BSD 4_2 release
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / sail / driver2.c
#ifndef lint
static char *sccsid = "@(#)driver2.c 1.1 83/03/17";
#define EXPLODE 5
#include "externs.h"
#define couldwin(from, to) (specs[scene[game].ship[from].shipnum].crew2 > specs[scene[game].ship[to].shipnum].crew2 * 1.5)
register int n, l, friendly;
for (n=0; n < scene[game].vessels; n++){
if (!scene[game].ship[n].file -> captain[0] && pos[n].dir){
for (l=0; l < scene[game].vessels; l++){
if ((friendly = scene[game].ship[l].file -> captured) < 0)
friendly = scene[game].ship[n].nationality == scene[game].ship[l].nationality;
friendly = scene[game].ship[n].nationality == scene[game].ship[friendly].nationality;
if (!friendly){
if (range(n,l) == 1 && !scene[game].ship[n].file -> struck && scene[game].ship[n].file -> captured < 0){
if (grapple(n,l))
if (toughmelee(n,l,0,0))
ungrap(n, l);
grap(n, l);
else if (couldwin(n,l)){
grap(n, l);
loadwith[n] = GRAPE;
register int k, n, explode, sink;
for (n=0; n < scene[game].vessels; n++){
explode = scene[game].ship[n].file -> explode;
sink = scene[game].ship[n].file -> sink;
if (die() >= 5 && (explode == 1 || sink == 1)){
explode = 2;
if (sink != 1)
Write(FILES + n, 0, 232, explode);
Write(FILES + n, 0, 234, explode);
pos[n].dir = 0; /* hopefully enough to kill ship */
Write(n, 0, 10, 0);
if (fouled(n) || grappled(n)){
for (k=0; k < 10; k++){
if (scene[game].ship[n].file -> fouls[k].turnfoul)
cleanfoul(n,scene[game].ship[n].file -> fouls[k].toship,k);
for (k=0; k < 10; k++){
if (scene[game].ship[n].file -> grapples[k].turnfoul)
cleangrapple(n,scene[game].ship[n].file -> grapples[k].toship,k);
if (sink != 1){
makesignal("exploding!", 0, n);
for (k=0; k < scene[game].vessels; k++)
if (k != n && pos[k].dir && range(n,k) < 4)
table(RIGGING, EXPLODE, specs[scene[game].ship[n].shipnum].guns/13, k, n, 6);
else {
makesignal("sinking!", 0, n);
register int n, captured, pc, prisoners, points;
struct shipspecs *ptr;
struct File *ptr1;
for (n=0; n < scene[game].vessels; n++){
ptr1 = scene[game].ship[n].file;
if ((captured = ptr1 -> captured) > -1 && !scene[game].ship[n].file -> struck && pos[n].dir){
ptr = &specs[scene[game].ship[n].shipnum];
points = scene[game].ship[captured].file -> points;
prisoners = ptr -> crew1 + ptr -> crew2 + ptr -> crew3;
if (prisoners > ptr1 -> pcrew * 6){
Write(FILES + n, 0, 68,-1);
points -= 2 * ptr -> pts;
Write(FILES + n, 1, 164, "prize crew overthrown");
Write(FILES + captured, 0, 20, points);
char strend(str)
char *str;
register int n;
for (n=0; *(str+n); n++);
return( n ? *(str + n -1) : 0);
closeon(fromship, toship, command, ta, ma, af)
int fromship, toship, ma, ta, af;
char command[10];
int high;
char temp[10];
temp[0] = command[0] = '\0';
high = -30000;
try(command, temp, ma, ta, af, ma, pos[fromship].dir, fromship, toship, &high, 0);
int dtab[8] = {0,1,1,2,3,4,4,5}; /* diagonal distances in x==y */
score(movement,shipnum, toship, permanent, onlytemp)
int shipnum, toship, permanent, onlytemp;
char movement[10];
int drift, row, col, dir, n, dist, total, ran;
int dr = 0, dc = 0;
if (dir = pos[shipnum].dir){
row = pos[shipnum].row;
col = pos[shipnum].col;
for (n=0; movement[n]; n++)
case 'r':
if ((++pos[shipnum].dir) == 9)
pos[shipnum].dir = 1;
case 'l':
if (!(--pos[shipnum].dir))
pos[shipnum].dir = 8;
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
drdc(&dr, &dc, pos[shipnum].dir);
if (!(pos[shipnum].dir % 2))
dist = dtab[movement[n] - '0'];
dist = movement[n] - '0';
pos[shipnum].row -= dr * dist;
pos[shipnum].col -= dc * dist;
dr = dc = 0;
drift = scene[game].ship[shipnum].file -> drift;
if (!windspeed) drift = 1;
if (row == pos[shipnum].row && col == pos[shipnum].col){
if (drift > 2){
drdc(&dr, &dc, winddir);
dist = 1 - ((specs[scene[game].ship[shipnum].shipnum].class < 3 || fouled(shipnum) || grappled(shipnum)) && turn % 2);
pos[shipnum].row -= dr * dist;
pos[shipnum].col -= dc * dist;
if (permanent)
strcat(movement, "d");
drift = 0;
ran = range(shipnum, toship);
total = -50*ran;
if (ran < 4 && gunsbear(shipnum, toship))
total += 60;
if ((ran = portside(shipnum, toship, 1) - pos[shipnum].dir) == 4 || ran == -4)
total = -30000;
if (!*movement) strcpy(movement, "d");
if (permanent){
if (drift != scene[game].ship[shipnum].file -> drift)
Write(FILES + shipnum, 0, 82, drift);
if (pos[shipnum].row != scene[game].ship[shipnum].shiprow)
Write(shipnum, 0, 6, pos[shipnum].row);
if (pos[shipnum].col != scene[game].ship[shipnum].shipcol)
Write(shipnum, 0, 8, pos[shipnum].col);
if (pos[shipnum].dir != scene[game].ship[shipnum].shipdir)
Write(shipnum, 0, 10, pos[shipnum].dir);
if (!onlytemp){
pos[shipnum].row = row;
pos[shipnum].col = col;
pos[shipnum].dir = dir;
try(command, temp,ma, ta, af, vma, dir, shipnum, toship, high, rakeme)
int ma, ta, af, shipnum, toship, *high, rakeme;
char command[10], temp[10];
register int new, n;
char st[4];
if ((n = strend(temp)) < '1' || n > '9')
for(n = 1; vma - n >= 0; n++){
sprintf(st, "%d", n);
strcat(temp, st);
new = score(temp, shipnum, toship, 0, rakeme);
if (new > *high && (!rakeme || (gunsbear(shipnum, toship) && !gunsbear(toship, shipnum)))){
*high = new;
strcpy(command, temp);
try(command, temp, ma-n, ta, af, vma-n, dir, shipnum, toship, high, rakeme);
if ((ma > 0 && ta > 0 && (n = strend(temp)) != 'l' && n != 'r') || !lengthof(temp)){
strcat(temp, "r");
new = score(temp, shipnum, toship, 0, rakeme);
if (new > *high && (!rakeme || (gunsbear(shipnum, toship) && !gunsbear(toship, shipnum)))){
*high = new;
strcpy(command, temp);
try(command, temp, ma-1, ta-1, af, (min(ma-1,maxmove(shipnum, (dir == 8 ? 1 : dir+1), 0))), (dir == 8 ? 1 : dir+1),shipnum,toship,high,rakeme);
if ((ma > 0 && ta > 0 && (n = strend(temp)) != 'l' && n != 'r') || !lengthof(temp)){
strcat(temp, "l");
new = score(temp, shipnum, toship, 0, rakeme);
if (new > *high && (!rakeme || (gunsbear(shipnum, toship) && !gunsbear(toship, shipnum)))){
*high = new;
strcpy(command, temp);
try(command, temp, ma-1, ta-1, af, (min(ma-1,maxmove(shipnum, (dir-1 ? dir-1 : 8), 0))), (dir-1 ? dir -1 : 8), shipnum, toship, high, rakeme);
closestenemy(fromship, side, anyship) /*returns the NUMBER of the closest ship*/
int fromship;
char side, anyship;
register int n, olddist = 30000, ident, captured;
register int dist, eclosest = 30000;
if ((ident = scene[game].ship[fromship].file -> captured) < 0)
ident = fromship;
for (n=0; n < scene[game].vessels; n++){
if ((captured = scene[game].ship[n].file -> captured) < 0)
captured = n;
if (n != fromship && pos[n].dir && (scene[game].ship[ident].nationality != scene[game].ship[captured].nationality || anyship)){
if (!side || gunsbear(fromship, n) == side){
dist = range(fromship, n);
if (dist < olddist){
eclosest = n;
olddist = dist;