BSD 2 development
[unix-history] / src / tset.c
/* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
# include <sgtty.h>
# include <stdio.h>
** TSET -- set terminal modes
** This program does sophisticated terminal initialization.
** I recommend that you include it in your .start_up or .login
** file to initialize whatever terminal you are on.
** There are several features:
** A special file or sequence (as controlled by the ttycap file)
** is sent to the terminal.
** Mode bits are set on a per-terminal_type basis (much better
** than UNIX itself). This allows special delays, automatic
** tabs, etc.
** Erase and Kill characters can be set to whatever you want.
** Default is to change erase to control-H on a terminal which
** can overstrike, and leave it alone on anything else. Kill
** is always left alone unless specifically requested.
** Terminals which are dialups or plugboard types can be aliased
** to whatever type you may have in your home or office. Thus,
** if you know that when you dial up you will always be on a
** TI 733, you can specify that fact to tset.
** The htmp file, used by ex, etc., can be updated.
** The current terminal type can be queried.
** Usage:
** tset [-] [-r] [-EC] [-eC] [-d type] [-p type]
** [-b type] [-h] [-u] [type]
** In systems with environments, use:
** setenv TERM `tset - ...`
** Positional Parameters:
** type -- the terminal type to force. If this is
** specified, initialization is for this
** terminal type.
** Flags:
** - -- report terminal type. Whatever type is
** decided on is reported.
** -r -- report to user, on diagnostic output instead
** of standard output.
** -EC -- set the erase character to C on all terminals
** except those which cannot backspace (e.g.,
** a TTY 33). C defaults to control-H.
** -eC -- set the erase character to C on all terminals.
** C defaults to control-H. If neither -E or -e
** are specified, the erase character is set to
** control-H if the terminal can both backspace
** and not overstrike (e.g., a CRT). If the erase
** character is NULL (zero byte), it will be reset
** to '#' if nothing else is specified.
** -kC -- set the kill character to C on all terminals.
** Default for C is control-X. If not specified,
** the kill character is untouched; however, if
** not specified and the kill character is NULL
** (zero byte), the kill character is set to '@'.
** -d type -- set the dialup type to be type. If the
** terminal type seems to be dialup, make it
** 'type' instead. There need not be a space
** between 'd' and 'type'.
** -p type -- ditto for a plugboard.
** -b type -- ditto for a bussiplexer.
** -h -- don't read htmp file. Normally the terminal type
** is determined by reading the htmp file (unless
** -d or -p are specified). This forces a read
** of the ttytype file -- useful when htmp is
** somehow wrong. On a version seven system, this
** flag means don't look at the TERM entry in
** the environment.
** -u -- don't update htmp. It seemed like this should
** be put in. Note that htmp is never actually
** written if there are no changes, so don't bother
** bother using this for efficiency reasons alone.
** On version seven systems this flag is ignored.
** Files:
** /etc/ttytype
** contains a terminal id -> terminal type
** mapping; used when -h, -d, or -p is used.
** /etc/termcap
** a terminal_type -> terminal_capabilities
** mapping.
** Return Codes:
** -1 -- couldn't open ttycap.
** 1 -- bad terminal type, or standard output not tty.
** 0 -- ok.
** Defined Constants:
** DIALUP -- the type code for a dialup port
** PLUGBOARD -- the code for a plugboard port.
** BUSSIPLEXER -- the code for a bussiplexer port.
** BACKSPACE -- control-H, the default for -e.
** CONTROLX -- control-X, the default for -k.
** OLDERASE -- the system default erase character.
** OLDKILL -- the system default kill character.
** FILEDES -- the file descriptor to do the operation
** on, nominally 1 or 2.
** STDOUT -- the standard output file descriptor.
** UIDMASK -- the bit pattern to mask with the getuid()
** call to get just the user id.
** Requires:
** Routines to handle htmp, ttytype, and ttycap.
** Compilation Flags:
** PLUGBOARD -- if defined, accept the -p flag.
** BUSSIPLEXER -- if defined, accept the -b flag.
** FULLLOGIN -- if defined, login sets the ttytype from
** /etc/ttytype file.
** VERSION7 -- if set, use environments, not htmp.
** Also, use 'ioctl' not 'stty' -- to get type-
** ahead.
** GTTYN -- if set, uses generalized tty names.
** Compilation Instructions:
** cc -n -O tset.c -lX
** mv a.out tset
** chown bin tset
** chmod 4755 tset
** where 'bin' should be whoever owns the 'htmp' file.
** If 'htmp' is 666, then tset need not be setuid.
** Author:
** Eric Allman
** Electronics Research Labs
** U.C. Berkeley
** History:
** 3/79 -- Use ioctl in version7.
** 12/78 -- modified for eventual migration to VAX/UNIX,
** so the '-' option is changed to output only
** the terminal type to STDOUT instead of
** and -r added.
** 9/78 -- '-' and '-p' options added (now fully
** compatible with ttytype!), and spaces are
** permitted between the -d and the type.
** 8/78 -- The sense of -h and -u were reversed, and the
** -f flag is dropped -- same effect is available
** by just stating the terminal type.
** 10/77 -- This version, in much it's previous state,
** written by Eric Allman.
# define BACKSPACE ('H' & 037)
# define CONTROLX ('X' & 037)
# define OLDERASE '#'
# define OLDKILL '@'
# define FILEDES 2
# define STDOUT 1
# define DIALUP "du"
# define PLUGBOARD "pb"
# define BUSSIPLEXER "bx"
/* # define FULLLOGIN FULLLOGIN login does everything */
# define VERSION7 VERSION7 /* version seven flag */
# define GTTYN GTTYN /* general tty names */
# ifdef VERSION7
# define UIDMASK 0177777
# else
# define UIDMASK 0377
# endif
# ifdef GTTYN
typedef char *ttyid_t;
# else
typedef char ttyid_t;
# endif
# define NOTTY 0
char Erase_char; /* new erase character */
char Kill_char; /* new kill character */
char Specialerase; /* set => Erase_char only on terminals with backspace */
ttyid_t Ttyid = NOTTY; /* terminal identifier */
char *Ttytype; /* type of terminal */
char *Dialtype; /* override type if dialup terminal */
char *Plugtype; /* override type if plugboard port */
char *Bxtype; /* override type if bussiplexer port */
int Dash_u; /* don't-update-htmp flag */
int Dash_h; /* don't-read-htmp flag */
int Report; /* report current type */
int Ureport; /* report to user */
char Usage[] = "usage: tset [-] [-r] [-eC] [-kC] [-d T] [-p T] [-b T] [-h] [-u] [type]\n";
char Capbuf[256]; /* line from /etc/ttycap for this Ttytype */
struct delay
int d_delay;
int d_bits;
# include "tset.del.h"
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
struct sgttyb mode;
struct sgttyb oldmode;
char buf[256];
auto char *bufp;
register char *p;
char *command;
register int i;
register int error;
int mdvect[2];
extern char *stypeof();
# ifndef VERSION7
extern char *hsgettype();
# else
extern char *getenv();
# endif
# ifdef GTTYN
extern char *ttyname();
# endif
/* scan argument list and collect flags */
error = 0;
command = argv[0];
while (--argc >= 0)
p = *++argv;
if (p[0] == '-')
switch (p[1])
case 0: /* report current terminal type */
case 'r': /* report to user */
case 'E': /* special erase: operate on all but TTY33 */
/* exlicit fall-through to -e case */
case 'e': /* erase character */
if (p[2] == 0)
Erase_char = BACKSPACE;
Erase_char = p[2];
case 'k': /* kill character */
if (p[2] == 0)
Kill_char = CONTROLX;
Kill_char = p[2];
case 'd': /* dialup type */
if (p[2] != 0)
Dialtype = &p[2];
else if (--argc < 0 || argv[1][0] == '-')
Dialtype = *++argv;
case 'p': /* plugboard type */
if (p[2] != 0)
Plugtype = &p[2];
else if (--argc < 0 || argv[1][0] == '-')
Plugtype = *++argv;
# endif
case 'b': /* bussiplexer type */
if (p[2] != 0)
Bxtype = &p[2];
else if (--argc < 0 || argv[1][0] == '-')
Bxtype = *++argv;
# endif
case 'h': /* don't get type from htmp */
# ifndef VERSION7
case 'u': /* don't update htmp */
# endif
prs("Bad flag ");
/* terminal type */
Ttytype = p;
if (error)
# ifndef FULLLOGIN
/* if dialup is specified, check ttytype not htmp */
if (Dialtype != 0 || Plugtype != 0 || Bxtype != 0)
# endif
/* determine terminal id if needed */
if (Ttyid == NOTTY && (Ttytype == 0 || !Dash_h || !Dash_u))
# ifndef VERSION7
Ttyid = ttyn(FILEDES);
# else
Ttyid = ttyname(FILEDES);
# endif
# ifndef VERSION7
/* get htmp if ever used */
if (!Dash_u || (Ttytype == 0 && !Dash_h))
/* get htmp entry */
/* if not for this user, look at ttytype file */
if (hgettype() == 0 || hgetuid() != (getuid() & UIDMASK))
# endif
/* find terminal type (if not already known) */
if (Ttytype == 0)
/* get type from /etc/ttytype or /etc/htmp */
if (!Dash_h)
# ifndef VERSION7
Ttytype = hsgettype();
# else
Ttytype = getenv("TERM");
# endif
if (Ttytype == 0)
Ttytype = stypeof(Ttyid);
/* check for dialup or plugboard override */
if (Dialtype != 0 && bequal(Ttytype, DIALUP, 2))
Ttytype = Dialtype;
else if (Plugtype != 0 && bequal(Ttytype, PLUGBOARD, 2))
Ttytype = Plugtype;
# endif
else if (Bxtype != 0 && bequal(Ttytype, BUSSIPLEXER, 2))
Ttytype = Bxtype;
# endif
/* Ttytype now contains a pointer to the type of the terminal */
if (gtty(FILEDES, &mode) < 0)
prs("Not a terminal\n");
bmove(&mode, &oldmode, sizeof mode);
/* get terminal capabilities */
switch (tgetent(Capbuf, Ttytype))
case -1:
prs("Cannot open ttycap file\n");
case 0:
prs("Type ");
prs(" unknown\n");
/* report type if appropriate */
if (Report || Ureport)
/* find first alias (if any) */
for (p = Capbuf; *p != 0 && *p != '|' && *p != ':'; p++)
if (*p == 0 || *p == ':')
p = Capbuf;
bufp = p;
while (*p != '|' && *p != ':' && *p != 0)
i = *p;
if (Report)
*p = '\n';
write(STDOUT, bufp, p + 1 - bufp);
if (Ureport)
*p = '\0';
prs("Terminal type is ");
*p = i;
/* determine erase and kill characters */
if (Specialerase && !tgetflag("bs"))
Erase_char = 0;
if (Erase_char == 0)
if (mode.sg_erase == 0)
mode.sg_erase = OLDERASE;
if (tgetflag("bs") && !tgetflag("os"))
mode.sg_erase = BACKSPACE;
mode.sg_erase = Erase_char;
if (mode.sg_kill == 0)
mode.sg_kill = OLDKILL;
if (Kill_char != 0)
mode.sg_kill = Kill_char;
/* set modes */
setdelay("dC", CRdelay, CRbits, &mode.sg_flags);
setdelay("dN", NLdelay, NLbits, &mode.sg_flags);
setdelay("dB", BSdelay, BSbits, &mode.sg_flags);
setdelay("dF", FFdelay, FFbits, &mode.sg_flags);
setdelay("dT", TBdelay, TBbits, &mode.sg_flags);
if (tgetflag("UC") || command[0] == 'T')
mode.sg_flags |= LCASE;
else if (tgetflag("LC"))
mode.sg_flags &= ~LCASE;
mode.sg_flags &= ~(EVENP | ODDP | RAW);
if (tgetflag("EP"))
mode.sg_flags |= EVENP;
if (tgetflag("OP"))
mode.sg_flags |= ODDP;
if ((mode.sg_flags & (EVENP | ODDP)) == 0)
mode.sg_flags |= EVENP | ODDP;
mode.sg_flags |= CRMOD | ECHO | XTABS;
if (tgetflag("NL")) /* new line, not line feed */
mode.sg_flags &= ~CRMOD;
if (tgetflag("HD")) /* half duplex */
mode.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
if (tgetflag("pt")) /* print tabs */
mode.sg_flags &= ~XTABS;
# ifdef VERSION7
if (!bequal(&mode, &oldmode, sizeof mode))
ioctl(FILEDES, TIOCSETN, &mode);
# else
if (!bequal(&mode, &oldmode, sizeof mode))
stty(FILEDES, &mode);
# endif
/* output startup string */
bufp = buf;
if (tgetstr("is", &bufp) != 0)
bufp = buf;
if (tgetstr("if", &bufp) != 0)
/* tell about changing erase and kill characters */
reportek("Erase", mode.sg_erase, oldmode.sg_erase, OLDERASE);
reportek("Kill", mode.sg_kill, oldmode.sg_kill, OLDKILL);
# ifndef VERSION7
/* update htmp */
if (!Dash_u)
if (Ttyid == 0)
Ttyid = ttyn(FILEDES);
if (Ttyid == 'x')
prs("Cannot update htmp\n");
/* update htmp file only if changed */
if (!bequal(Capbuf, hsgettype(), 2))
hsettype(Capbuf[0] | (Capbuf[1] << 8));
# endif
reportek(name, new, old, def)
char *name;
char old;
char new;
char def;
register char o;
register char n;
register char *p;
o = old;
n = new;
if (o == n && n == def)
if (o == n)
prs(" is ");
prs(" set to ");
if (n < 040)
n = (n & 037) | 0100;
p = "x\n";
p[0] = n;
setdelay(cap, dtab, bits, flags)
char *cap;
struct delay dtab[];
int bits;
int *flags;
register int i;
register struct delay *p;
/* see if this capability exists at all */
i = tgetnum(cap);
if (i < 0)
i = 0;
/* clear out the bits, replace with new ones */
*flags &= ~bits;
/* scan dtab for first entry with adequate delay */
for (p = dtab; p->d_delay >= 0; p++)
if (p->d_delay >= i)
/* use last entry if none will do */
*flags |= (--p)->d_bits;
char *s;
register char *p;
register char *q;
register int i;
p = q = s;
i = 0;
while (*q++ != 0)
if (i > 0)
write(FILEDES, p, i);
char *file;
register int fd;
register int i;
char buf[512];
fd = open(file, 0);
if (fd < 0)
prs("Cannot open ");
while ((i = read(fd, buf, 512)) > 0)
write(FILEDES, buf, i);
bmove(from, to, length)
char *from;
char *to;
int length;
register char *p, *q;
register int i;
i = length;
p = from;
q = to;
while (i-- > 0)
*q++ = *p++;
bequal(a, b, len)
char *a;
char *b;
int len;
register char *p, *q;
register int i;
i = len;
p = a;
q = b;
while (i-- > 0)
if (*p++ != *q++)
return (0);
return (1);