redefine defaults, and put in new graphics commands
[unix-history] / usr / src / local / ditroff / ditroff.old.okeeffe / troff / tdef.h
#include <signal.h>
#define MAXPTR (char *)-1 /* max value of any pointer variable */
/* likely to be machine-dependent */
/* starting values for typesetting parameters: */
#define PS 10 /* default point size */
#define FT 1 /* default font position */
#define LL (unsigned) 65*INCH/10 /* line length; 39picas=6.5in */
#define VS ((12*INCH)/72) /* initial vert space */
#ifdef NROFF
# define EM t.Em
# define HOR t.Hor
# define VERT t.Vert
# define INCH 240 /* increments per inch */
# define SPS INCH/10 /* space size */
# define SS INCH/10 /* " */
# define TRAILER 0
# define UNPAD 0227
# define PO 0 /* page offset */
# define ASCII 1
# define PTID 1
# define LG 0
# define DTAB 0 /* set at 8 Ems at init time */
# define ICS 2*SPS
#ifndef NROFF /* TROFF */
/* Inch is set by ptinit() when troff started.
/* all derived values set then too
# define INCH Inch /* troff resolution -- number of goobies/inch */
# define POINT (INCH/72) /* goobies per point (1/72 inch) */
# define HOR Hor /* horizontal resolution in goobies */
# define VERT Vert /* vertical resolution in goobies */
# define SPS (EM/3) /* space size */
# define SS 12 /* space size in 36ths of an em */
# define UNPAD 027
# define PO (INCH - INCH/27) /* page offset 26/27ths inch */
/* # define EM (POINT * pts) */
#define EM (((long) INCH * pts + 36) / 72) /* don't lose significance */
#define EMPTS(pts) (((long) INCH * (pts) + 36) / 72)
# define ASCII 0
# define PTID 1
# define LG 1
# define DTAB (INCH/2)
# define ICS 3*SPS
/* These "characters" are used to encode various internal functions
/* Some make use of the fact that most ascii characters between
/* 0 and 040 don't have any graphic or other function.
/* The few that do have a purpose (e.g., \n, \b, \t, ...
/* are avoided by the ad hoc choices here.
/* See ifilt[] in n1.c for others -- 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 010, 011, 012
#define LEADER 001
#define IMP 004 /* impossible char; glues things together */
#define TAB 011
#define RPT 014 /* next character is to be repeated many times */
#define CHARHT 015 /* size field sets character height */
#define SLANT 016 /* size field sets amount of slant */
#define DRAWFCN 017 /* next several chars describe arb drawing fcn */
/* style: 's' m */
/* thickness: 't' w */
/* line: 'l' dx dy char */
/* circle: 'c' r */
/* ellipse: 'e' rx ry */
/* arc: 'a' dx dy r */
/* wiggly line '~' x y x y ... */
/* or 'g' x y x y ... */
#define DRAWTHICK 't'
#define DRAWSTYLE 's'
#define DRAWLINE 'l'
#define DRAWCIRCLE 'c' /* circle */
#define DRAWELLIPSE 'e'
#define DRAWARC 'a' /* arbitrary arc */
#define DRAWCURVE 'g' /* gremlin spline */
#define DRAWWIG '~' /* wiggly line with spline */
#define LEFT 020 /* \{ */
#define RIGHT 021 /* \} */
#define FILLER 022 /* \& and similar purposes */
#define OHC 024 /* optional hyphenation character \% */
#define CONT 025 /* \c character */
#define PRESC 026 /* printable escape */
#define XPAR 030 /* transparent mode indicator */
#define FLSS 031
#define WORDSP 032 /* paddable word space */
#define ESC 033
/* there are several tests (using iscontrol())
/* that rely on these having 034 true.
#define iscontrol(n) (n>=034 && n<=037) /* used to test the next two */
#define HX 035 /* next character is value of \x'...' */
#define FONTPOS 036 /* position of font \f(XX encoded in top */
#define FONTNAME 037 /* name of font in \f(XX in top */
/* have to appear in this order */
#define HYPHEN c_hyphen
#define EMDASH c_emdash /* \(em */
#define RULE c_rule /* \(ru */
#define MINUS c_minus /* minus sign on current font */
#define NARSP c_narsp /* narrow space \|: fake character */
#define HNARSP c_hnarsp /* half narrow space \^: fake character */
#define LIG_FI c_fi /* \(ff */
#define LIG_FL c_fl /* \(fl */
#define LIG_FF c_ff /* \(ff */
#define LIG_FFI c_ffi /* \(Fi */
#define LIG_FFL c_ffl /* \(Fl */
#define ACUTE c_acute /* acute accent \(aa */
#define GRAVE c_grave /* grave accent \(ga */
#define UNDERLINE c_under /* \(ul */
#define ROOTEN c_rooten /* root en \(rn */
#define BOXRULE c_boxrule /* box rule \(br */
#define LEFTHAND c_lefthand
/* array sizes, and similar limits: */
#define NFONT 10 /* maximum number of fonts (including specials) */
#define EXTRAFONT 500 /* extra space for swapping a font */
#define NN 300 /* number registers */
#define NNAMES 15 /* predefined reg names */
#define NIF 15 /* if-else nesting */
#define NS 64 /* name buffer */
#define NTM 256 /* tm buffer */
#define NEV 3 /* environments */
#define EVLSZ 10 /* size of ev stack */
#define DSIZE 512 /* disk sector size in chars */
/* the following defines the size of the infamous environment block.
this macro is guaranteed to blow older C preprocessors out of the
Furthermore, it is wrong: the proper value is more accurately
determined by using sizeof *tchar in several places.
no harm is done as long as it's big enough.
#define EVUSED \
(59 * sizeof(int) /* integers in env block */ \
+ 9 * sizeof(tchar) /* tchars in env block */ \
+ NHYP * sizeof(tchar) /* hytab */ \
+ NTAB * sizeof(int) /* tabtab */ \
+ (LNSIZE+WDSIZE) * sizeof(tchar)) /* line+word */
#define EVSPARE DSIZE - EVUSED % DSIZE /* number of leftover chars */
#define EVS (EVUSED + EVSPARE) /* should be a multiple of DSIZE */
#define NM 350 /* requests + macros */
#define DELTA 1024 /* delta core bytes */
#define NHYP 10 /* max hyphens per word */
#define NHEX 128 /* byte size of exception word list */
#define NTAB 35 /* tab stops */
#define NSO 5 /* "so" depth */
#define WDSIZE 270 /* word buffer size */
#define LNSIZE 680 /* line buffer size */
#define NDI 5 /* number of diversions */
#define NTRTAB 350 /* number of items in trtab[] */
#define NTRAP 20 /* number of traps */
#define NPN 20 /* numbers in "-o" */
#define FBUFSZ 256 /* field buf size words */
#define OBUFSZ 512 /* bytes */
#define IBUFSZ 512 /* bytes */
#define NC 256 /* cbuf size words */
#define NOV 10 /* number of overstrike chars */
#define NPP 10 /* pads per field */
Internal character representation:
Internally, every character is carried around as
a 32 bit cookie, called a "tchar" (typedef long).
Bits are numbered 31..0 from left to right.
If bit 15 is 1, the character is motion, with
if bit 16 it's vertical motion
if bit 17 it's negative motion
If bit 15 is 0, the character is a real character.
if bit 31 zero motion
bits 30..24 size
bits 23..16 font
/* in the following, "L" should really be a tchar, but ... */
#define MOT (unsigned short)(01<<15) /* motion character indicator */
#define MOTV (07L<<15) /* clear for motion part */
#define VMOT (01L<<16) /* vert motion bit */
#define NMOT (01L<<17) /* negative motion indicator*/
#define MAXMOT 32767 /* bad way to write this!!! */
#define ismot(n) ((unsigned short)(n) & MOT) /* (short) is a cheap mask */
#define isvmot(n) ((n) & VMOT) /* must have tested MOT previously */
#define isnmot(n) ((n) & NMOT) /* ditto */
#define absmot(n) ((unsigned short)(n) & ~MOT) /* (short) is cheap mask */
#define ZBIT (01L << 31) /* zero width char */
#define iszbit(n) ((n) & ZBIT)
#define SMASK (0177L << 24)
#define FMASK (0377L << 16)
#define SFMASK (SMASK|FMASK) /* size and font in a tchar */
#define CMASK ~MOT /* clears MOT */
#define CMASKL 077777L
#define sbits(n) ((unsigned short)((n) >> 24) & 0177)
#define fbits(n) ((unsigned short)((n) >> 16) & 0377)
#define sfbits(n) ((unsigned short)(((n) & SFMASK) >> 16))
#define cbits(n) (unsigned short)(n) /* isolate bottom 16 bits */
#define setsbits(n,s) n = (n & ~SMASK) | (tchar)(s) << 24
#define setfbits(n,f) n = (n & ~FMASK) | (tchar)(f) << 16
#define setsfbits(n,sf) n = (n & ~SFMASK) | (tchar)(sf) << 16
#define setcbits(n,c) n = (n & ~CMASKL | (c)) /* set character bits */
#define MMASK 0100000 /* macro mask indicator */
#define BMASK 0377
#define BYTE 8
#define ZONE 5 /* 5 hrs for EST */
#define TMASK 037777
#define RTAB (unsigned) 0100000
#define CTAB 040000
#define PAIR(A,B) (A|(B<<BYTE))
typedef unsigned filep;
#define BLK 128 /* alloc block tchars */
#define NBLIST 1024 /* allocation list */
/* previous values were BLK 256 NBLIST 512 */
/* it seems good to keep the product constant */
/* BLK*NBLIST<=65536 words, if filep=unsigned */
typedef long tchar; /* as an experiment */
extern tchar getch(), getch0();
extern tchar rbf(), rbf0();
extern tchar mot(), hmot(), vmot();
extern tchar makem(), sethl();
extern tchar popi();
extern tchar getlg();
extern tchar xlss();
extern tchar setfield();
extern tchar setz();
extern tchar setch(), absch();
extern tchar setht(), setslant();
#define atoi(i) ((int) atoi0(i))
extern long atoi0();
extern int Inch, Hor, Vert, Unitwidth;
/* these characters are used as various signals or values
/* in miscellaneous places.
/* values are set in specnames in t10.c
extern int c_hyphen;
extern int c_emdash;
extern int c_rule;
extern int c_minus;
extern int c_narsp;
extern int c_hnarsp;
extern int c_fi;
extern int c_fl;
extern int c_ff;
extern int c_ffi;
extern int c_ffl;
extern int c_acute;
extern int c_grave;
extern int c_under;
extern int c_rooten;
extern int c_boxrule;
extern int c_lefthand;
extern int stderr; /* this is NOT the stdio value! */