopy
#define ncopy(q, p) ((q)->in = (p)->in)
#define aobeg()
#define aocode(p)
#define aoend()
#define deflab(m) if (!nerrors) printf("L%d:\n", m); else
#define PRTDCON /* use machine-specific prtdcon routine */
extern prtdcon();