BSD 4_1c_2 development
[unix-history] / a / sys / vax / mscp.h
/* mscp.h 4.3 82/11/13 */
* Definitions for the Mass Storage Control Protocol
* Control message opcodes
#define M_OP_ABORT 0001 /* Abort command */
#define M_OP_GTCMD 0002 /* Get command status command */
#define M_OP_GTUNT 0003 /* Get unit status command */
#define M_OP_STCON 0004 /* Set controller characteristics command */
#define M_OP_SEREX 0007 /* Serious exception end message */
#define M_OP_AVAIL 0010 /* Available command */
#define M_OP_ONLIN 0011 /* Online command */
#define M_OP_STUNT 0012 /* Set unit characteristics command */
#define M_OP_DTACP 0013 /* Determine access paths command */
#define M_OP_ACCES 0020 /* Access command */
#define M_OP_CMPCD 0021 /* Compare controller data command */
#define M_OP_ERASE 0022 /* Erase command */
#define M_OP_FLUSH 0023 /* Flush command */
#define M_OP_REPLC 0024 /* Replace command */
#define M_OP_COMP 0040 /* Compare host data command */
#define M_OP_READ 0041 /* Read command */
#define M_OP_WRITE 0042 /* Write command */
#define M_OP_AVATN 0100 /* Available attention message */
#define M_OP_DUPUN 0101 /* Duplicate unit number attention message */
#define M_OP_ACPTH 0102 /* Access path attention message */
#define M_OP_END 0200 /* End message flag */
* Generic command modifiers
#define M_MD_EXPRS 0100000 /* Express request */
#define M_MD_COMP 0040000 /* Compare */
#define M_MD_CLSEX 0020000 /* Clear serious exception */
#define M_MD_ERROR 0010000 /* Force error */
#define M_MD_SCCHH 0004000 /* Suppress caching (high speed) */
#define M_MD_SCCHL 0002000 /* Suppress caching (low speed) */
#define M_MD_SECOR 0001000 /* Suppress error correction */
#define M_MD_SEREC 0000400 /* Suppress error recovery */
#define M_MD_SSHDW 0000200 /* Suppress shadowing */
#define M_MD_WBKNV 0000100 /* Write back (non-volatile) */
#define M_MD_WBKVL 0000040 /* Write back (volatile) */
#define M_MD_WRSEQ 0000020 /* Write shadow set one unit at a time */
* AVAILABLE command modifiers
#define M_MD_ALLCD 0000002 /* All class drivers */
#define M_MD_SPNDW 0000001 /* Spin down */
* FLUSH command modifiers
#define M_MD_FLENU 0000001 /* Flush entire unit */
#define M_MD_VOLTL 0000002 /* Volatile only */
* GET UNIT STATUS command modifiers
#define M_MD_NXUNT 0000001 /* Next unit */
* ONLINE command modifiers
#define M_MD_RIP 0000001 /* Allow self destruction */
#define M_MD_IGNMF 0000002 /* Ignore media format error */
#define M_MD_ALTHI 0000040 /* Alter host identifier */
#define M_MD_SHDSP 0000020 /* Shadow unit specified */
#define M_MD_CLWBL 0000010 /* Clear write-back data lost */
#define M_MD_STWRP 0000004 /* Set write protect */
* REPLACE command modifiers
#define M_MD_PRIMR 0000001 /* Primary replacement block */
* End message flags
#define M_EF_BBLKR 0200 /* Bad block reported */
#define M_EF_BBLKU 0100 /* Bad block unreported */
#define M_EF_ERLOG 0040 /* Error log generated */
#define M_EF_SEREX 0020 /* Serious exception */
* Controller flags
#define M_CF_ATTN 0200 /* Enable attention messages */
#define M_CF_MISC 0100 /* Enable miscellaneous error log messages */
#define M_CF_OTHER 0040 /* Enable other host's error log messages */
#define M_CF_THIS 0020 /* Enable this host's error log messages */
#define M_CF_MLTHS 0004 /* Multi-host */
#define M_CF_SHADW 0002 /* Shadowing */
#define M_CF_576 0001 /* 576 byte sectors */
* Unit flags
#define M_UF_REPLC 0100000 /* Controller initiated bad block replacement */
#define M_UF_INACT 0040000 /* Inactive shadow set unit */
#define M_UF_WRTPH 0020000 /* Write protect (hardware) */
#define M_UF_WRTPS 0010000 /* Write protect (software or volume) */
#define M_UF_SCCHH 0004000 /* Suppress caching (high speed) */
#define M_UF_SCCHL 0002000 /* Suppress caching (low speed) */
#define M_UF_RMVBL 0000200 /* Removable media */
#define M_UF_WBKNV 0000100 /* Write back (non-volatile) */
#define M_UF_576 0000004 /* 576 byte sectors */
#define M_UF_CMPWR 0000002 /* Compare writes */
#define M_UF_CMPRD 0000001 /* Compare reads */
* Status codes
#define M_ST_MASK 037 /* Status code mask */
#define M_ST_SUCC 000 /* Success */
#define M_ST_ICMD 001 /* Invalid command */
#define M_ST_ABRTD 002 /* Command aborted */
#define M_ST_OFFLN 003 /* Unit offline */
#define M_ST_AVLBL 004 /* Unit available */
#define M_ST_MFMTE 005 /* Media format error */
#define M_ST_WRTPR 006 /* Write protected */
#define M_ST_COMP 007 /* Compare error */
#define M_ST_DATA 010 /* Data error */
#define M_ST_HSTBF 011 /* Host buffer access error */
#define M_ST_CNTLR 012 /* Controller error */
#define M_ST_DRIVE 013 /* Drive error */
#define M_ST_DIAG 037 /* Message from an internal diagnostic */
* An MSCP packet
struct mscp {
struct mscp_header mscp_header;/* device specific header */
long mscp_cmdref; /* command reference number */
short mscp_unit; /* unit number */
short mscp_xxx1; /* unused */
u_char mscp_opcode; /* opcode */
u_char mscp_flags; /* end message flags */
short mscp_modifier; /* modifiers */
union {
struct {
long Mscp_bytecnt; /* byte count */
long Mscp_buffer; /* buffer descriptor */
long Mscp_xxx2[2]; /* unused */
long Mscp_lbn; /* logical block number */
long Mscp_xxx4; /* unused */
long *Mscp_dscptr; /* pointer to descriptor (software) */
long Mscp_sftwds[4]; /* software words, padding */
} mscp_generic;
struct {
short Mscp_version; /* MSCP version */
short Mscp_cntflgs; /* controller flags */
short Mscp_hsttmo; /* host timeout */
short Mscp_usefrac; /* use fraction */
long Mscp_time; /* time and date */
} mscp_setcntchar;
struct {
short Mscp_multunt; /* multi-unit code */
short Mscp_unitflgs; /* unit flags */
long Mscp_hostid; /* host identifier */
quad Mscp_unitid; /* unit identifier */
long Mscp_mediaid; /* media type identifier */
short Mscp_shdwunt; /* shadow unit */
short Mscp_shdwsts; /* shadow status */
short Mscp_track; /* track size */
short Mscp_group; /* group size */
short Mscp_cylinder; /* cylinder size */
short Mscp_xxx3; /* reserved */
short Mscp_rctsize; /* RCT table size */
char Mscp_rbns; /* RBNs / track */
char Mscp_rctcpys; /* RCT copies */
} mscp_getunitsts;
} mscp_un;
* generic packet
#define mscp_bytecnt mscp_un.mscp_generic.Mscp_bytecnt
#define mscp_buffer mscp_un.mscp_generic.Mscp_buffer
#define mscp_lbn mscp_un.mscp_generic.Mscp_lbn
#define mscp_dscptr mscp_un.mscp_generic.Mscp_dscptr
#define mscp_sftwds mscp_un.mscp_generic.Mscp_sftwds
#define mscp_status mscp_modifier
* Abort / Get Command Status packet
#define mscp_outref mscp_bytecnt
* Online / Set Unit Characteristics packet
#define mscp_errlgfl mscp_lbn
#define mscp_copyspd mscp_shdwsts
* Replace packet
#define mscp_rbn mscp_bytecnt
* Set Controller Characteristics packet
#define mscp_version mscp_un.mscp_setcntchar.Mscp_version
#define mscp_cntflgs mscp_un.mscp_setcntchar.Mscp_cntflgs
#define mscp_hsttmo mscp_un.mscp_setcntchar.Mscp_hsttmo
#define mscp_usefrac mscp_un.mscp_setcntchar.Mscp_usefrac
#define mscp_time mscp_un.mscp_setcntchar.Mscp_time
* Get Unit Status end packet
#define mscp_multunt mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_multunt
#define mscp_unitflgs mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_unitflgs
#define mscp_hostid mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_hostid
#define mscp_unitid mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_unitid
#define mscp_mediaid mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_mediaid
#define mscp_shdwunt mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_shdwunt
#define mscp_shdwsts mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_shdwsts
#define mscp_track mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_track
#define mscp_group mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_group
#define mscp_cylinder mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_cylinder
#define mscp_rctsize mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_rctsize
#define mscp_rbns mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_rbns
#define mscp_rctcpys mscp_un.mscp_getunitsts.Mscp_rctcpys
* Online / Set Unit Characteristics end packet
#define mscp_untsize mscp_dscptr
#define mscp_volser mscp_sftwds[0]
* Set Controller Characteristics end packet
#define mscp_cnttmo mscp_hsttmo
#define mscp_cntcmdl mscp_usefrac
#define mscp_cntid mscp_unitid
* Error Log message format codes
#define M_FM_CNTERR 0 /* Controller error */
#define M_FM_BUSADDR 1 /* Host memory access error */
#define M_FM_DISKTRN 2 /* Disk transfer error */
#define M_FM_SDI 3 /* SDI error */
#define M_FM_SMLDSK 4 /* Small disk error */
* Error Log message flags
#define M_LF_SUCC 0200 /* Operation successful */
#define M_LF_CONT 0100 /* Operation continuing */
#define M_LF_SQNRS 0001 /* Sequence number reset */
* MSCP Error Log packet
* NOTE: MSCP packet must be padded to this size.
struct mslg {
struct mscp_header mslg_header;/* device specific header */
long mslg_cmdref; /* command reference number */
short mslg_unit; /* unit number */
short mslg_seqnum; /* sequence number */
u_char mslg_format; /* format */
u_char mslg_flags; /* error log message flags */
short mslg_event; /* event code */
quad mslg_cntid; /* controller id */
u_char mslg_cntsvr; /* controller software version */
u_char mslg_cnthvr; /* controller hardware version */
short mslg_multunt; /* multi-unit code */
quad mslg_unitid; /* unit id */
u_char mslg_unitsvr; /* unit software version */
u_char mslg_unithvr; /* unit hardware version */
short mslg_group; /* group; retry + level */
long mslg_volser; /* volume serial number */
long mslg_hdr; /* header */
char mslg_sdistat[12]; /* SDI status information */
#define mslg_busaddr mslg_unitid.val[0]
#define mslg_sdecyl mslg_group