stdio.h defines BUFSIZ
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / f77 / libF77 / Makefile
# @(#)Makefile 5.13 (Berkeley) %G%
LIB= F77
SRCS= abort_.c besj0_.c besj1_.c besjn_.c besy0_.c besy1_.c besyn_.c \
c_abs.c c_cos.c c_div.c c_exp.c c_log.c c_sin.c c_sqrt.c d_abs.c \
d_acos.c d_asin.c d_atan.c d_atn2.c d_cnjg.c d_cos.c d_cosh.c \
d_dim.c d_dprod.c d_exp.c d_imag.c d_int.c d_lg10.c d_log.c \
d_mod.c d_nint.c d_prod.c d_sign.c d_sin.c d_sinh.c d_tan.c d_tanh.c \
dbesj0_.c dbesj1_.c dbesjn_.c dbesy0_.c dbesy1_.c dbesyn_.c derf_.c \
derfc_.c ef1asc_.c ef1cmc_.c erf_.c erfc_.c exit_.c h_abs.c \
h_dim.c h_dnnt.c h_indx.c h_len.c h_mod.c h_nint.c h_sign.c hl_ge.c \
hl_gt.c hl_le.c hl_lt.c i_abs.c i_dim.c i_dnnt.c i_indx.c i_len.c \
i_mod.c i_nint.c i_sign.c l_ge.c l_gt.c l_le.c l_lt.c lnblnk_.c \
long_.c main.c pow_ci.c pow_dd.c pow_di.c pow_hh.c pow_ii.c pow_ri.c \
pow_zi.c pow_zz.c r_abs.c r_acos.c r_asin.c r_atan.c r_atn2.c \
r_cnjg.c r_cos.c r_cosh.c r_dim.c r_exp.c r_imag.c r_int.c \
r_lg10.c r_log.c r_mod.c r_nint.c r_sign.c r_sin.c r_sinh.c r_sqrt.c \
r_tan.c r_tanh.c rand_.c random_.c range.c rindex_.c s_cat.c \
s_cmp.c s_copy.c s_paus.c s_rnge.c s_stop.c short_.c signal_.c \
subout.c traper_.c trapov_.c trpfpe_.c z_cos.c z_div.c z_exp.c \
z_log.c z_sin.c z_sqrt.c
LDADD= Version.o
CLEANFILES+= Usef Version.o Version.c mkvers
libF77.a libF77_p.a:: Version.o
Version.o: Version.c
${CC} -R -c Version.c
Version.c: mkvers ${SRCS}
mkvers libF77.a ${.ALLSRC:M*.c} > ${.TARGET}
mkvers: mkvers.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${.CURDIR}/mkvers.c -o ${.TARGET}
Usef: Usef.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${.CURDIR}/Usef.c -o ${.TARGET}
trapov_.o trapov_.po: trapov_.c
${CC} -S -DUCBVAX ${.CURDIR}/trapov_.c;
(echo "g/.set L[0-9][0-9]*,0x0$$/s/0x0/0xf10/"; echo "x") | \
ex - trapov_.s;
${AS} trapov_.s -o ${.TARGET}
rm -f trapov_.s
.include <>
# 'Usef' is part of a kuldge to get around a bug in the C compiler.
# C (sec. 9.10 of C ref manual) should round the return value of functions of
# type float from double to float. It doesn't, so f77 truncates it losing a
# half bit of accuracy. See file Test_float for a test. When it is fixed,
# get rid of Usef & the extraneous stores in pow_ri, r_dim, r_mod, r_nint.
.if (${MACHINE} == "vax" || ${MACHINE} == "tahoe")
.c.o: Usef
${CC} `Usef ${.PREFIX}` ${CFLAGS} -c ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}
@${LD} -x -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}
.c.po: Usef
${CC} -p `Usef ${.PREFIX}` ${CFLAGS} -c ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}
@${LD} -X -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}