386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / .ref-386BSD-0.0 / usr / src / REGISTRATION
As of 1992, William F. Jolitz, the developer of 386BSD,
will have spent three years working on this project, from
writing the initial 386BSD specification and supplying his
own equipment to his present completion of the first UNEN-
release, 386BSD Release 0.0, is based on the BSD Networking
2 Release (June 1991) from the University of California at
Berkeley, which already included much of the earlier 386BSD
work that Bill had contributed to the University of Califor-
nia for distribution to all interested parties. In addi-
tion, Bill has made minimal changes to this release to make
the system bootable and operational (see William F. Jolitz
and Lynne Greer Jolitz, _\bM_\bi_\bs_\bs_\bi_\bn_\bg _\bP_\bi_\be_\bc_\be_\bs, _\bD_\br. _\bD_\bo_\bb_\bb_\bs _\bJ_\bo_\bu_\br_\bn_\ba_\bl
May-June 1992).
386BSD Release 0.0 is intended by the developer of
386BSD to be used for educational and research purposes. As
such, the developer of this release is making it available
to the user at no charge, in order to encourage and facili-
tate its use in research and education. However, 386BSD has
been a costly product to develop and maintain, and continues
to consume enormous resources. As such, the user may elect
to make a contribution to defray the cost of development and
to demonstrate support of this project.
Should you with to make a contribution, return this
form with your check or money order (suggested contribution:
$50.00US binary and $100.00US source) to
Lynne Greer Jolitz
386BSD Registration
447 61ST Street
Oakland, CA. 94609 USA
+1-510-420-0174 FAX
There is no mandatory payment required by the developer for
use of 386BSD Release 0.0, nor will there be any mandatory
payment required for the use of any future releases of
386BSD done by the developer. However, your contribution
would be greatly appreciated.
Due to the "free" nature of 386BSD Release 0.0, we can-
not provide "on-demand" support. 386BSD is an experimental
research system intended for exploration and study. The
inclusion of source code allows the creative and industrious
student of operating systems to modify, correct, augment and
3\b38\b86\b6B\bBS\bSD\bD R\bRE\bEG\bGF\bFO\bOR\bRM\bM 1\b1 M\bMa\bar\brc\bch\bh 1\b19\b99\b92\b2
otherwise alter the system in any manner desired. Reliance
on 386BSD Release 0.0 for other than it's intended purposes
is specifically discouraged.
However, ample documentation is readily available and
should be obtained. For users who wish to understand the
386BSD system conceived by William F. Jolitz and Lynne Greer
Jolitz, and developed by William F. Jolitz, we recommend the
user study written references such as the _\bP_\bo_\br_\bt_\bi_\bn_\bg _\bU_\bN_\bI_\bX _\bt_\bo
_\bt_\bh_\be _\b3_\b8_\b6 series (beginning January 1991 _\bD_\br. _\bD_\bo_\bb_\bb_\bs _\bJ_\bo_\bu_\br_\bn_\ba_\bl,
USA and beginning June 1991 _\bU_\bN_\bI_\bX _\bM_\ba_\bg_\ba_\bz_\bi_\bn, Germany) by
William F. Jolitz and Lynne Greer Jolitz, as well as other
books on UNIX and the on-line _\b3_\b8_\b6_\bB_\bS_\bD _\bU_\bs_\be_\br _\bM_\ba_\bn_\bu_\ba_\bl before use.
A book discussing the internals of 386BSD by William F.
Jolitz and Lynne Greer Jolitz entitled _\b3_\b8_\b6_\bB_\bS_\bD _\bf_\br_\bo_\bm _\bt_\bh_\be
_\bI_\bn_\bs_\bi_\bd_\be-_\bO_\bu_\bt will be available late 1992.
We do encourage feedback, however, on bug fixes, prob-
lems and solutions which arise during configuration, and
improvements to 386BSD Release 0.0. These changes will be
incorporated back into the system, and made available once
again to the 386BSD audience, to further encourage use of
this system.
Please complete and return this registration form and
survey via email or regular mail, so we can add you to the
list of 386BSD Release 0.0 users.
Thank you for your support.
Lynne Greer Jolitz
3\b38\b86\b6B\bBS\bSD\bD R\bRE\bEG\bGF\bFO\bOR\bRM\bM 2\b2 M\bMa\bar\brc\bch\bh 1\b19\b99\b92\b2
Please complete this registration form and survey and
return it to:
Lynne Greer Jolitz
386BSD Registration
447 61ST Street
Oakland, CA. 94609 USA
+1-510-420-0174 FAX
Should you wish to make a monetary contribution, please
attach check or money order and return with the registration
_\bR_\be_\bg_\bi_\bs_\bt_\br_\ba_\bt_\bi_\bo_\bn _\bI_\bn_\bf_\bo_\br_\bm_\ba_\bt_\bi_\bo_\bn:
1. What type of site are you working at?
research lab
2. Do you have Internet access?
3. Do you work on (commercial/government/university/other)
3\b38\b86\b6B\bBS\bSD\bD R\bRE\bEG\bGF\bFO\bOR\bRM\bM 3\b3 M\bMa\bar\brc\bch\bh 1\b19\b99\b92\b2
_\b3_\b8_\b6_\bB_\bS_\bD _\bI_\bn_\bt_\be_\br_\be_\bs_\bt
1. Where did you first find out about 386BSD?
2. Did you obtain a copy of the NET/2 release (June 1991)?
If yes, what did you find useful? what did you find
lacking? If no, why not? (too expensive/not
bootable/not complete/other)
3. Where did you obtain 386BSD Release 0.0 ? boot floppy?
binary? source?
4. Do you find the article series of use in learning about
386BSD? What aspect of 386BSD would you like to read
more about? What technical areas should we cover in
more depth?
_\b3_\b8_\b6_\bB_\bS_\bD _\bR_\be_\bl_\be_\ba_\bs_\be _\b0._\b0 _\bU_\bs_\ba_\bg_\be
1. What do you intend to use 336BSD Release 0.0 for?
development system
individual research
personal work
replacement for MS-DOS
replacement for other UNIX
2. What aspect of 386BSD most interests you?
source availability
binary availability
advanced operating system
advanced networking
3\b38\b86\b6B\bBS\bSD\bD R\bRE\bEG\bGF\bFO\bOR\bRM\bM 4\b4 M\bMa\bar\brc\bch\bh 1\b19\b99\b92\b2
3. Would students be using this system? (yes/no) If yes,
would 386BSD be integrated into a course or lab study?
4. What aspects of 386BSD Release 0.0 do you most like?
5. What aspects of 386BSD Release 0.0 would you like to
see improved?
6 Would you like to help contribute to this effort to
facilitate further releases of 386BSD? (Check all that
yes - software enhancements to 386BSD
yes - hardware loans for new software testing
yes - monetary contribution to 386BSD effort (see instructions)
yes - other items:
_\b3_\b8_\b6_\bB_\bS_\bD _\bG_\bo_\ba_\bl_\bs
The developer's goal for 386BSD was to provide an
advanced operating system for educational and research pur-
poses on an inexpensive PC platform. In 1990, CSRG expanded
that goal to encompass an unencumbered release accessible to
1. Do you think these goals have now been met with the
release of 386BSD Release 0.0? Why or why not?
2. Do you think 386BSD Release 0.0 is a good idea? Why or
why not?
3. Do you think that the article series is a good idea?
3\b38\b86\b6B\bBS\bSD\bD R\bRE\bEG\bGF\bFO\bOR\bRM\bM 5\b5 M\bMa\bar\brc\bch\bh 1\b19\b99\b92\b2
4. Do you think a book on 386BSD would be a good idea?
_\bB_\bo_\bo_\bt _\bF_\bl_\bo_\bp_\bp_\by
1. What is your PC system configuration? Please be spe-
cific, as success can vary with a difference in manu-
facture date or variation.
RAM size:
drive(s) type and size:
tape(s) type and size:
ethernet type:
graphics type:
serial type:
parallel type:
2. Did you find the correct disklabel or did you create
your own? If you created your own, please include
3. Did it find all devices? What devices were not found?
4. Did you try different combinations of configuration
types? What combinations succeeded? What combinations
5. Shadow RAM should be disabled. Did your configuration
program allow you to do this? Did you have to alter the
configuration program in other ways?
_\bD_\bo_\bw_\bn_\bl_\bo_\ba_\bd_\bi_\bn_\bg _\bt_\bh_\be _\bS_\by_\bs_\bt_\be_\bm
1. What mechanism did you use to download or transfer the
rest of the system? (floppy/tape/network/other)
3\b38\b86\b6B\bBS\bSD\bD R\bRE\bEG\bGF\bFO\bOR\bRM\bM 6\b6 M\bMa\bar\brc\bch\bh 1\b19\b99\b92\b2
2. Were you able to load the system onto the PC? Did you
have any problems?
3. After booting the system off the hard disk, did you
encounter any problems?
1. What bugs have you found in this system? Please attach
any pertinent printouts and system messages. Please
also attach any bug fixes for others to use.
_\bO_\bt_\bh_\be_\br _\bC_\bo_\bm_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt_\bs
1. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding
386BSD Release 0.0 or our writings on this subject,
please take a moment and attach them.
Thank you for completing this survey. Your input will help
us in making 386BSD Release 0.0 more accessible and targeted
to your needs.
3\b38\b86\b6B\bBS\bSD\bD R\bRE\bEG\bGF\bFO\bOR\bRM\bM 7\b7 M\bMa\bar\brc\bch\bh 1\b19\b99\b92\b2