BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / others / quipu / uips / manage / add_alias.1c
.TH add_alias 1 "26 Jun 1990"
.\" $Header: /f/osi/others/quipu/uips/manage/RCS/add_alias.1c,v 7.2 91/02/22 09:31:59 mrose Interim $
.\" $Log: add_alias.1c,v $
.\" Revision 7.2 91/02/22 09:31:59 mrose
.\" Interim 6.8
.\" Revision 7.1 91/01/24 14:43:11 mrose
.\" update
.\" Revision 7.0 90/06/26 14:52:30 mrose
.\" *** empty log message ***
add_alias \- adding aliases to the database
delete_alias \- deleting aliases from the database
alias_chk \- checking aliases in the database
.in +.5i
.B \*(SDadd_alias
\% <alias_name>
\% <object>
.B \*(SDdel_alias
\% <alias_name>
.B \*(SDalias_chk
\% <object>
.in -.5i
New management functions in the management dish.
Add_alias attempts to add the first argument to the database as an
alias to the second argument.
Del_alias removes the alias specified.
Alias_chk checks the object specified or checks all aliases below the object
specified if the object is a leaf or not. It checks to see if and only if
the four types of object that are allowed are present, that the aliased
object points back to this alias, and that the schema of the aliased object
Examples of valid arguments are:
.in +.5i
add_alias cn=newalias cn=incads
add_alias cn=newalias <sequence number>
add_alias cn=newalias <DN> (ie @c=GB@o=Brunel)
del_alias cn=newalias
del_alias 1
del_alias <DN> (ie @c=GB@o=Brunel)
alias_chk cn=newalias
alias_chk 1
alias_chk <DN> (ie @c=GB@o=Cambridge University)
.in -.5i
\fIThe ISO Development Environment: User's Manual, Volume 5: QUIPU\fR
Steve Titcombe, UCL 1991