Arrange to strip quote bits in message header; move SPACESUB into
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / sendmail / src / util.c
# include <stdio.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sysexits.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include "sendmail.h"
# include "conf.h"
SCCSID(@(#)util.c 3.33 %G%);
** STRIPQUOTES -- Strip quotes & quote bits from a string.
** Runs through a string and strips off unquoted quote
** characters and quote bits. This is done in place.
** Parameters:
** s -- the string to strip.
** qf -- if set, remove actual `` " '' characters
** as well as the quote bits.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** none.
** Called By:
** deliver
stripquotes(s, qf)
char *s;
bool qf;
register char *p;
register char *q;
register char c;
if (s == NULL)
for (p = q = s; (c = *p++) != '\0'; )
if (c != '"' || !qf)
*q++ = c & 0177;
*q = '\0';
** QSTRLEN -- give me the string length assuming 0200 bits add a char
** Parameters:
** s -- the string to measure.
** Reurns:
** The length of s, including space for backslash escapes.
** Side Effects:
** none.
register char *s;
register int l = 0;
register char c;
while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
if (bitset(0200, c))
return (l);
** CAPITALIZE -- return a copy of a string, properly capitalized.
** Parameters:
** s -- the string to capitalize.
** Returns:
** a pointer to a properly capitalized string.
** Side Effects:
** none.
char *
register char *s;
static char buf[50];
register char *p;
p = buf;
for (;;)
while (!isalpha(*s) && *s != '\0')
*p++ = *s++;
if (*s == '\0')
*p++ = toupper(*s++);
while (isalpha(*s))
*p++ = *s++;
*p = '\0';
return (buf);
** XALLOC -- Allocate memory and bitch wildly on failure.
** THIS IS A CLUDGE. This should be made to give a proper
** error -- but after all, what can we do?
** Parameters:
** sz -- size of area to allocate.
** Returns:
** pointer to data region.
** Side Effects:
** Memory is allocated.
char *
register int sz;
register char *p;
p = malloc(sz);
if (p == NULL)
syserr("Out of memory!!");
return (p);
** NEWSTR -- make copy of string.
** Space is allocated for it using xalloc.
** Parameters:
** string to copy.
** Returns:
** pointer to new string.
** Side Effects:
** none.
char *
register char *s;
register char *p;
p = xalloc(strlen(s) + 1);
(void) strcpy(p, s);
return (p);
** COPYPLIST -- copy list of pointers.
** This routine is the equivalent of newstr for lists of
** pointers.
** Parameters:
** list -- list of pointers to copy.
** Must be NULL terminated.
** copycont -- if TRUE, copy the contents of the vector
** (which must be a string) also.
** Returns:
** a copy of 'list'.
** Side Effects:
** none.
char **
copyplist(list, copycont)
char **list;
bool copycont;
register char **vp;
register char **newvp;
for (vp = list; *vp != NULL; vp++)
newvp = (char **) xalloc((vp - list) * sizeof *vp);
bmove((char *) list, (char *) newvp, (vp - list) * sizeof *vp);
if (copycont)
for (vp = newvp; *vp != NULL; vp++)
*vp = newstr(*vp);
return (newvp);
** PRINTAV -- print argument vector.
** Parameters:
** av -- argument vector.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** prints av.
# ifdef DEBUG
register char **av;
while (*av != NULL)
if (tTd(0, 44))
printf("\n\t%08x=", *av);
putchar(' ');
# endif DEBUG
** LOWER -- turn letter into lower case.
** Parameters:
** c -- character to turn into lower case.
** Returns:
** c, in lower case.
** Side Effects:
** none.
register char c;
if (isascii(c) && isupper(c))
c = c - 'A' + 'a';
return (c);
** XPUTS -- put string doing control escapes.
** Parameters:
** s -- string to put.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** output to stdout
# ifdef DEBUG
register char *s;
register char c;
if (s == NULL)
while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
if (!isascii(c))
c &= 0177;
if (iscntrl(c))
c |= 0100;
(void) fflush(stdout);
# endif DEBUG
** MAKELOWER -- Translate a line into lower case
** Parameters:
** p -- the string to translate. If NULL, return is
** immediate.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** String pointed to by p is translated to lower case.
** Called By:
** parse
register char *p;
register char c;
if (p == NULL)
for (; (c = *p) != '\0'; p++)
if (isascii(c) && isupper(c))
*p = c - 'A' + 'a';
** SAMEWORD -- return TRUE if the words are the same
** Ignores case.
** Parameters:
** a, b -- the words to compare.
** Returns:
** TRUE if a & b match exactly (modulo case)
** FALSE otherwise.
** Side Effects:
** none.
sameword(a, b)
register char *a, *b;
while (lower(*a) == lower(*b))
if (*a == '\0')
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
** CLEAR -- clear a block of memory
** Parameters:
** p -- location to clear.
** l -- number of bytes to clear.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** none.
clear(p, l)
register char *p;
register int l;
while (l-- > 0)
*p++ = 0;
** FULLNAME -- extract full name from a passwd file entry.
** Parameters:
** pw -- password entry to start from.
** buf -- buffer to store result in.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** none.
fullname(pw, buf)
register struct passwd *pw;
char *buf;
register char *bp = buf;
register char *p = pw->pw_gecos;
if (*p == '*')
while (*p != '\0' && *p != ',' && *p != ';' && *p != '%')
if (*p == '&')
(void) strcpy(bp, pw->pw_name);
*bp = toupper(*bp);
while (*bp != '\0')
*bp++ = *p++;
*bp = '\0';
** SAFEFILE -- return true if a file exists and is safe for a user.
** Parameters:
** fn -- filename to check.
** uid -- uid to compare against.
** mode -- mode bits that must match.
** Returns:
** TRUE if fn exists, is owned by uid, and matches mode.
** FALSE otherwise.
** Side Effects:
** none.
safefile(fn, uid, mode)
char *fn;
int uid;
int mode;
struct stat stbuf;
if (stat(fn, &stbuf) >= 0 && stbuf.st_uid == uid &&
(stbuf.st_mode & mode) == mode)
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
** FIXCRLF -- fix <CR><LF> in line.
** Looks for the <CR><LF> combination and turns it into the
** UNIX canonical <NL> character. It only takes one line,
** i.e., it is assumed that the first <NL> found is the end
** of the line.
** Parameters:
** line -- the line to fix.
** stripnl -- if true, strip the newline also.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** line is changed in place.
fixcrlf(line, stripnl)
char *line;
bool stripnl;
register char *p;
p = index(line, '\n');
if (p == NULL)
if (p[-1] == '\r')
if (!stripnl)
*p++ = '\n';
*p = '\0';
** SYSLOG -- fake entry to fool lint
# ifdef LOG
# ifdef lint
syslog(pri, fmt, args)
int pri;
char *fmt;
pri = *fmt;
args = pri;
pri = args;
# endif lint
# endif LOG
** DFOPEN -- determined file open
** This routine has the semantics of fopen, except that it will
** keep trying a few times to make this happen. The idea is that
** on very loaded systems, we may run out of resources (inodes,
** whatever), so this tries to get around it.
dfopen(filename, mode)
char *filename;
char *mode;
register int tries;
register FILE *fp;
extern int errno;
for (tries = 0; tries < 10; tries++)
sleep(10 * tries);
errno = 0;
fp = fopen(filename, mode);
if (fp != NULL || errno != ENFILE)
return (fp);
** PUTLINE -- put a line like fputs obeying SMTP conventions
** This routine always guarantees outputing a newline (or CRLF,
** as appropriate) at the end of the string.
** Parameters:
** l -- line to put.
** fp -- file to put it onto.
** fullsmtp -- if set, obey strictest SMTP conventions.
** Returns:
** none
** Side Effects:
** output of l to fp.
# define SMTPLINELIM 990 /* maximum line length */
putline(l, fp, fullsmtp)
register char *l;
FILE *fp;
bool fullsmtp;
register char *p;
char svchar;
/* find the end of the line */
p = index(l, '\n');
if (p == NULL)
p = &l[strlen(l)];
/* check for line overflow */
while (fullsmtp && (p - l) > SMTPLINELIM)
register char *q = &l[SMTPLINELIM - 1];
svchar = *q;
*q = '\0';
fputs(l, fp);
fputs("!\r\n", fp);
*q = svchar;
l = q;
/* output last part */
svchar = *p;
*p = '\0';
fputs(l, fp);
if (fullsmtp)
fputc('\r', fp);
fputc('\n', fp);
*p = svchar;
l = p;
if (*l == '\n')
} while (l[0] != '\0');
** XUNLINK -- unlink a file, doing logging as appropriate.
** Parameters:
** f -- name of file to unlink.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** f is unlinked.
char *f;
register int i;
# ifdef LOG
if (LogLevel > 20)
syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: unlink %s\n", CurEnv->e_id, f);
# endif LOG
i = unlink(f);
# ifdef LOG
if (i < 0 && LogLevel > 21)
syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: unlink-fail %d", f, errno);
# endif LOG
** SFGETS -- "safe" fgets -- times out.
** Parameters:
** buf -- place to put the input line.
** siz -- size of buf.
** fp -- file to read from.
** Returns:
** NULL on error (including timeout).
** buf otherwise.
** Side Effects:
** none.
static bool TimeoutFlag;
char *
sfgets(buf, siz, fp)
char *buf;
int siz;
FILE *fp;
register EVENT *ev = NULL;
register char *p;
extern readtimeout();
if (ReadTimeout != 0)
ev = setevent(ReadTimeout, readtimeout, 0);
TimeoutFlag = FALSE;
errno = 0;
p = fgets(buf, siz, fp);
} while (!(p != NULL || TimeoutFlag || errno != EINTR));
return (p);
TimeoutFlag = TRUE;
** FGETFOLDED -- like fgets, but know about folded lines.
** Parameters:
** buf -- place to put result.
** n -- bytes available.
** f -- file to read from.
** Returns:
** buf on success, NULL on error or EOF.
** Side Effects:
** buf gets lines from f, with continuation lines (lines
** with leading white space) appended. CRLF's are mapped
** into single newlines. Any trailing NL is stripped.
char *
fgetfolded(buf, n, f)
char *buf;
register int n;
FILE *f;
register char *p = buf;
register int i;
while (sfgets(p, n, f) != NULL)
fixcrlf(p, TRUE);
i = fgetc(f);
if (i != EOF)
ungetc(i, f);
if (i != ' ' && i != '\t')
return (buf);
i = strlen(p);
p += i;
*p++ = '\n';
n -= i + 1;
return (NULL);
** PINTVL -- produce printable version of a time interval
** Parameters:
** intvl -- the interval to be converted
** brief -- if TRUE, print this in an extremely compact form
** (basically used for logging).
** Returns:
** A pointer to a string version of intvl suitable for
** printing or framing.
** Side Effects:
** none.
** Warning:
** The string returned is in a static buffer.
# define PLURAL(n) ((n) == 1 ? "" : "s")
char *
pintvl(intvl, brief)
time_t intvl;
bool brief;
static char buf[MAXNAME];
register char *p;
int wk, dy, hr, mi, se;
if (intvl == 0 && !brief)
return ("zero seconds");
/* decode the interval into weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds */
se = intvl % 60;
intvl /= 60;
mi = intvl % 60;
intvl /= 60;
hr = intvl % 24;
intvl /= 24;
if (brief)
dy = intvl;
dy = intvl % 7;
intvl /= 7;
wk = intvl;
/* now turn it into a sexy form */
p = buf;
if (brief)
if (dy > 0)
(void) sprintf(p, "%d+", dy);
p += strlen(p);
(void) sprintf(p, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hr, mi, se);
return (buf);
/* use the verbose form */
if (wk > 0)
(void) sprintf(p, ", %d week%s", wk, PLURAL(wk));
p += strlen(p);
if (dy > 0)
(void) sprintf(p, ", %d day%s", dy, PLURAL(dy));
p += strlen(p);
if (hr > 0)
(void) sprintf(p, ", %d hour%s", hr, PLURAL(hr));
p += strlen(p);
if (mi > 0)
(void) sprintf(p, ", %d minute%s", mi, PLURAL(mi));
p += strlen(p);
if (se > 0)
(void) sprintf(p, ", %d second%s", se, PLURAL(se));
p += strlen(p);
return (buf + 2);
** CURTIME -- return current time.
** Parameters:
** none.
** Returns:
** the current time.
** Side Effects:
** none.
auto time_t t;
(void) time(&t);
return (t);
** ATOBOOL -- convert a string representation to boolean.
** Defaults to "TRUE"
** Parameters:
** s -- string to convert. Takes "tTyY" as true,
** others as false.
** Returns:
** A boolean representation of the string.
** Side Effects:
** none.
register char *s;
if (*s == '\0' || index("tTyY", *s) != NULL)
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);