duplicate TIOCGPGRP for controller - minus the check for controlling terminal
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / kern / sysv_shm.c
* Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah.
* Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer
* Science Department. Originally from University of Wisconsin.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* from: Utah $Hdr: uipc_shm.c 1.9 89/08/14$
* @(#)sysv_shm.c 7.8 (Berkeley) %G%
* System V shared memory routines.
* TEMPORARY, until mmap is in place;
* needed now for HP-UX compatibility and X server (yech!).
#ifdef SYSVSHM
#include "machine/pte.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "systm.h"
#include "syscontext.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "vm.h"
#include "shm.h"
#include "mapmem.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "../hpux/hpux.h"
int shmat(), shmctl(), shmdt(), shmget();
int (*shmcalls[])() = { shmat, shmctl, shmdt, shmget };
int shmtot = 0;
int shmfork(), shmexit();
struct mapmemops shmops = { shmfork, (int (*)())0, shmexit, shmexit };
register int i;
if (shminfo.shmmni > SHMMMNI)
shminfo.shmmni = SHMMMNI;
for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmmni; i++) {
shmsegs[i].shm_perm.mode = 0;
shmsegs[i].shm_perm.seq = 0;
* Entry point for all SHM calls
shmsys(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
u_int which;
} *uap;
int *retval;
if (uap->which >= sizeof(shmcalls)/sizeof(shmcalls[0]))
RETURN ((*shmcalls[uap->which])(p, &uap[1], retval));
* Get a shared memory segment
shmget(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
register struct args {
key_t key;
int size;
int shmflg;
} *uap;
int *retval;
register struct shmid_ds *shp;
register struct ucred *cred = u.u_cred;
register int i;
int error, size, rval = 0;
caddr_t kva;
/* look up the specified shm_id */
if (uap->key != IPC_PRIVATE) {
for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmmni; i++)
if ((shmsegs[i].shm_perm.mode & SHM_ALLOC) &&
shmsegs[i].shm_perm.key == uap->key) {
rval = i;
} else
i = shminfo.shmmni;
/* create a new shared segment if necessary */
if (i == shminfo.shmmni) {
if ((uap->shmflg & IPC_CREAT) == 0)
return (ENOENT);
if (uap->size < shminfo.shmmin || uap->size > shminfo.shmmax)
return (EINVAL);
for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmmni; i++)
if ((shmsegs[i].shm_perm.mode & SHM_ALLOC) == 0) {
rval = i;
if (i == shminfo.shmmni)
return (ENOSPC);
size = clrnd(btoc(uap->size));
if (shmtot + size > shminfo.shmall)
return (ENOMEM);
shp = &shmsegs[rval];
* We need to do a couple of things to ensure consistency
* in case we sleep in malloc(). We mark segment as
* allocated so that other shmgets() will not allocate it.
* We mark it as "destroyed" to insure that shmvalid() is
* false making most operations fail (XXX). We set the key,
* so that other shmget()s will fail.
shp->shm_perm.mode = SHM_ALLOC | SHM_DEST;
shp->shm_perm.key = uap->key;
kva = (caddr_t) malloc((u_long)ctob(size), M_SHM, M_WAITOK);
if (kva == NULL) {
shp->shm_perm.mode = 0;
return (ENOMEM);
if (!claligned(kva))
panic("shmget: non-aligned memory");
bzero(kva, (u_int)ctob(size));
shmtot += size;
shp->shm_perm.cuid = shp->shm_perm.uid = cred->cr_uid;
shp->shm_perm.cgid = shp->shm_perm.gid = cred->cr_gid;
shp->shm_perm.mode = SHM_ALLOC | (uap->shmflg&0777);
shp->shm_handle = (void *) kvtopte(kva);
shp->shm_segsz = uap->size;
shp->shm_cpid = p->p_pid;
shp->shm_lpid = shp->shm_nattch = 0;
shp->shm_atime = shp->shm_dtime = 0;
shp->shm_ctime = time.tv_sec;
} else {
shp = &shmsegs[rval];
/* XXX: probably not the right thing to do */
if (shp->shm_perm.mode & SHM_DEST)
return (EBUSY);
if (error = ipcaccess(&shp->shm_perm, uap->shmflg&0777, cred))
return (error);
if (uap->size && uap->size > shp->shm_segsz)
return (EINVAL);
if ((uap->shmflg&IPC_CREAT) && (uap->shmflg&IPC_EXCL))
return (EEXIST);
*retval = shp->shm_perm.seq * SHMMMNI + rval;
return (0);
* Shared memory control
shmctl(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
register struct args {
int shmid;
int cmd;
caddr_t buf;
} *uap;
int *retval;
register struct shmid_ds *shp;
register struct ucred *cred = u.u_cred;
struct shmid_ds sbuf;
int error;
if (error = shmvalid(uap->shmid))
return (error);
shp = &shmsegs[uap->shmid % SHMMMNI];
switch (uap->cmd) {
case IPC_STAT:
if (error = ipcaccess(&shp->shm_perm, IPC_R, cred))
return (error);
return (copyout((caddr_t)shp, uap->buf, sizeof(*shp)));
case IPC_SET:
if (cred->cr_uid && cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.cuid)
return (EPERM);
if (error = copyin(uap->buf, (caddr_t)&sbuf, sizeof sbuf))
return (error);
shp->shm_perm.uid = sbuf.shm_perm.uid;
shp->shm_perm.gid = sbuf.shm_perm.gid;
shp->shm_perm.mode = (shp->shm_perm.mode & ~0777)
| (sbuf.shm_perm.mode & 0777);
shp->shm_ctime = time.tv_sec;
case IPC_RMID:
if (cred->cr_uid && cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.cuid)
return (EPERM);
/* set ctime? */
shp->shm_perm.key = IPC_PRIVATE;
shp->shm_perm.mode |= SHM_DEST;
if (shp->shm_nattch <= 0)
case SHM_LOCK:
/* don't really do anything, but make them think we did */
if ((p->p_flag & SHPUX) == 0)
return (EINVAL);
if (cred->cr_uid && cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.cuid)
return (EPERM);
return (EINVAL);
return (0);
* Attach to shared memory segment.
shmat(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
register struct args {
int shmid;
caddr_t shmaddr;
int shmflg;
} *uap;
int *retval;
register struct shmid_ds *shp;
register int size;
struct mapmem *mp;
caddr_t uva;
int error, prot, shmmapin();
if (error = shmvalid(uap->shmid))
return (error);
shp = &shmsegs[uap->shmid % SHMMMNI];
if (shp->shm_handle == NULL)
panic("shmat NULL handle");
if (error = ipcaccess(&shp->shm_perm,
(uap->shmflg&SHM_RDONLY) ? IPC_R : IPC_R|IPC_W, u.u_cred))
return (error);
uva = uap->shmaddr;
if (uva && ((int)uva & (SHMLBA-1))) {
if (uap->shmflg & SHM_RND)
uva = (caddr_t) ((int)uva & ~(SHMLBA-1));
return (EINVAL);
* Make sure user doesn't use more than their fair share
size = 0;
for (mp = u.u_mmap; mp; mp = mp->mm_next)
if (mp->mm_ops == &shmops)
if (size >= shminfo.shmseg)
return (EMFILE);
* Allocate a mapped memory region descriptor and
* attempt to expand the user page table to allow for region
prot = (uap->shmflg & SHM_RDONLY) ? MM_RO : MM_RW;
#if defined(hp300)
prot |= MM_CI;
size = ctob(clrnd(btoc(shp->shm_segsz)));
error = mmalloc(p, uap->shmid, &uva, (segsz_t)size, prot, &shmops, &mp);
if (error)
return (error);
if (error = mmmapin(p, mp, shmmapin)) {
(void) mmfree(p, mp);
return (error);
* Fill in the remaining fields
shp->shm_lpid = p->p_pid;
shp->shm_atime = time.tv_sec;
*retval = (int) uva;
return (0);
* Detach from shared memory segment.
shmdt(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
caddr_t shmaddr;
} *uap;
int *retval;
register struct mapmem *mp;
for (mp = u.u_mmap; mp; mp = mp->mm_next)
if (mp->mm_ops == &shmops && mp->mm_uva == uap->shmaddr)
if (mp == MMNIL)
return (EINVAL);
shmsegs[mp->mm_id % SHMMMNI].shm_lpid = p->p_pid;
return (shmufree(p, mp));
shmmapin(mp, off)
struct mapmem *mp;
register struct shmid_ds *shp;
shp = &shmsegs[mp->mm_id % SHMMMNI];
if (off >= ctob(clrnd(btoc(shp->shm_segsz))))
return(((struct pte *)shp->shm_handle)[btop(off)].pg_pfnum);
* Increment attach count on fork
shmfork(mp, ischild)
register struct mapmem *mp;
if (!ischild)
shmsegs[mp->mm_id % SHMMMNI].shm_nattch++;
* Detach from shared memory segment on exit (or exec)
struct mapmem *mp;
struct proc *p = u.u_procp; /* XXX */
return (shmufree(p, mp));
register int id;
register struct shmid_ds *shp;
if (id < 0 || (id % SHMMMNI) >= shminfo.shmmni)
shp = &shmsegs[id % SHMMMNI];
if (shp->shm_perm.seq == (id / SHMMMNI) &&
(shp->shm_perm.mode & (SHM_ALLOC|SHM_DEST)) == SHM_ALLOC)
* Free user resources associated with a shared memory segment
shmufree(p, mp)
struct proc *p;
struct mapmem *mp;
register struct shmid_ds *shp;
int error;
shp = &shmsegs[mp->mm_id % SHMMMNI];
mmmapout(p, mp);
error = mmfree(p, mp);
shp->shm_dtime = time.tv_sec;
if (--shp->shm_nattch <= 0 && (shp->shm_perm.mode & SHM_DEST))
return (error);
* Deallocate resources associated with a shared memory segment
register struct shmid_ds *shp;
caddr_t kva;
if (shp->shm_handle == NULL)
kva = (caddr_t) ptetokv(shp->shm_handle);
free(kva, M_SHM);
shp->shm_handle = NULL;
shmtot -= clrnd(btoc(shp->shm_segsz));
shp->shm_perm.mode = 0;
* Increment the sequence number to ensure that outstanding
* shmids for this segment will be invalid in the event that
* the segment is reallocated. Note that shmids must be
* positive as decreed by SVID.
if ((int)(shp->shm_perm.seq * SHMMMNI) < 0)
shp->shm_perm.seq = 0;
* XXX This routine would be common to all sysV style IPC
* (if the others were implemented).
ipcaccess(ipc, mode, cred)
register struct ipc_perm *ipc;
int mode;
register struct ucred *cred;
register int m;
if (cred->cr_uid == 0)
* Access check is based on only one of owner, group, public.
* If not owner, then check group.
* If not a member of the group, then check public access.
mode &= 0700;
m = ipc->mode;
if (cred->cr_uid != ipc->uid && cred->cr_uid != ipc->cuid) {
m <<= 3;
if (!groupmember(ipc->gid, cred) &&
!groupmember(ipc->cgid, cred))
m <<= 3;
if ((mode&m) == mode)
return (0);
return (EACCES);
#endif /* SYSVSHM */