BSD 4_4_Lite1 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / calc-2.9.3t6 / matfunc.c
* Copyright (c) 1994 David I. Bell
* Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
* provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
* Extended precision rational arithmetic matrix functions.
* Matrices can contain arbitrary types of elements.
#include "value.h"
static void matswaprow MATH_PROTO((MATRIX *m, long r1, long r2));
static void matsubrow MATH_PROTO((MATRIX *m, long oprow, long baserow,
VALUE *mulval));
static void matmulrow MATH_PROTO((MATRIX *m, long row, VALUE *mulval));
static MATRIX *matident MATH_PROTO((MATRIX *m));
* Add two compatible matrices.
matadd(m1, m2)
MATRIX *m1, *m2;
int dim;
long min1, min2, max1, max2, index;
VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
MATRIX *res;
if (m1->m_dim != m2->m_dim)
math_error("Incompatible matrix dimensions for add");
tmp.m_dim = m1->m_dim;
tmp.m_size = m1->m_size;
for (dim = 0; dim < m1->m_dim; dim++) {
min1 = m1->m_min[dim];
max1 = m1->m_max[dim];
min2 = m2->m_min[dim];
max2 = m2->m_max[dim];
if ((min1 && min2 && (min1 != min2)) || ((max1-min1) != (max2-min2)))
math_error("Incompatible matrix bounds for add");
tmp.m_min[dim] = (min1 ? min1 : min2);
tmp.m_max[dim] = tmp.m_min[dim] + (max1 - min1);
res = matalloc(m1->m_size);
*res = tmp;
v1 = m1->m_table;
v2 = m2->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m1->m_size; index > 0; index--)
addvalue(v1++, v2++, vres++);
return res;
* Subtract two compatible matrices.
matsub(m1, m2)
MATRIX *m1, *m2;
int dim;
long min1, min2, max1, max2, index;
VALUE *v1, *v2, *vres;
MATRIX *res;
if (m1->m_dim != m2->m_dim)
math_error("Incompatible matrix dimensions for sub");
tmp.m_dim = m1->m_dim;
tmp.m_size = m1->m_size;
for (dim = 0; dim < m1->m_dim; dim++) {
min1 = m1->m_min[dim];
max1 = m1->m_max[dim];
min2 = m2->m_min[dim];
max2 = m2->m_max[dim];
if ((min1 && min2 && (min1 != min2)) || ((max1-min1) != (max2-min2)))
math_error("Incompatible matrix bounds for sub");
tmp.m_min[dim] = (min1 ? min1 : min2);
tmp.m_max[dim] = tmp.m_min[dim] + (max1 - min1);
res = matalloc(m1->m_size);
*res = tmp;
v1 = m1->m_table;
v2 = m2->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m1->m_size; index > 0; index--)
subvalue(v1++, v2++, vres++);
return res;
* Produce the negative of a matrix.
register VALUE *val, *vres;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
negvalue(val++, vres++);
return res;
* Multiply two compatible matrices.
matmul(m1, m2)
MATRIX *m1, *m2;
register MATRIX *res;
long i1, i2, max1, max2, index, maxindex;
VALUE *v1, *v2;
VALUE sum, tmp1, tmp2;
if ((m1->m_dim != 2) || (m2->m_dim != 2))
math_error("Matrix dimension must be two for mul");
if ((m1->m_max[1] - m1->m_min[1]) != (m2->m_max[0] - m2->m_min[0]))
math_error("Incompatible bounds for matrix mul");
max1 = (m1->m_max[0] - m1->m_min[0] + 1);
max2 = (m2->m_max[1] - m2->m_min[1] + 1);
maxindex = (m1->m_max[1] - m1->m_min[1] + 1);
res = matalloc(max1 * max2);
res->m_dim = 2;
res->m_min[0] = m1->m_min[0];
res->m_max[0] = m1->m_max[0];
res->m_min[1] = m2->m_min[1];
res->m_max[1] = m2->m_max[1];
for (i1 = 0; i1 < max1; i1++) {
for (i2 = 0; i2 < max2; i2++) {
sum.v_num = qlink(&_qzero_);
sum.v_type = V_NUM;
v1 = &m1->m_table[i1 * maxindex];
v2 = &m2->m_table[i2];
for (index = 0; index < maxindex; index++) {
mulvalue(v1, v2, &tmp1);
addvalue(&sum, &tmp1, &tmp2);
sum = tmp2;
v2 += max2;
index = (i1 * max2) + i2;
res->m_table[index] = sum;
return res;
* Square a matrix.
register MATRIX *res;
long i1, i2, max, index;
VALUE *v1, *v2;
VALUE sum, tmp1, tmp2;
if (m->m_dim != 2)
math_error("Matrix dimension must be two for square");
if ((m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0]) != (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1]))
math_error("Squaring non-square matrix");
max = (m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1);
res = matalloc(max * max);
res->m_dim = 2;
res->m_min[0] = m->m_min[0];
res->m_max[0] = m->m_max[0];
res->m_min[1] = m->m_min[1];
res->m_max[1] = m->m_max[1];
for (i1 = 0; i1 < max; i1++) {
for (i2 = 0; i2 < max; i2++) {
sum.v_num = qlink(&_qzero_);
sum.v_type = V_NUM;
v1 = &m->m_table[i1 * max];
v2 = &m->m_table[i2];
for (index = 0; index < max; index++) {
mulvalue(v1, v2, &tmp1);
addvalue(&sum, &tmp1, &tmp2);
sum = tmp2;
v2 += max;
index = (i1 * max) + i2;
res->m_table[index] = sum;
return res;
* Compute the result of raising a square matrix to an integer power.
* Negative powers mean the positive power of the inverse.
* Note: This calculation could someday be improved for large powers
* by using the characteristic polynomial of the matrix.
matpowi(m, q)
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be raised */
NUMBER *q; /* power to raise it to */
MATRIX *res, *tmp;
long power; /* power to raise to */
unsigned long bit; /* current bit value */
if (m->m_dim != 2)
math_error("Matrix dimension must be two for power");
if ((m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0]) != (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1]))
math_error("Raising non-square matrix to a power");
if (qisfrac(q))
math_error("Raising matrix to non-integral power");
if (zisbig(q->num))
math_error("Raising matrix to very large power");
power = (zistiny(q->num) ? z1tol(q->num) : z2tol(q->num));
if (qisneg(q))
power = -power;
* Handle some low powers specially
if ((power <= 4) && (power >= -2)) {
switch ((int) power) {
case 0:
return matident(m);
case 1:
return matcopy(m);
case -1:
return matinv(m);
case 2:
return matsquare(m);
case -2:
tmp = matinv(m);
res = matsquare(tmp);
return res;
case 3:
tmp = matsquare(m);
res = matmul(m, tmp);
return res;
case 4:
tmp = matsquare(m);
res = matsquare(tmp);
return res;
if (power < 0) {
m = matinv(m);
power = -power;
* Compute the power by squaring and multiplying.
* This uses the left to right method of power raising.
bit = TOPFULL;
while ((bit & power) == 0)
bit >>= 1L;
bit >>= 1L;
res = matsquare(m);
if (bit & power) {
tmp = matmul(res, m);
res = tmp;
bit >>= 1L;
while (bit) {
tmp = matsquare(res);
res = tmp;
if (bit & power) {
tmp = matmul(res, m);
res = tmp;
bit >>= 1L;
if (qisneg(q))
return res;
* Calculate the cross product of two one dimensional matrices each
* with three components.
* m3 = matcross(m1, m2);
matcross(m1, m2)
MATRIX *m1, *m2;
MATRIX *res;
VALUE *v1, *v2, *vr;
VALUE tmp1, tmp2;
if ((m1->m_dim != 1) || (m2->m_dim != 1))
math_error("Matrix not 1d for cross product");
if ((m1->m_size != 3) || (m2->m_size != 3))
math_error("Matrix not size 3 for cross product");
res = matalloc(3L);
res->m_dim = 1;
res->m_min[0] = 0;
res->m_max[0] = 2;
v1 = m1->m_table;
v2 = m2->m_table;
vr = res->m_table;
mulvalue(v1 + 1, v2 + 2, &tmp1);
mulvalue(v1 + 2, v2 + 1, &tmp2);
subvalue(&tmp1, &tmp2, vr + 0);
mulvalue(v1 + 2, v2 + 0, &tmp1);
mulvalue(v1 + 0, v2 + 2, &tmp2);
subvalue(&tmp1, &tmp2, vr + 1);
mulvalue(v1 + 0, v2 + 1, &tmp1);
mulvalue(v1 + 1, v2 + 0, &tmp2);
subvalue(&tmp1, &tmp2, vr + 2);
return res;
* Return the dot product of two matrices.
* result = matdot(m1, m2);
matdot(m1, m2)
MATRIX *m1, *m2;
VALUE *v1, *v2;
VALUE result, tmp1, tmp2;
long len;
if ((m1->m_dim != 1) || (m2->m_dim != 1))
math_error("Matrix not 1d for dot product");
if (m1->m_size != m2->m_size)
math_error("Incompatible matrix sizes for dot product");
v1 = m1->m_table;
v2 = m2->m_table;
mulvalue(v1, v2, &result);
len = m1->m_size;
while (--len > 0) {
mulvalue(++v1, ++v2, &tmp1);
addvalue(&result, &tmp1, &tmp2);
result = tmp2;
return result;
* Scale the elements of a matrix by a specified power of two.
matscale(m, n)
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be scaled */
long n;
register VALUE *val, *vres;
VALUE num;
long index;
MATRIX *res; /* resulting matrix */
if (n == 0)
return matcopy(m);
num.v_type = V_NUM;
num.v_num = itoq(n);
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
scalevalue(val++, &num, vres++);
return res;
* Shift the elements of a matrix by the specified number of bits.
* Positive shift means leftwards, negative shift rightwards.
matshift(m, n)
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be scaled */
long n;
register VALUE *val, *vres;
VALUE num;
long index;
MATRIX *res; /* resulting matrix */
if (n == 0)
return matcopy(m);
num.v_type = V_NUM;
num.v_num = itoq(n);
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
shiftvalue(val++, &num, FALSE, vres++);
return res;
* Multiply the elements of a matrix by a specified value.
matmulval(m, vp)
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be multiplied */
VALUE *vp; /* value to multiply by */
register VALUE *val, *vres;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
mulvalue(val++, vp, vres++);
return res;
* Divide the elements of a matrix by a specified value, keeping
* only the integer quotient.
matquoval(m, vp)
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be divided */
VALUE *vp; /* value to divide by */
register VALUE *val, *vres;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
if ((vp->v_type == V_NUM) && qiszero(vp->v_num))
math_error("Division by zero");
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
quovalue(val++, vp, vres++);
return res;
* Divide the elements of a matrix by a specified value, keeping
* only the remainder of the division.
matmodval(m, vp)
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be divided */
VALUE *vp; /* value to divide by */
register VALUE *val, *vres;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
if ((vp->v_type == V_NUM) && qiszero(vp->v_num))
math_error("Division by zero");
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
modvalue(val++, vp, vres++);
return res;
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be transposed */
register VALUE *v1, *v2; /* current values */
long rows, cols; /* rows and columns in new matrix */
long row, col; /* current row and column */
MATRIX *res;
if (m->m_dim != 2)
math_error("Matrix dimension must be two for transpose");
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
res->m_dim = 2;
res->m_min[0] = m->m_min[1];
res->m_max[0] = m->m_max[1];
res->m_min[1] = m->m_min[0];
res->m_max[1] = m->m_max[0];
rows = (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1] + 1);
cols = (m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1);
v1 = res->m_table;
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
v2 = &m->m_table[row];
for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
copyvalue(v2, v1);
v2 += rows;
return res;
* Produce a matrix with values all of which are conjugated.
register VALUE *val, *vres;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
conjvalue(val++, vres++);
return res;
* Produce a matrix with values all of which have been rounded to the
* specified number of decimal places.
matround(m, places)
long places;
register VALUE *val, *vres;
VALUE tmp;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
if (places < 0)
math_error("Negative number of places for matround");
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
tmp.v_type = V_INT;
tmp.v_int = places;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
roundvalue(val++, &tmp, vres++);
return res;
* Produce a matrix with values all of which have been rounded to the
* specified number of binary places.
matbround(m, places)
long places;
register VALUE *val, *vres;
VALUE tmp;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
if (places < 0)
math_error("Negative number of places for matbround");
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
tmp.v_type = V_INT;
tmp.v_int = places;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
broundvalue(val++, &tmp, vres++);
return res;
* Produce a matrix with values all of which have been truncated to integers.
register VALUE *val, *vres;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
intvalue(val++, vres++);
return res;
* Produce a matrix with values all of which have only the fraction part left.
register VALUE *val, *vres;
long index;
MATRIX *res;
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = m->m_table;
vres = res->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
fracvalue(val++, vres++);
return res;
* Index a matrix normally by the specified set of index values.
* Returns the address of the matrix element if it is valid, or generates
* an error if the index values are out of range. The create flag is TRUE
* if the element is to be written, but this is ignored here.
matindex(mp, create, dim, indices)
BOOL create;
long dim; /* dimension of the indexing */
VALUE *indices; /* table of values being indexed by */
NUMBER *q; /* index value */
long index; /* index value as an integer */
long offset; /* current offset into array */
int i; /* loop counter */
if ((dim <= 0) || (dim > MAXDIM))
math_error("Bad dimension %ld for matrix", dim);
if (mp->m_dim != dim)
math_error("Indexing a %ldd matrix as a %ldd matrix", mp->m_dim, dim);
offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
if (indices->v_type != V_NUM)
math_error("Non-numeric index for matrix");
q = indices->v_num;
if (qisfrac(q))
math_error("Non-integral index for matrix");
index = qtoi(q);
if (zisbig(q->num) || (index < mp->m_min[i]) || (index > mp->m_max[i]))
math_error("Index out of bounds for matrix");
offset *= (mp->m_max[i] - mp->m_min[i] + 1);
offset += (index - mp->m_min[i]);
return mp->m_table + offset;
* Search a matrix for the specified value, starting with the specified index.
* Returns the index of the found value, or -1 if the value was not found.
matsearch(m, vp, index)
VALUE *vp;
long index;
register VALUE *val;
if (index < 0)
index = 0;
val = &m->m_table[index];
while (index < m->m_size) {
if (!comparevalue(vp, val))
return index;
return -1;
* Search a matrix backwards for the specified value, starting with the
* specified index. Returns the index of the found value, or -1 if the
* value was not found.
matrsearch(m, vp, index)
VALUE *vp;
long index;
register VALUE *val;
if (index >= m->m_size)
index = m->m_size - 1;
val = &m->m_table[index];
while (index >= 0) {
if (!comparevalue(vp, val))
return index;
return -1;
* Fill all of the elements of a matrix with one of two specified values.
* All entries are filled with the first specified value, except that if
* the matrix is square and the second value pointer is non-NULL, then
* all diagonal entries are filled with the second value. This routine
* affects the supplied matrix directly, and doesn't return a copy.
matfill(m, v1, v2)
MATRIX *m; /* matrix to be filled */
VALUE *v1; /* value to fill most of matrix with */
VALUE *v2; /* value for diagonal entries (or NULL) */
register VALUE *val;
long row, col;
long rows;
long index;
if (v2 && ((m->m_dim != 2) ||
((m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0]) != (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1]))))
math_error("Filling diagonals of non-square matrix");
val = m->m_table;
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
val = m->m_table;
if (v2 == NULL) {
for (index = m->m_size; index > 0; index--)
copyvalue(v1, val++);
rows = m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1;
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (col = 0; col < rows; col++) {
copyvalue(((row != col) ? v1 : v2), val++);
* Set a copy of a square matrix to the identity matrix.
static MATRIX *
register VALUE *val; /* current value */
long row, col; /* current row and column */
long rows; /* number of rows */
MATRIX *res; /* resulting matrix */
if (m->m_dim != 2)
math_error("Matrix dimension must be two for setting to identity");
if ((m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0]) != (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1]))
math_error("Matrix must be square for setting to identity");
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
val = res->m_table;
rows = (res->m_max[0] - res->m_min[0] + 1);
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (col = 0; col < rows; col++) {
val->v_type = V_NUM;
val->v_num = ((row == col) ? qlink(&_qone_) : qlink(&_qzero_));
return res;
* Calculate the inverse of a matrix if it exists.
* This is done by using transformations on the supplied matrix to convert
* it to the identity matrix, and simultaneously applying the same set of
* transformations to the identity matrix.
MATRIX *res; /* matrix to become the inverse */
long rows; /* number of rows */
long cur; /* current row being worked on */
long row, col; /* temp row and column values */
VALUE *val; /* current value in matrix*/
VALUE mulval; /* value to multiply rows by */
VALUE tmpval; /* temporary value */
if (m->m_dim != 2)
math_error("Matrix dimension must be two for inverse");
if ((m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0]) != (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1]))
math_error("Inverting non-square matrix");
* Begin by creating the identity matrix with the same attributes.
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
rows = (m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1);
val = res->m_table;
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (col = 0; col < rows; col++) {
if (row == col)
val->v_num = qlink(&_qone_);
val->v_num = qlink(&_qzero_);
val->v_type = V_NUM;
* Now loop over each row, and eliminate all entries in the
* corresponding column by using row operations. Do the same
* operations on the resulting matrix. Copy the original matrix
* so that we don't destroy it.
m = matcopy(m);
for (cur = 0; cur < rows; cur++) {
* Find the first nonzero value in the rest of the column
* downwards from [cur,cur]. If there is no such value, then
* the matrix is not invertible. If the first nonzero entry
* is not the current row, then swap the two rows to make the
* current one nonzero.
row = cur;
val = &m->m_table[(row * rows) + row];
while (testvalue(val) == 0) {
if (++row >= rows) {
math_error("Matrix is not invertible");
val += rows;
invertvalue(val, &mulval);
if (row != cur) {
matswaprow(m, row, cur);
matswaprow(res, row, cur);
* Now for every other nonzero entry in the current column, subtract
* the appropriate multiple of the current row to force that entry
* to become zero.
val = &m->m_table[cur];
/* ignore Saber-C warning about bad pointer val */
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++, val += rows) {
if ((row == cur) || (testvalue(val) == 0))
mulvalue(val, &mulval, &tmpval);
matsubrow(m, row, cur, &tmpval);
matsubrow(res, row, cur, &tmpval);
* Now the original matrix has nonzero entries only on its main diagonal.
* Scale the rows of the result matrix by the inverse of those entries.
val = m->m_table;
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
if ((val->v_type != V_NUM) || !qisone(val->v_num)) {
invertvalue(val, &mulval);
matmulrow(res, row, &mulval);
/* ignore Saber-C warning about bad pointer val */
val += (rows + 1);
return res;
* Calculate the determinant of a square matrix.
* This is done using row operations to create an upper-diagonal matrix.
long rows; /* number of rows */
long cur; /* current row being worked on */
long row; /* temp row values */
int neg; /* whether to negate determinant */
VALUE *val; /* current value */
VALUE mulval, tmpval; /* other values */
if (m->m_dim != 2)
math_error("Matrix dimension must be two for determinant");
if ((m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0]) != (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1]))
math_error("Non-square matrix for determinant");
* Loop over each row, and eliminate all lower entries in the
* corresponding column by using row operations. Copy the original
* matrix so that we don't destroy it.
neg = 0;
m = matcopy(m);
rows = (m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1);
for (cur = 0; cur < rows; cur++) {
* Find the first nonzero value in the rest of the column
* downwards from [cur,cur]. If there is no such value, then
* the determinant is zero. If the first nonzero entry is not
* the current row, then swap the two rows to make the current
* one nonzero, and remember that the determinant changes sign.
row = cur;
val = &m->m_table[(row * rows) + row];
while (testvalue(val) == 0) {
if (++row >= rows) {
mulval.v_type = V_NUM;
mulval.v_num = qlink(&_qzero_);
return mulval;
val += rows;
invertvalue(val, &mulval);
if (row != cur) {
matswaprow(m, row, cur);
neg = !neg;
* Now for every other nonzero entry lower down in the current column,
* subtract the appropriate multiple of the current row to force that
* entry to become zero.
row = cur + 1;
/* ignore Saber-C warning about bad pointer into val */
val = &m->m_table[(row * rows) + cur];
/* ignore Saber-C warning about bad pointer into val */
for (; row < rows; row++, val += rows) {
if (testvalue(val) == 0)
mulvalue(val, &mulval, &tmpval);
matsubrow(m, row, cur, &tmpval);
* Now the matrix is upper-diagonal, and the determinant is the
* product of the main diagonal entries, and is possibly negated.
val = m->m_table;
mulval.v_type = V_NUM;
mulval.v_num = qlink(&_qone_);
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
mulvalue(&mulval, val, &tmpval);
mulval = tmpval;
/* ignore Saber-C warning about bad pointer into val */
val += (rows + 1);
if (neg) {
negvalue(&mulval, &tmpval);
return tmpval;
return mulval;
* Local utility routine to swap two rows of a square matrix.
* No checks are made to verify the legality of the arguments.
static void
matswaprow(m, r1, r2)
long r1, r2;
register VALUE *v1, *v2;
register long rows;
VALUE tmp;
if (r1 == r2)
rows = (m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1);
v1 = &m->m_table[r1 * rows];
v2 = &m->m_table[r2 * rows];
while (rows-- > 0) {
tmp = *v1;
*v1 = *v2;
*v2 = tmp;
* Local utility routine to subtract a multiple of one row to another one.
* The row to be changed is oprow, the row to be subtracted is baserow.
* No checks are made to verify the legality of the arguments.
static void
matsubrow(m, oprow, baserow, mulval)
long oprow, baserow;
VALUE *mulval;
register VALUE *vop, *vbase;
register long entries;
VALUE tmp1, tmp2;
entries = (m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1);
vop = &m->m_table[oprow * entries];
vbase = &m->m_table[baserow * entries];
while (entries-- > 0) {
mulvalue(vbase, mulval, &tmp1);
subvalue(vop, &tmp1, &tmp2);
*vop = tmp2;
* Local utility routine to multiply a row by a specified number.
* No checks are made to verify the legality of the arguments.
static void
matmulrow(m, row, mulval)
long row;
VALUE *mulval;
register VALUE *val;
register long rows;
VALUE tmp;
rows = (m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0] + 1);
val = &m->m_table[row * rows];
while (rows-- > 0) {
mulvalue(val, mulval, &tmp);
*val = tmp;
* Make a full copy of a matrix.
MATRIX *res;
register VALUE *v1, *v2;
register long i;
res = matalloc(m->m_size);
*res = *m;
v1 = m->m_table;
v2 = res->m_table;
i = m->m_size;
while (i-- > 0) {
if (v1->v_type == V_NUM) {
v2->v_type = V_NUM;
v2->v_num = qlink(v1->v_num);
} else
copyvalue(v1, v2);
return res;
* Allocate a matrix with the specified number of elements.
long size;
m = (MATRIX *) malloc(matsize(size));
if (m == NULL)
math_error("Cannot get memory to allocate matrix of size %d", size);
m->m_size = size;
return m;
* Free a matrix, along with all of its element values.
register VALUE *vp;
register long i;
vp = m->m_table;
i = m->m_size;
while (i-- > 0) {
if (vp->v_type == V_NUM) {
vp->v_type = V_NULL;
} else
* Test whether a matrix has any nonzero values.
* Returns TRUE if so.
register VALUE *vp;
register long i;
vp = m->m_table;
i = m->m_size;
while (i-- > 0) {
if ((vp->v_type != V_NUM) || (!qiszero(vp->v_num)))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Test whether or not two matrices are equal.
* Equality is determined by the shape and values of the matrices,
* but not by their index bounds. Returns TRUE if they differ.
matcmp(m1, m2)
MATRIX *m1, *m2;
VALUE *v1, *v2;
long i;
if (m1 == m2)
return FALSE;
if ((m1->m_dim != m2->m_dim) || (m1->m_size != m2->m_size))
return TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < m1->m_dim; i++) {
if ((m1->m_max[i] - m1->m_min[i]) != (m2->m_max[i] - m2->m_min[i]))
return TRUE;
v1 = m1->m_table;
v2 = m2->m_table;
i = m1->m_size;
while (i-- > 0) {
if (comparevalue(v1++, v2++))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
#if 0
* Test whether or not a matrix is the identity matrix.
* Returns TRUE if so.
register VALUE *val; /* current value */
long row, col; /* row and column numbers */
if ((m->m_dim != 2) ||
((m->m_max[0] - m->m_min[0]) != (m->m_max[1] - m->m_min[1])))
return FALSE;
val = m->m_table;
for (row = 0; row < m->m_size; row++) {
for (col = 0; col < m->m_size; col++) {
if (val->v_type != V_NUM)
return FALSE;
if (row == col) {
if (!qisone(val->v_num))
return FALSE;
} else {
if (!qiszero(val->v_num))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Return a trivial hash value for a matrix.
HASH hash;
long fullsize;
long skip;
int i;
VALUE *vp;
hash = m->m_dim * 500009;
fullsize = 1;
for (i = m->m_dim - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
hash = hash * 500029 + m->m_max[i];
fullsize *= (m->m_max[i] - m->m_min[i] + 1);
hash = hash * 500041 + fullsize;
vp = m->m_table;
for (i = 0; ((i < fullsize) && (i < 16)); i++)
hash = hash * 500057 + hashvalue(vp++);
i = 16;
vp = &m->m_table[16];
skip = (fullsize / 11) + 1;
while (i < fullsize) {
hash = hash * 500069 + hashvalue(vp);
i += skip;
vp += skip;
return hash;
* Print a matrix and possibly few of its elements.
* The argument supplied specifies how many elements to allow printing.
* If any elements are printed, they are printed in short form.
matprint(m, max_print)
long max_print;
VALUE *vp;
long fullsize, count, index, num;
int dim, i;
char *msg;
long sizes[MAXDIM];
dim = m->m_dim;
fullsize = 1;
for (i = dim - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
sizes[i] = fullsize;
fullsize *= (m->m_max[i] - m->m_min[i] + 1);
msg = ((max_print > 0) ? "\nmat [" : "mat [");
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
if (m->m_min[i])
math_fmt("%s%ld:%ld", msg, m->m_min[i], m->m_max[i]);
math_fmt("%s%ld", msg, m->m_max[i] + 1);
msg = ",";
if (max_print > fullsize)
max_print = fullsize;
vp = m->m_table;
count = 0;
for (index = 0; index < fullsize; index++) {
if ((vp->v_type != V_NUM) || !qiszero(vp->v_num))
math_fmt("] (%ld element%s, %ld nonzero)",
fullsize, (fullsize == 1) ? "" : "s", count);
if (max_print <= 0)
* Now print the first few elements of the matrix in short
* and unambigous format.
vp = m->m_table;
for (index = 0; index < max_print; index++) {
msg = " [";
num = index;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
math_fmt("%s%ld", msg, m->m_min[i] + (num / sizes[i]));
num %= sizes[i];
msg = ",";
math_str("] = ");
printvalue(vp++, PRINT_SHORT | PRINT_UNAMBIG);
if (max_print < fullsize)
math_str(" ...\n");
/* END CODE */