install with -s
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / dbx / source.c
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)source.c 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: source.c,v 1.4 84/06/07 16:29:38 linton Exp $";
* Source file management.
#include "defs.h"
#include "source.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "mappings.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "keywords.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include <sys/file.h>
#ifndef public
typedef int Lineno;
String cursource;
Lineno curline;
Lineno cursrcline;
#define LASTLINE 0 /* recognized by printlines */
#include "lists.h"
List sourcepath;
extern char *re_comp();
private Lineno lastlinenum;
private String prevsource = nil;
* Data structure for indexing source seek addresses by line number.
* The constraints are:
* we want an array so indexing is fast and easy
* we don't want to waste space for small files
* we don't want an upper bound on # of lines in a file
* we don't know how many lines there are
* The solution is a "dirty" hash table. We have NSLOTS pointers to
* arrays of NLINESPERSLOT addresses. To find the source address of
* a particular line we find the slot, allocate space if necessary,
* and then find its location within the pointed to array.
typedef long Seekaddr;
#define NSLOTS 40
#define slotno(line) ((line) div NLINESPERSLOT)
#define index(line) ((line) mod NLINESPERSLOT)
#define slot_alloc() newarr(Seekaddr, NLINESPERSLOT)
#define srcaddr(line) seektab[slotno(line)][index(line)]
private File srcfp;
private Seekaddr *seektab[NSLOTS];
* Determine if the current source file is available.
public boolean canReadSource ()
boolean b;
if (cursource == nil) {
b = false;
} else if (cursource != prevsource) {
b = (boolean) (lastlinenum != 0);
} else {
b = true;
return b;
* Print out the given lines from the source.
public printlines(l1, l2)
Lineno l1, l2;
register int c;
register Lineno i, lb, ub;
register File f;
if (cursource == nil) {
fprintf(stderr, "no source file\n");
} else {
if (cursource != prevsource) {
if (lastlinenum == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't read \"%s\"\n", cursource);
} else {
lb = (l1 == LASTLINE) ? lastlinenum : l1;
ub = (l2 == LASTLINE) ? lastlinenum : l2;
if (lb < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "line number must be positive\n");
} else if (lb > lastlinenum) {
if (lastlinenum == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" has only 1 line\n", cursource);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" has only %d lines\n",
cursource, lastlinenum);
} else if (ub < lb) {
fprintf(stderr, "second number must be greater than first\n");
} else {
if (ub > lastlinenum) {
ub = lastlinenum;
f = srcfp;
fseek(f, srcaddr(lb), 0);
for (i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
printf("%5d ", i);
while ((c = getc(f)) != '\n') {
cursrcline = ub + 1;
* Search the sourcepath for a file.
static char fileNameBuf[1024];
public String findsource(filename)
String filename;
register String src, dir;
if (filename[0] == '/') {
src = filename;
} else {
src = nil;
foreach (String, dir, sourcepath)
sprintf(fileNameBuf, "%s/%s", dir, filename);
if (access(fileNameBuf, R_OK) == 0) {
src = fileNameBuf;
return src;
* Open a source file looking in the appropriate places.
public File opensource(filename)
String filename;
String s;
File f;
s = findsource(filename);
if (s == nil) {
f = nil;
} else {
f = fopen(s, "r");
return f;
* Set the current source file.
public setsource(filename)
String filename;
if (filename != nil and filename != cursource) {
prevsource = cursource;
cursource = filename;
cursrcline = 1;
* Read the source file getting seek pointers for each line.
private skimsource()
register int c;
register Seekaddr count;
register File f;
register Lineno linenum;
register Seekaddr lastaddr;
register int slot;
f = opensource(cursource);
if (f == nil) {
lastlinenum = 0;
} else {
if (prevsource != nil) {
if (srcfp != nil) {
prevsource = cursource;
linenum = 0;
count = 0;
lastaddr = 0;
while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF) {
if (c == '\n') {
slot = slotno(++linenum);
if (slot >= NSLOTS) {
panic("skimsource: too many lines");
if (seektab[slot] == nil) {
seektab[slot] = slot_alloc();
seektab[slot][index(linenum)] = lastaddr;
lastaddr = count;
lastlinenum = linenum;
srcfp = f;
* Erase information and release space in the current seektab.
* This is in preparation for reading in seek pointers for a
* new file. It is possible that seek pointers for all files
* should be kept around, but the current concern is space.
private free_seektab()
register int slot;
for (slot = 0; slot < NSLOTS; slot++) {
if (seektab[slot] != nil) {
* Figure out current source position.
public getsrcpos()
String filename;
curline = srcline(pc);
filename = srcfilename(pc);
if (curline != 0) {
cursrcline = curline;
* Print out the current source position.
public printsrcpos()
printf("at line %d", curline);
if (nlhdr.nfiles > 1) {
printf(" in file \"%s\"", cursource);
#define DEF_EDITOR "vi"
* Invoke an editor on the given file. Which editor to use might change
* installation to installation. For now, we use "vi". In any event,
* the environment variable "EDITOR" overrides any default.
public edit(filename)
String filename;
extern String getenv();
String ed, src, s;
Symbol f;
Address addr;
char lineno[10];
ed = getenv("EDITOR");
if (ed == nil) {
src = findsource((filename != nil) ? filename : cursource);
if (src == nil) {
f = which(identname(filename, true));
if (not isblock(f)) {
error("can't read \"%s\"", filename);
addr = firstline(f);
if (addr == NOADDR) {
error("no source for \"%s\"", filename);
src = srcfilename(addr);
s = findsource(src);
if (s != nil) {
src = s;
sprintf(lineno, "+%d", srcline(addr));
} else {
sprintf(lineno, "+1");
if (streq(ed, "vi") or streq(ed, "ex")) {
call(ed, stdin, stdout, lineno, src, nil);
} else {
call(ed, stdin, stdout, src, nil);
* Strip away portions of a given pattern not part of the regular expression.
private String getpattern (pattern)
String pattern;
register char *p, *r;
p = pattern;
while (*p == ' ' or *p == '\t') {
r = p;
while (*p != '\0') {
if (*p == '\n') {
*p = '\0';
if (*p == *r) {
*p = '\0';
return r + 1;
* Search the current file for a regular expression.
public search (direction, pattern)
char direction;
String pattern;
register String p;
register File f;
String re, err;
Lineno line;
boolean matched;
char buf[512];
if (cursource == nil) {
fprintf(stderr, "no source file\n");
} else {
if (cursource != prevsource) {
if (lastlinenum == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't read \"%s\"\n", cursource);
} else {
re = getpattern(pattern);
/* circf = 0; */
if (re != nil and *re != '\0') {
err = re_comp(re);
if (err != nil) {
matched = false;
f = srcfp;
line = cursrcline;
do {
if (direction == '/') {
if (line > lastlinenum) {
line = 1;
} else {
if (line < 1) {
line = lastlinenum;
fseek(f, srcaddr(line), L_SET);
p = buf;
*p = getc(f);
while ((*p != '\n') and (*p != EOF)) {
*p = getc(f);
*p = '\0';
matched = (boolean) re_exec(buf);
} while (not matched and line != cursrcline);
if (not matched) {
fprintf(stderr, "no match\n");
} else {
printlines(line, line);
cursrcline = line;
* Compute a small window around the given line.
public getsrcwindow (line, l1, l2)
Lineno line, *l1, *l2;
Node s;
integer size;
s = findvar(identname("$listwindow", true));
if (s == nil) {
size = 10;
} else {
size = pop(integer);
*l1 = line - (size div 2);
if (*l1 < 1) {
*l1 = 1;
*l2 = *l1 + size;
if (lastlinenum != LASTLINE and *l2 > lastlinenum) {
*l2 = lastlinenum;