BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / apl / documents / apl.2
APL System commands.
There are a whole bunch of them. Most are pretty familiar.
sets the number of digits displayed to n, from 1 to 19.
sets the fuzz to n.
sets the origin to n, which can be any integer, not just 1 or 0
sets APL's idea of your terminal's carriage width.
gets rid of function or variable named n.
saves all variables and functions in file named n.
The format used is peculiar to APL workspaces and can only
be read back in by APL.
gets the stuff in file n (which must have been saved) back.
like )LOAD but variables and functions are not erased. Things
in the loaded file take precedence over stuff already in.
discards everything.
deletes file n, which need not be saved from APL.
does what you'd expect.
exits, as does ctrl/d.
reads in a function from file n. The first line is the header,
with no del's. The full APL\360 header is accepted. All other
lines in the file are lines in the function. Lines are impli-
citly numbered, and transfers are as usual.There are no labels.
runs the UNIX editor on file n, and then READ's it when
you leave the editor.
lists out all of the files in the current directory.
lists out all current functions.
lists out all current variables.
toggles a debugging switch, which can produce vast amounts
of hopelessly cryptic output.
If you find bugs, have comments, or anything else having to do
with APL, please mail them to user "apl".