added no parity flage for 386 8-bit character display console
[unix-history] / usr / src / libexec / getty / init.c
* Copyright (c) 1983 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)init.c 5.6 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* not lint */
* Getty table initializations.
* Melbourne getty.
#include <sgtty.h>
#include "gettytab.h"
#include "pathnames.h"
extern struct sgttyb tmode;
extern struct tchars tc;
extern struct ltchars ltc;
extern char hostname[];
struct gettystrs gettystrs[] = {
{ "nx" }, /* next table */
{ "cl" }, /* screen clear characters */
{ "im" }, /* initial message */
{ "lm", "login: " }, /* login message */
{ "er", &tmode.sg_erase }, /* erase character */
{ "kl", &tmode.sg_kill }, /* kill character */
{ "et", &tc.t_eofc }, /* eof chatacter (eot) */
{ "pc", "" }, /* pad character */
{ "tt" }, /* terminal type */
{ "ev" }, /* enviroment */
{ "lo", _PATH_LOGIN }, /* login program */
{ "hn", hostname }, /* host name */
{ "he" }, /* host name edit */
{ "in", &tc.t_intrc }, /* interrupt char */
{ "qu", &tc.t_quitc }, /* quit char */
{ "xn", &tc.t_startc }, /* XON (start) char */
{ "xf", &tc.t_stopc }, /* XOFF (stop) char */
{ "bk", &tc.t_brkc }, /* brk char (alt \n) */
{ "su", &ltc.t_suspc }, /* suspend char */
{ "ds", &ltc.t_dsuspc }, /* delayed suspend */
{ "rp", &ltc.t_rprntc }, /* reprint char */
{ "fl", &ltc.t_flushc }, /* flush output */
{ "we", &ltc.t_werasc }, /* word erase */
{ "ln", &ltc.t_lnextc }, /* literal next */
{ 0 }
struct gettynums gettynums[] = {
{ "is" }, /* input speed */
{ "os" }, /* output speed */
{ "sp" }, /* both speeds */
{ "nd" }, /* newline delay */
{ "cd" }, /* carriage-return delay */
{ "td" }, /* tab delay */
{ "fd" }, /* form-feed delay */
{ "bd" }, /* backspace delay */
{ "to" }, /* timeout */
{ "f0" }, /* output flags */
{ "f1" }, /* input flags */
{ "f2" }, /* user mode flags */
{ "pf" }, /* delay before flush at 1st prompt */
{ 0 }
struct gettyflags gettyflags[] = {
{ "ht", 0 }, /* has tabs */
{ "nl", 1 }, /* has newline char */
{ "ep", 0 }, /* even parity */
{ "op", 0 }, /* odd parity */
{ "ap", 0 }, /* any parity */
{ "ec", 1 }, /* no echo */
{ "co", 0 }, /* console special */
{ "cb", 0 }, /* crt backspace */
{ "ck", 0 }, /* crt kill */
{ "ce", 0 }, /* crt erase */
{ "pe", 0 }, /* printer erase */
{ "rw", 1 }, /* don't use raw */
{ "xc", 1 }, /* don't ^X ctl chars */
{ "lc", 0 }, /* terminal las lower case */
{ "uc", 0 }, /* terminal has no lower case */
{ "ig", 0 }, /* ignore garbage */
{ "ps", 0 }, /* do port selector speed select */
{ "hc", 1 }, /* don't set hangup on close */
{ "ub", 0 }, /* unbuffered output */
{ "ab", 0 }, /* auto-baud detect with '\r' */
{ "dx", 0 }, /* set decctlq */
{ "np", 0 }, /* no parity at all (8bit chars) */
{ 0 }