BSD 4_3_Reno development
[unix-history] / usr / share / man / cat8 / init.0
INIT(8) 1990 INIT(8)
init - process control initialization
_\bI_\bn_\bi_\bt is invoked inside UNIX as the last step in the boot
procedure. It normally then runs the automatic reboot
sequence as described in _\br_\be_\bb_\bo_\bo_\bt(8), and if this succeeds,
begins multi-user operation. If the reboot fails, it com-
mences single user operation by giving the super-user a
shell on the console. It is possible to pass parameters
from the boot program to _\bi_\bn_\bi_\bt so that single user operation
is commenced immediately. When such single user operation
is terminated by killing the single-user shell (i.e. by hit-
ting ^D), _\bi_\bn_\bi_\bt runs /_\be_\bt_\bc/_\br_\bc without the reboot parameter.
This command file performs housekeeping operations such as
removing temporary files, mounting file systems, and start-
ing daemons.
In multi-user operation, _\bi_\bn_\bi_\bt'_\bs role is to create a process
for each terminal port on which a user may log in. To begin
such operations, it reads the file /_\be_\bt_\bc/_\bt_\bt_\by_\bs and executes a
command for each terminal specified in the file. This com-
mand will usually be /_\bu_\bs_\br/_\bl_\bi_\bb_\be_\bx_\be_\bc/_\bg_\be_\bt_\bt_\by. _\bG_\be_\bt_\bt_\by opens and
initializes the terminal line, reads the user's name and
invokes _\bl_\bo_\bg_\bi_\bn to log in the user and execute the Shell.
Ultimately the Shell will terminate because of an end-of-
file either typed explicitly or generated as a result of
hanging up. The main path of _\bi_\bn_\bi_\bt, which has been waiting
for such an event, wakes up and removes the appropriate
entry from the file _\bu_\bt_\bm_\bp, which records current users, and
makes an entry in /_\bv_\ba_\br/_\bl_\bo_\bg/_\bw_\bt_\bm_\bp, which maintains a history
of logins and logouts. The _\bw_\bt_\bm_\bp entry is made only if a
user logged in successfully on the line. Then the appropri-
ate terminal is reopened and _\bg_\be_\bt_\bt_\by is reinvoked.
_\bI_\bn_\bi_\bt catches the _\bh_\ba_\bn_\bg_\bu_\bp signal (signal SIGHUP) and inter-
prets it to mean that the file /_\be_\bt_\bc/_\bt_\bt_\by_\bs should be read
again. The Shell process on each line which used to be
active in _\bt_\bt_\by_\bs but is no longer there is terminated; a new
process is created for each added line; lines unchanged in
the file are undisturbed. Thus it is possible to drop or
add terminal lines without rebooting the system by changing
the _\bt_\bt_\by_\bs file and sending a _\bh_\ba_\bn_\bg_\bu_\bp signal to the _\bi_\bn_\bi_\bt pro-
cess: use `kill -HUP 1.'
_\bI_\bn_\bi_\bt will terminate multi-user operations and resume
single-user mode if sent a terminate (TERM) signal, i.e.
``kill -TERM 1''. If there are processes outstanding which
Printed 7/27/90 June 1
INIT(8) 1990 INIT(8)
are deadlocked (due to hardware or software failure), _\bi_\bn_\bi_\bt
will not wait for them all to die (which might take for-
ever), but will time out after 30 seconds and print a warn-
ing message.
_\bI_\bn_\bi_\bt will cease creating new _\bg_\be_\bt_\bt_\by's and allow the system to
slowly die away, if it is sent a terminal stop (TSTP) sig-
nal, i.e. ``kill -TSTP 1''. A later hangup will resume full
multi-user operations, or a terminate will initiate a single
user shell. This hook is used by _\br_\be_\bb_\bo_\bo_\bt(8) and _\bh_\ba_\bl_\bt(8).
_\bI_\bn_\bi_\bt'_\bs role is so critical that if it dies, the system will
reboot itself automatically. If, at bootstrap time, the
_\bi_\bn_\bi_\bt process cannot be located, the system will loop in user
mode at location 0x13.
/\b/u\bus\bsr\br/\b/l\bli\bib\bbe\bex\bxe\bec\bc/\b/g\bge\bet\btt\bty\by _\bg_\be_\bt_\bt_\by_\ba_\br_\bg_\bs f\bfa\bai\bil\bli\bin\bng\bg,\b, s\bsl\ble\bee\bep\bpi\bin\bng\bg. A process
being started to service a line is exiting quickly each time
it is started. This is often caused by a ringing or noisy
terminal line. _\bI_\bn_\bi_\bt _\bw_\bi_\bl_\bl _\bs_\bl_\be_\be_\bp _\bf_\bo_\br _\b3_\b0 _\bs_\be_\bc_\bo_\bn_\bd_\bs,
W\bWA\bAR\bRN\bNI\bIN\bNG\bG:\b: S\bSo\bom\bme\bet\bth\bhi\bin\bng\bg i\bis\bs h\bhu\bun\bng\bg (\b(w\bwo\bon\bnt\bt d\bdi\bie\be)\b);\b; p\bps\bs a\bax\bxl\bl a\bad\bdv\bvi\bis\bse\bed\bd. A
process is hung and could not be killed when the system was
shutting down. This is usually caused by a process which is
stuck in a device driver due to a persistent device error
/dev/console, /dev/tty*, /var/run/utmp, /var/log/wtmp,
/etc/ttys, /etc/rc
S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
login(1), kill(1), sh(1), ttys(5), crash(8V), getty(8),
rc(8), reboot(8), halt(8), shutdown(8)
Printed 7/27/90 June 2