install with -s
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / config / mkubglue.c
* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)mkubglue.c 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
* Make the uba interrupt file ubglue.s
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include ""
register FILE *fp;
register struct device *dp, *mp;
fp = fopen(path("ubglue.s"), "w");
if (fp == 0) {
for (dp = dtab; dp != 0; dp = dp->d_next) {
mp = dp->d_conn;
if (mp != 0 && mp != (struct device *)-1 &&
!eq(mp->d_name, "mba")) {
struct idlst *id, *id2;
for (id = dp->d_vec; id; id = id->id_next) {
for (id2 = dp->d_vec; id2; id2 = id2->id_next) {
if (id2 == id) {
dump_vec(fp, id->id, dp->d_unit);
if (!strcmp(id->id, id2->id))
for (dp = dtab; dp != 0; dp = dp->d_next) {
mp = dp->d_conn;
if (mp != 0 && mp != (struct device *)-1 &&
!eq(mp->d_name, "mba")) {
struct idlst *id, *id2;
for (id = dp->d_vec; id; id = id->id_next) {
for (id2 = dp->d_vec; id2; id2 = id2->id_next) {
if (id2 == id) {
dump_intname(fp, id->id,
if (!strcmp(id->id, id2->id))
(void) fclose(fp);
static int cntcnt = 0; /* number of interrupt counters allocated */
* print an interrupt vector
dump_vec(fp, vector, number)
register FILE *fp;
char *vector;
int number;
char nbuf[80];
register char *v = nbuf;
(void) sprintf(v, "%s%d", vector, number);
fprintf(fp, "\t.globl\t_X%s\n\t.align\t2\n_X%s:\n\tpushr\t$0x3f\n",
v, v);
fprintf(fp, "\tincl\t_fltintrcnt+(4*%d)\n", cntcnt++);
if (strncmp(vector, "dzx", 3) == 0)
fprintf(fp, "\tmovl\t$%d,r0\n\tjmp\tdzdma\n\n", number);
else {
if (strncmp(vector, "uur", 3) == 0) {
fprintf(fp, "#ifdef UUDMA\n");
fprintf(fp, "\tmovl\t$%d,r0\n\tjsb\tuudma\n", number);
fprintf(fp, "#endif\n");
fprintf(fp, "\tpushl\t$%d\n", number);
fprintf(fp, "\tcalls\t$1,_%s\n\tpopr\t$0x3f\n", vector);
fprintf(fp, "\tincl\t_cnt+V_INTR\n\trei\n\n");
* Start the interrupt name table with the names
* of the standard vectors not on the unibus.
* The number and order of these names should correspond
* with the definitions in scb.s.
register FILE *fp;
fprintf(fp, "\n\t.globl\t_intrnames\n");
fprintf(fp, "\n\t.globl\t_eintrnames\n");
fprintf(fp, "\\n");
fprintf(fp, "_intrnames:\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"clock\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"cnr\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"cnx\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"tur\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"tux\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"mba0\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"mba1\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"mba2\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"mba3\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"uba0\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"uba1\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"uba2\"\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"uba3\"\n");
#define I_FIXED 13 /* number of names above */
dump_intname(fp, vector, number)
register FILE *fp;
char *vector;
int number;
register char *cp = vector;
fprintf(fp, "\t.asciz\t\"");
* Skip any "int" or "intr" in the name.
while (*cp)
if (cp[0] == 'i' && cp[1] == 'n' && cp[2] == 't') {
cp += 3;
if (*cp == 'r')
} else {
putc(*cp, fp);
fprintf(fp, "%d\"\n", number);
register FILE *fp;
fprintf(fp, "_eintrnames:\n");
fprintf(fp, "\n\t.globl\t_intrcnt\n");
fprintf(fp, "\n\t.globl\t_eintrcnt\n");
fprintf(fp, "_intrcnt:\n", I_FIXED);
fprintf(fp, "\\t4 * %d\n", I_FIXED);
fprintf(fp, "_fltintrcnt:\n", cntcnt);
fprintf(fp, "\\t4 * %d\n", cntcnt);
fprintf(fp, "_eintrcnt:\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "\t.text\n");