syscons util remove use kbdcontrol & vidcontrol instead
[unix-history] / sys / Makefile
# From: /usr/src/sys/Makefile V1.4 <>
# $Id$
# Copyright Julian Stacey, Munich Oct. 1993, Free Software, No Liability
# For Legalities see end of file.
# Makefile & Makefile_sub.c are for the FreeBSD kernel usually
# found in /usr/src/sys. They provide:
# - Kernel configuration & make, defaulting to a kernel flavour
# automatically selected on a host name basis.
# - Automatic config prior to make if configuration name changes.
# - depend is done automatically.
# - Overide of default flavour by either "make CONFIG=whatever"
# or by editing default file.
# - Selection precedence order & examples:
# Highest: make CONFIG=your_flavour
# else
# Medium: edit ${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR} contents to flavour
# else
# Lowest: Makefile internally does CONFIG=`hostname`
# Move your favourite i386/conf configuration file to
# [/sys/]i386/conf/`hostname`
# Examples of how to force compilation of non hostname configurations:
# a) make CONFIG=LINT
# b) echo "GENERICAH" > .config.default ; make
# MACHINE Mandatory. Must be preset before make is invoked,
# example: i386.
# DESTDIR Optional. If preset in the environment,
# it is recognised.
# BOOT_SYS Optional. Set to enable makes in the i386/boot
# (mdec) sub directory,
# (may later be un-necessary,
# if we use SUBDIR=${MACHINE}/boot).
# BOOT_FLAG Optional. Set to null (with "BOOT_FLAG=") to
# allow makes in i386/boot,
# (overrides the default make -n).
# CONFIG Optional Usage as shown above.
# DEBUG_SYS Optional Preset to debug makefile.
# REQUIREMENTS: bsd-make, a cpp.
# obj: label needs to be filled out:
# Till then binaries get compiled in source tree,
# which isnt nice for following reasons:
# - If source is on a cd-rom,
# - If source is on a networked source tree serving
# several simultaneous compiles
# Local variants of Makefile_sub, .config.last
# .config.makefile will collide).
# Work around problem for now by ensuring each compile is
# done in its own seperate writable source tree, with symbolic
# links pointing to each source file (including such as
# Makefile & Makefile_sub.c)
# Review whether I still need .config.import in
# Makefile & Makefile_sub.c
# BUGS: If old config that does not recognise config "386bsd" at 0x...
# complains of syntax error, no error code is received
# the make then later fails.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - If changing names ensure consistency in Makefile & Makefile_sub.c.
# - I do not use a method whereby I would assume a local hostname in
# DEFAULT_FLAVOUR, instead I take `hostname` if it is empty
# (as distributed) this avoids problems of:
# a) source tree copied unclean to other systems
# b) source tree shared by several nfs mounted hosts,
# - Cpp is used to generate the $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL), to get dependency labels
# (to the left of the colon) such as CONFIG_TREE_TEST to be recognised
# by freebsd make (I couldnt in a simple makefile use labels like:
# compile/${THIS_FLAVOUR}/386bsd: )
# - The driving source is simply called Makefile to allow default
# make rules to work when recursing down tree from /usr/src/Makefile.
# - make builds a dependency list at startup,
# timestamps are also checked at startup, not on the fly.
# so we have to run a second make to notice if ${FORCE_MAKEFILE} has been
# touched by commands within label `config_makefile`.
# - constructs such as:
# foo: `bar`
# won't work.
# - Cannot have $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL): ${MACHINE}/conf/`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`
# as `cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}` would not evaluate.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Changeable by user (but if changed, do a make cleandir first, and
# leave no gap between assigned variable string and # comment delimiter !
KERNEL_NAME= 386bsd# Kernel Name
DEFAULT_FLAVOUR= .config.default# Contains name of what to make by default
THIS_FLAVOUR= Contains what to make now, (a temp variable).
LAST_FLAVOUR= .config.last# What MAKEFILE_KERNEL was last produced for.
FORCE_MAKEFILE= .config.makefile# If new MAKEFILE_KERNEL to be forcibly built.
BOOT_FLAG= -n # Prevents real make in i386/boot/, Can be overridden by bsd_make BOOT_FLAG=
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do NOT change these without reading Makefile & Makefile_sub.c.
# Do not add gaps between assigned variable string and # comment delimiter !
MAKEFILE_KERNEL=Makefile_sub# also used to refer to Makefile_sub.c
TREE_TEST= Makefile# used as: compile/CONFIG_NAME/$TREE_TEST,
# ( typically compile/GENERICAH/Makefile )
# compared with config file date.
# swap386bsd.c is newer, but not sure if
# swap${MACHINE}.c would be an architecture
# independent portable name.
.PATH= # No directories searched for files not found in current dir.
CONFIG:= `hostname`# Can be overridden by bsd_make CONFIG=whatever
CWD!= pwd
INFORM= echo
.if defined(DEBUG_SYS)
CALL_BEFORE= " /sys/makefile label "
CALL_AFTER= " has been invoked."
# Suppress chat about what config being made etc.
DIVERT= > /dev/null
BOOT_START="Start considering (with make ${BOOT_FLAG}) what could be done in ${MACHINE}/boot:"
BOOT_END="End of considering ${MACHINE}/boot."
# Transient temporary files, created by config_makefile.
# =============================================================================
# This label is callable from /usr/src/Makefile.
all: all_start config_tree compile_tree boot_all all_end
# This label is callable from /usr/src/Makefile,
# Clean current-flavour compile tree, but not other flavours.
clean: clean_start lifebelt config_makefile boot_clean
@${INFORM} "Cleaning compile tree for configuration name `cat $(THIS_FLAVOUR)`". ${DIVERT}
@echo "==={> compile/`cat $(CWD)/$(THIS_FLAVOUR)`"
-(cd ./compile; cd ./`cat $(CWD)/$(THIS_FLAVOUR)`; make clean)
@echo "<}=== compile/`cat $(CWD)/$(THIS_FLAVOUR)`"
# # cd is done in 2 stages in case directory named in $(THIS_FLAVOUR)
# # is not there, else make would recurse endlessly.
# # A more drastic alternative to the above make clean could be:
# # -rm -r -f ./compile/`cat ./$(THIS_FLAVOUR)`/*
@${INFORM} Removing makefile temporary files. ${DIVERT}
-rm -f ${TRANSIENT}
# # Dont move "rm TRANSIENT" before "rm compile/`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`"
@${INFORM} To do more extensive cleaning, use make cleandir ${DIVERT}
# This label is callable from /usr/src/Makefile,
cleandir: cleandir_start boot_cleandir
@${INFORM} Removing all kernel compile trees. ${DIVERT}
-rm -f -r compile/*
-rm -f ${TRANSIENT}
@echo "Warning: Removing $(DEFAULT_FLAVOUR)."
@echo Future makes will default to generate a flavour for `hostname`.
@${INFORM} To also clean kernel in destination tree, use make clean_dest ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} Cleaning destination tree kernel. ${DIVERT}
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)/${KERNEL_NAME}.untested.`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`
-rm -f $(DESTDIR)/config.untested.`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`
# # Suprisingly the - before the rm above is needed for
# # $(DESTDIR)/${KERNEL_NAME}.untested.${CONFIG_NAME} else make clean
# # fails, yet rm exit value bug supposed to have been fixed way back.
# This label is callable from /usr/src/Makefile,
depend: boot_depend
@echo This a dummy depend label in sys/Makefile to satisfy possible callers.
# # Currently the config depend gets done from `all', later
# # when I've thought more about it, maybe I'll add `depend:'
# # to be dependent on `config_tree'.
# # As dependencies get evaluated anyway, & as /sys/make call
# # make depend
# This label is callable from /usr/src/Makefile,
obj: obj_start boot_obj
@echo "NOT YET DEVELOPED AN obj ENTRY FOR /sys/Makefile."
@echo "So compiles are in source directory."
@echo Do not attempt to share a common source directory with others,
@echo "as transient files will conflict (eg ${TRANSIENT})"
# This label is callable from /usr/src/Makefile,
install: install_start all boot_install
install -c -m 644 compile/`cat $(THIS_FLAVOUR)`/${KERNEL_NAME} \
$(DESTDIR)/${KERNEL_NAME}.untested.`cat $(THIS_FLAVOUR)`
# # Beware: If you remove the word untested, & then `cat $(THIS_FLAVOUR)`
# # does not evaluate properly, you will overwrite your current
# # working kernel.
install -c -m 644 ${MACHINE}/conf/`cat $(THIS_FLAVOUR)` \
$(DESTDIR)/config.untested.`cat $(THIS_FLAVOUR)`
sync # ensure complete kernel in root even if update dead
@${INFORM} "Looking at kernel sizes (> 593920 may overlap floppy buffers):" ${DIVERT}
-find $(DESTDIR)/$(KERNEL_NAME)* \! -name \*.gz -print | xargs size
@${INFORM} -n "For local notes on kernel sizes etc:" ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} -n " cat ${MACHINE}/doc/`cat $(THIS_FLAVOUR)`" ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} -n To test: fasthalt, wait, select $(DESTDIR)/${KERNEL_NAME}.untested. ${DIVERT}
# =============================================================================
# LABELS BELOW HERE ARE INTERNAL, (not to be called from outside this Makefile)
# =============================================================================
@${INFORM} "make clean decides what flavour to clean in a rather complex" ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} "way using tools such as cpp. If make clean breaks" ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} "call the more simplistic make cleandir." ${DIVERT}
clean_start cleandir_start all_start install_start obj_start all_end:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# STUFF TO SUPERCEDE ../Makefile mdec:
# (maybe to be in turn superceeded by SUBDIR=${MACHINE}/boot
.if defined (BOOT_SYS)
.if ${MACHINE} == "i386"
# # mdec work is called from /usr/src/Makefile, this was done before
# # this /usr/src/sys/Makefile was written, boot_all work could/should
# # now be moved down to here
# # (but not until people have had time to object)
@${INFORM} /usr/src/Makefile currently deals with mdec work. ${DIVERT}
@echo "==={> ${MACHINE}/boot"
cd ./${MACHINE}/boot; make ${BOOT_FLAG} depend all install ${CLEANDIR}
@echo "<}=== ${MACHINE}/boot"
.if defined (DESTDIR)
@${INFORM} "cd /usr/mdec; find . | cpio -pdamuv ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec" ${DIVERT}
# # The above is what /usr/src/Makefile does,
# # however it should be improved,
# # because boot blocks going to DESTDIR should come from the obj tree,
# # not from out current live /usr/mdec.
# # cpio flags:
# -a: Reset the access times of files after reading them,
# so that it does not look like they have just been
# read.
# -d: Create leading directories where needed.
# -m: Retain previous file modification times when creat-
# ing files.
# -p: Run in copy-pass mode.
# -u: Replace all files, without asking whether to
# replace existing newer files with older files.
# -v: List the files processed, or with -t, give an `ls
# -l' style table of contents listing. In a verbose
# table of contents of a ustar archive, user and
# group names in the archive that do not exist on the
# local system are replaced by the names that corre-
# spond locally to the numeric UID and GID stored in
# the archive.
boot_install: boot_start
.if defined (BOOT_SYS)
@echo "==={> ${MACHINE}/boot"
cd ./${MACHINE}/boot; make ${BOOT_FLAG} install
@echo "<}=== ${MACHINE}/boot"
boot_clean: boot_start
.if defined (BOOT_SYS)
@echo "==={> ${MACHINE}/boot"
cd ./${MACHINE}/boot; make ${BOOT_FLAG} clean
@echo "<}=== ${MACHINE}/boot"
boot_cleandir: boot_start
.if defined (BOOT_SYS)
@echo "==={> ${MACHINE}/boot"
cd ./${MACHINE}/boot; make ${BOOT_FLAG} cleandir
@echo "<}=== ${MACHINE}/boot"
boot_depend: boot_start
.if defined (BOOT_SYS)
@echo "==={> ${MACHINE}/boot"
cd ./${MACHINE}/boot; make ${BOOT_FLAG} depend
@echo "<}=== ${MACHINE}/boot"
boot_obj: boot_start
.if defined (BOOT_SYS)
@echo "==={> ${MACHINE}/boot"
cd ./${MACHINE}/boot; make ${BOOT_FLAG} obj
@echo "<}=== ${MACHINE}/boot"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Stuff to determine which flavour kernel to compile.
@${INFORM} Determining which kernel flavour to make. ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} CONFIG variable is $(CONFIG). ${DIVERT}
.if exists(${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR})
@${INFORM} Seeing if ${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR} has contents. ${DIVERT}
if ( XX==X`cat ${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR}`X ); \
then \
${INFORM} "${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR} is empty" ${DIVERT} ; \
echo "$(CONFIG)" > ${THIS_FLAVOUR}; \
else \
${INFORM} "${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR} is not empty" ${DIVERT} ; \
echo "`cat ${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR}`" > ${THIS_FLAVOUR}; \
@${INFORM} "${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR} not extant." ${DIVERT}
.if defined(CONFIG)
@${INFORM} "CONFIG Makefile variable in ${THIS_FLAVOUR} set to ${CONFIG}." ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} "CONFIG Makefile variable unset" ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} "Assuming existence of $(MACHINE)/conf/`hostname`" ${DIVERT}
hostname > ${THIS_FLAVOUR}
@${INFORM} "Flavour to be worked on is `cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`." ${DIVERT}
.if !exists(${LAST_FLAVOUR})
@${INFORM} "Creating a dummy ${LAST_FLAVOUR} as no previous make" ${DIVERT}
cp /dev/null ${LAST_FLAVOUR}
# # ${LAST_FLAVOUR} is used to sense change of configuration to be made.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Decide if Makefile_sub should be remade.
config_makefile: config_which $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)
@${INFORM} Determining if $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL) needs to be remade. ${DIVERT}
.if !exists(${FORCE_MAKEFILE})
# # This touch only needs to be in the "then", not the "else",
# # however getting it there causes problems with backslash delimeters.
if ( XX==X`cmp ${LAST_FLAVOUR} ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`X ); \
then \
${INFORM} -n "Same configuration name as last time," ${DIVERT} ; \
${INFORM} " no need to remake $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)." ${DIVERT} ; \
else \
${INFORM} -n "Configuration changed from " ${DIVERT} ; \
${INFORM} "`cat ${LAST_FLAVOUR}` to `cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`." ${DIVERT} ; \
${INFORM} "Forcing a new $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)" ${DIVERT} ; \
touch ${FORCE_MAKEFILE}; \
echo "==={> $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)" ; \
echo "<}=== $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)" ; \
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make a compile tree (of sources).
.if defined(LOAD_ADDRESS)
.if defined(DEBUG_SYS)
config_tree: config_makefile
@${INFORM} Determining if compile tree needs to be remade. ${DIVERT}
@echo "==={> $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)"
make -f $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL) ${T_DBG} ${T_LD_ADR} \
compile/`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`/${TREE_TEST}
@echo "<}=== $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a file who's sole purpose is to be a timestamp,
# if this file is newer than $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL), then $(MAKEFILE_KERNEL)
# needs to be remade.
touch $@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make Makefile_sub.
cpp -P -DCONFIG_NAME=`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}` -Ui386 \
# # -Ui386 avoids damage to names like .../i386/conf/...
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile a tree.
@${INFORM} $(MAKEFILE) label $@ ${DIVERT}
@${INFORM} "Making kernel compilation tree for `cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`." ${DIVERT}
@echo "==={> compile/`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`"
cd ./compile/`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`; make
@echo "<}=== compile/`cat ${THIS_FLAVOUR}`"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.include <>
# Maybe a subsidiary make in compile/something or i386/boot will want,
# but Makefile_sub.c does not need it, (neither does it cause harm).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LEGALITIES (as refered to from top of file).
# Copyright (c) 1993 Julian Stacey, Munich, Germany.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# This software is provided by Julian Stacey (and subsequent
# contributors) ``as is'' and
# any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
# are disclaimed. In no event shall Julian Stacey (and subsequent
# contributors) be liable
# for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
# damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods
# or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption)
# however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
# liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way
# out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of
# such damage.
# End of Makefile.
# End of Makefile