BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / others / quipu / uips / manage / alias_chk.c
/* alias_chk.c - checks aliases from position provided downwards. */
/* A management tool - probably best to run this as a manager. */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/others/quipu/uips/manage/RCS/alias_chk.c,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:32:02 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/others/quipu/uips/manage/RCS/alias_chk.c,v 7.1 90/07/27 08:4
* $Log: alias_chk.c,v $
* Revision 7.1 91/02/22 09:32:02 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.0 91/01/24 14:43:41 mrose
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 7.1 90/07/27 08:47:16 mrose
* update
* Revision 7.0 90/06/26 14:52:31 mrose
* *** empty log message ***
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include "quipu/entry.h"
#include "quipu/util.h"
#include "quipu/compare.h"
#include "quipu/ds_search.h"
#include "quipu/read.h"
#define ORG_PERSON "thornPerson & quipuObject"
/* this should probably go elsewhere !!! */
extern DN dn;
#define OPT (!frompipe || rps -> ps_byteno == 0 ? opt : rps)
#define RPS (!frompipe || opt -> ps_byteno == 0 ? rps : opt)
extern char frompipe;
extern PS opt;
extern PS rps;
extern Entry current_entry;
extern DN sequence_dn();
extern DN str2dn_aux();
extern Filter get_filter();
char **NULLARGV = (char **) 0;
call_alias_chk(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char **argv ;
struct ds_search_arg search_arg;
struct DSError search_error;
struct ds_search_result search_result;
DN save_dn, tmp_dn = NULLDN;
char alias = FALSE ;
char verify_alias() ;
EntryInfo *ptr ;
if (argc > 2)
ps_print(OPT, "Error, too many arguments..\n") ;
return(NOTOK) ;
if (argc == 2)
/* Convert arg 2 to a DN for future use. */
/* Turn a sequence number back into a DN */
if (*argv[1] >= '0' && *argv[1] <= '9')
/* First convert the number into a dn */
tmp_dn = dn_cpy(sequence_dn(atoi(argv[1]))) ;
if (*argv[1] == '.')
ps_print(OPT, "..@ gives me a headache. Ambiguous. Aborting.\n") ;
return(NOTOK) ;
if (*argv[1] == '@')
tmp_dn = dn_cpy(str2dn(argv[1] + 1)) ;
save_dn = dn_cpy(str2dn_aux(argv[1], &alias)) ;
if (save_dn != NULLDN)
if (alias)
tmp_dn = dn_cpy(save_dn);
if (dn == NULLDN)
tmp_dn = dn_cpy(save_dn) ;
tmp_dn = dn_cpy(dn) ;
dn_append(tmp_dn, dn_cpy(save_dn));
dn_free(save_dn) ;
/* We now have the start location in tmp_dn */
if (tmp_dn != NULLDN)
save_dn = dn_cpy(dn) ; /* save start location for later restore */
dn_free(dn) ;
dn = dn_cpy(tmp_dn) ;
dn_free(tmp_dn) ;
/* dn should be set to a: either current location, or
b: 2nd arg if specified. */
/* Is dn a leaf or a non_leaf? */
struct ds_compare_arg compare_arg;
struct DSError compare_error;
struct ds_compare_result compare_result;
if ((argc = service_control (OPT, argc, argv, &compare_arg.cma_common)) == -1)
return(NOTOK) ;
compare_arg.cma_common.ca_servicecontrol.svc_options |= SVC_OPT_DONTDEREFERENCEALIAS ;
compare_arg.cma_object = dn;
if (get_ava (&compare_arg.cma_purported, "objectClass", "quipuNonLeafObject") != OK)
ps_print(OPT, "Oops, 'objectClass=quipuNonLeafObject' is a bad attribute!\n") ;
ps_print(OPT, "This is very bad...\n") ;
return(NOTOK) ;
if (compare_arg.cma_common.ca_security != (struct security_parms *) 0)
struct signature *sign_operation();
int encode_DAS_CompareArgumentData();
compare_arg.cma_common.ca_sig =
sign_operation((caddr_t)&compare_arg, encode_DAS_CompareArgumentData) ;
if (rebind () != OK)
return(NOTOK) ;
while (ds_compare (&compare_arg, &compare_error, &compare_result) != DS_OK)
if (dish_error (OPT, &compare_error) == 0)
return(NOTOK) ;
compare_arg.cma_object = compare_error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name;
/* If the object is a leaf then check it out and exit... */
if ( compare_result.cmr_matched == FALSE )
struct DSError read_error;
struct ds_read_result read_result;
struct ds_read_arg read_arg;
read_arg.rda_eis.eis_allattributes = TRUE ;
read_arg.rda_eis.eis_select = NULLATTR ;
read_arg.rda_eis.eis_infotypes = TRUE ;
if (service_control (OPT, argc, argv, &read_arg.rda_common) == -1)
return(-1) ;
read_arg.rda_object = dn;
/* Strong authentication */
if (read_arg.rda_common.ca_security !=
(struct security_parms *) 0)
struct signature *sign_operation();
int encode_DAS_ReadArgumentData();
read_arg.rda_common.ca_sig =
while (ds_read (&read_arg, &read_error, &read_result) != DS_OK) {
if (dish_error (OPT, &read_error) == 0)
return (-2);
read_arg.rda_object = read_error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name;
if ( verify_alias(&read_result.rdr_entry) != OK )
ps_print(OPT, "Bad Alias.\n") ;
return(OK) ;
/* Else search the subtree below this current
* position for ALL aliases, and check each one. */
/* Sort out the search filter for this. */
search_arg.sra_baseobject = dn ;
search_arg.sra_subset = SRA_WHOLESUBTREE ;
search_arg.sra_common.ca_servicecontrol.svc_sizelimit = SVC_NOSIZELIMIT ;
search_arg.sra_searchaliases = FALSE ;
search_arg.sra_filter = NULLFILTER ;
if ((argc = service_control (OPT, argc, argv, &search_arg.sra_common)) == -1)
if ((search_arg.sra_filter = get_filter("objectClass=alias")) == NULLFILTER)
ps_printf (OPT,"Very bad... Filter wrong. Aborting...\n");
return(NOTOK) ;
ps_print(OPT, "Searching... please wait...\n") ;
if (rebind () != OK)
/* Strong authentication */
if (search_arg.sra_common.ca_security != (struct security_parms *) 0)
struct signature *sign_operation();
int encode_DAS_SearchArgumentData();
search_arg.sra_common.ca_sig = sign_operation((caddr_t)&search_arg, encode_DAS_SearchArgumentData);
while (ds_search (&search_arg, &search_error, &search_result) != DS_OK)
if (dish_error (OPT, &search_error) == 0)
search_arg.sra_baseobject = search_error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name ;
correlate_search_results (&search_result);
if (search_result.CSR_entries == NULLENTRYINFO)
ps_printf(OPT, "No aliases found...\n");
return(OK) ;
for (ptr = search_result.CSR_entries; ptr != NULLENTRYINFO; ptr = ptr->ent_next)
/* decode it immediately so we only have to do it once. */
cache_entry (ptr, TRUE, TRUE) ;
if ( verify_alias(ptr) != OK )
ps_print(OPT, "Bad Alias.\n") ;
handle_problems (RPS, search_result.CSR_cr,search_result.CSR_limitproblem, TRUE);
filter_free (search_arg.sra_filter);
dn_free(dn) ;
dn = dn_cpy(save_dn) ;
dn_free(save_dn) ;
return(OK) ;
EntryInfo *alias_entry ;
static char *nvec[2] = {"search"};
struct DSError read_error;
struct ds_read_result read_result;
struct ds_read_arg read_arg;
struct attrcomp *tmp_ent_attr ;
AttributeType at_ojc ;
AttributeType at_aoj ;
AttributeType at_acl ;
AttributeType at_sa ;
AttributeType at_lmt ;
AttributeType at_lmb ;
AttributeType at_trs ;
AttributeType at_c ;
AttributeType at_o ;
AttributeType at_ou ;
AttributeType at_cn ;
AV_Sequence object_class_of_object ;
AV_Sequence tree_strAVS = NULLAV ;
DN dn_above_alias, trail, dnptr ;
char Name=FALSE, Acl=FALSE, ObjClass=FALSE, AlObjNam=FALSE ;
char BackReference=FALSE ;
char GoodAlias = OK ;
at_ojc = AttrT_new("objectClass") ; /* objectClass */
at_aoj = AttrT_new("aliasedObjectName") ;
at_acl = AttrT_new("acl") ;
at_sa = AttrT_new("seeAlso") ;
at_lmt = AttrT_new("lastModifiedTime") ;
at_lmb = AttrT_new("lastModifiedBy") ;
at_trs = AttrT_new("treeStructure") ;
at_c = AttrT_new("countryName") ;
at_o = AttrT_new("organizationName") ;
at_ou = AttrT_new("organizationalUnitName") ;
at_cn = AttrT_new("commonName") ;
nvec[1] = "-compact";
read_arg.rda_object = NULLDN ;
ps_print(OPT, "\nFound alias:") ;
dn_print(OPT, alias_entry->ent_dn, EDBOUT) ;
ps_print(OPT, "\n") ;
/* We now have ourselves an entrystruct which is an alias, and we
* have to check various features!!
* 1: only the allowed objects.
* 2: the seeAlso attribute is correct (ie points to a real entry).
* 3: The objectClass of the real entry fits under where the alias
* lives.
/* Does the alias have the allowed objects and only the allowed? */
for (tmp_ent_attr = alias_entry->ent_attr; tmp_ent_attr != NULL; tmp_ent_attr = tmp_ent_attr->attr_link)
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_ojc) == 0)
ObjClass = TRUE ;
} else
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_aoj) == 0)
read_arg.rda_object = dn_cpy ((DN) tmp_ent_attr->attr_value->avseq_av.av_struct);
AlObjNam = TRUE ;
} else
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_acl) == 0)
Acl = TRUE ;
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_lmt) == 0)
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_lmb) == 0)
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_c) == 0 ||
AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_o) == 0 ||
AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_ou) == 0 ||
AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_cn) == 0)
Name = TRUE ;
ps_print(OPT, "Illegal attribute type: ") ;
AttrT_print (OPT, tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, EDBOUT) ;
ps_print(OPT, "\n") ;
GoodAlias = NOTOK;
if (read_arg.rda_object == NULLDN )
ps_print(OPT, "Malformed alias. No alias object name present!\n" ) ;
return (NOTOK) ;
if (ObjClass == FALSE)
ps_print(OPT, "Object Class missing.\n") ;
if (AlObjNam == FALSE)
ps_print(OPT, "Alias Object name missing.\n") ;
if (Acl == FALSE)
ps_print(OPT, "ACL missing.\n") ;
if (Name == FALSE)
ps_print(OPT, "Name of alias is missing.\n") ;
GoodAlias = ((ObjClass && AlObjNam && Acl && Name) ? OK : NOTOK) ;
/* Read the entry that the alias points to.... */
read_arg.rda_eis.eis_allattributes = TRUE ;
read_arg.rda_eis.eis_select = NULLATTR ;
read_arg.rda_eis.eis_infotypes = TRUE ;
if (service_control (OPT, 0, NULLARGV, &read_arg.rda_common) == -1)
return(-1) ;
/* Strong authentication */
if (read_arg.rda_common.ca_security !=
(struct security_parms *) 0)
struct signature *sign_operation();
int encode_DAS_ReadArgumentData();
read_arg.rda_common.ca_sig =
while (ds_read (&read_arg, &read_error, &read_result) != DS_OK) {
if (dish_error (OPT, &read_error) == 0)
ps_print(OPT, "Can't read ") ;
dn_print(OPT, read_arg.rda_object, EDBOUT) ;
ps_print(OPT, "\n") ;
return (GoodAlias);
read_arg.rda_object = read_error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name;
/* and see if it points back to this alias.
* It should do, but doesn't have to. While we are at it,
* collect the objectClass of this entry.
for (tmp_ent_attr = read_result.rdr_entry.ent_attr; tmp_ent_attr != NULL;
tmp_ent_attr = tmp_ent_attr->attr_link)
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_sa) == 0)
AV_Sequence tmp_avs = tmp_ent_attr->attr_value;
for (; tmp_avs != NULL; tmp_avs = tmp_avs->avseq_next)
if (dn_cmp((DN) tmp_avs->avseq_av.av_struct, alias_entry->ent_dn))
ps_print(OPT, "Alias object correctly points back to alias itself.\n") ;
BackReference = TRUE ;
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_ojc) == 0)
object_class_of_object = avs_cpy(tmp_ent_attr->attr_value) ;
if (BackReference == FALSE)
ps_print(OPT, "Alias object should point back to alias.\n") ;
if (object_class_of_object == NULLAV)
ps_print(OPT, "Can't find object class of aliased object\n. Assuming OK\n") ;
return(GoodAlias) ;
/* Move above the alias in order to find the treeStructure. */
dn_above_alias = dn_cpy(alias_entry->ent_dn) ;
for (dnptr = dn_above_alias; dnptr->dn_parent != NULLDN; dnptr = dnptr->dn_parent)
trail = dnptr;
dn_comp_free (dnptr);
trail->dn_parent = NULLDN;
/* Now read it... */
read_arg.rda_object = dn_cpy(dn_above_alias) ;
/* Strong authentication */
if (read_arg.rda_common.ca_security !=
(struct security_parms *) 0)
struct signature *sign_operation();
int encode_DAS_ReadArgumentData();
read_arg.rda_common.ca_sig =
while (ds_read (&read_arg, &read_error, &read_result) != DS_OK) {
if (dish_error (OPT, &read_error) == 0)
return (-2);
read_arg.rda_object = read_error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name;
for (tmp_ent_attr = read_result.rdr_entry.ent_attr; tmp_ent_attr != NULL;
tmp_ent_attr = tmp_ent_attr->attr_link)
if (AttrT_cmp(tmp_ent_attr->attr_type, at_trs) == 0)
tree_strAVS = avs_cpy(tmp_ent_attr->attr_value) ;
if (tree_strAVS == NULLAV)
ps_print(OPT, "Tree structure missing - assuming validity.\n") ;
if (test_schema(tree_strAVS, object_class_of_object) != OK)
ps_print(OPT, "Tree structure bad...\n") ;
GoodAlias = NOTOK ;
return (GoodAlias) ;