BSD 2 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-1 / ex-1.1 / ex.h
#define VISUAL
* Ex - text editor
* Bill Joy UCB June 1977
* Based on an earlier editor "ex" written by
* William Joy and Charles Haley.
* And of course an inestimable debt to "ed"!
#define STATIC
#define CHAR
#define NIL 0
#define QUOTE 0200
#define HUP 1
#define INTR 2
#define QUIT 3
#define FNSIZE 64
#define LBSIZE 512
#define EOF -1
char ruptible, inglobal, inopen, inconf, listf, endline, laste, intty;
char shudclob, diddle, die;
int chngflag, xchngflag, tchngflag;
char /* savedfile[FNS, */ file[FNSIZE], altfile[FNSIZE];
char linebuf[LBSIZE], genbuf[LBSIZE];
int *address(), *addr1, *addr2;
int *zero, *one, *dot, *dol, *unddol, *endcore, *fendcore;
int *unddel, *undap1, *undap2, *undadot;
char undkind;
#define UNDCHANGE 0
#define UNDMOVE 1
#define UNDALL 2
#define UNDNONE 3
int io, erfile, tfile;
char *globp, *erpath;
int names[27];
int outcol;
char home[30];
char *Command;
int getfile(), gettty(), getchar(), getsub();
#include "ex_vars.h"
#define eq(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
#define CTRL(c) ('c' & 037)
#define ECHO 010
#define RAW 040
char normtty;
int normf;
struct {
int fildes;
int nunused;
char *xfree;
char buff[512];
} obuf;
int oldhup, onhup(), oldquit, onintr();
struct {
int Atime[2];
int Auid;
int Alines;
int Afname[FNSIZE];
int Ablocks[100];
} header;
#define savedfile header.Afname
#define blocks header.Ablocks
int dirtcnt;
char recov;
char TTYNAM[];
int TMODE;
int lastc, peekc;
#define lastchar() lastc
#define setlastchar(c) lastc = c
#define ungetchar(c) peekc = c
char aiflag;
#define setai(i) aiflag = i
int pid, rpid, status, tty[3];
char allredraw, pfast;
int mask, vcntcol;