Bell 32V development
[unix-history] / usr / src / standalone / flpcpy.c
# include "CON.h"
# include "FL.h"
/* */
# define BLKSIZ 512 /* tape block size */
int count , sector , isector , icount ;
char *bufptr , input[128] , *ibufptr ;
int wo = 0 ;
/* */
main() {
* Stand-alone program to copy VAX LSI RX11 floppy diskette to
* memory and back to floppy.
* Floppy sector no.'s start at 1 for controller - start at 0
* for user input.
* Floppy track no.'s start at 0.
register int kk ;
putlin("flpcpy : Floppy-to-Memory-to-Floppy Copy") ;
putnl() ;
doff :
putstr("floppy sector offset : ") ;
getcon(input) ;
sector = a2l(input) ;
if ((sector < 0) || (sector >= MAXSEC)) goto doff ;
gknt :
putstr("no. of input sectors : ") ;
getcon(input) ;
count = a2l(input) ;
if (count < 0) goto gknt ;
if (count == 0) count = MAXSEC ;
if (init()) {
putlin("init error") ;
return(-1) ;
isector = sector ;
icount = count ;
if (wo) goto wflop ;
while (count>0) {
if ((count%100) == 0) {
kk = count/100 ;
l2a(kk,input) ;
putstr(input) ;
putstr(" ") ;
if (flio(FL_RS)) { /* read */
putlin("floppy input error") ;
return(-1) ;
putnl() ;
putlin("floppy read complete") ;
wflop :
putlin("mount new floppy - type any key when ready") ;
getcon(input) ;
count = icount ;
sector = isector ;
bufptr = ibufptr ;
while (count > 0) {
if ((count%100) == 0) {
kk = count/100 ;
l2a(kk,input) ;
putstr(input) ;
putstr(" ") ;
if (flio(FL_WS)) {
putlin("floppy output error") ;
return(-1) ;
putnl() ;
putlin("floppy write complete") ;
end :
return(0) ;
/* */
init() {
* Initialization.
extern char *end ;
ibufptr = bufptr = (char *)(((int)&end+511) & 017777777000) ;
return(0) ;
/* */
int func ;
* Function to read/write 1 sector from floppy disc.
* 'sector' is sector no.-1 to read into 'input[]'.
* Return (-1) for error, else return (0) .
register int j , s , t ;
register unsigned int c ;
/* compute start track & sector from current sector 'sector'. */
t = sector/RXSTRK ; /* track no. */
s = sector%RXSTRK + 1 ; /* sector */
sector++ ;
fltwait() ;
mtpr(TXDB,func) ; /* Floppy Read/Write Sector command */
fltwait() ;
mtpr(TXDB,s|FL_DATA) ; /* supply sector no. to floppy interface */
fltwait() ;
mtpr(TXDB,t|FL_DATA) ; /* track no. */
if (func == FL_RS) { /* Read Sector */
/* wait for read to complete */
if (fldone()) return(-1) ;
/* loop to read sector bytes from interface */
for (j = 0 ; j < RXBYSEC ; j++) {
flrwait() ; /* wait till ready */
(*bufptr++) = mfpr(RXDB) ; /*get data byte-assume from floppy*/
else {
if (func == FL_WS) { /* Write Sector */
for (j = 0 ; j < RXBYSEC ; j++) {
/* send byte over interface */
fltwait() ;
c = (*bufptr++) & 0xff ;
mtpr(TXDB,(c|FL_DATA)) ;
fltwait() ;
if (fldone()) return(-1) ;
count-- ;
return(0) ;