BSD 4_3_Reno release
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / kern / kern_mman.c
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution is only permitted until one year after the first shipment
* of 4.4BSD by the Regents. Otherwise, redistribution and use in source and
* binary forms are permitted provided that: (1) source distributions retain
* this entire copyright notice and comment, and (2) distributions including
* binaries display the following acknowledgement: This product includes
* software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its
* contributors'' in the documentation or other materials provided with the
* distribution and in all advertising materials mentioning features or use
* of this software. Neither the name of the University nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* @(#)kern_mman.c 7.18 (Berkeley) 6/30/90
#include "param.h"
#include "systm.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "vnode.h"
#include "specdev.h"
#include "seg.h"
#include "acct.h"
#include "wait.h"
#include "vm.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "vadvise.h"
#include "cmap.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "mman.h"
#include "mapmem.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "machine/cpu.h"
#include "machine/reg.h"
#include "machine/psl.h"
#include "machine/pte.h"
#include "machine/mtpr.h"
* The MMAP code here is temporary; it provides support
* only for mmaping devices such as frame buffers.
* All to be different next time...
#ifndef MAPMEM
#undef MMAP /* XXX */
#ifdef MMAP
struct mapmemops mmapops = {
(int (*)())0, (int (*)())0, (int (*)())0, (int (*)())0
sbrk(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
int incr;
} *uap;
int *retval;
/* Not yet implemented */
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
sstk(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
int incr;
} *uap;
int *retval;
/* Not yet implemented */
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
getpagesize(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args *uap;
int *retval;
*retval = NBPG * CLSIZE;
return (0);
smmap(p, uap, retval)
register struct proc *p;
register struct args {
caddr_t addr;
int len;
int prot;
int share;
int fd;
off_t pos;
} *uap;
int *retval;
#ifndef MMAP
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
register struct file *fp;
struct mapmem *mp;
struct vnode *vp;
register struct pte *pte;
struct pte *dpte;
register int off;
int error, fv, lv, pm, (*mapfun)();
dev_t dev;
if (error = getvnode(u.u_ofile, uap->fd, &fp))
return (error);
vp = (struct vnode *)fp->f_data;
if (vp->v_type != VCHR)
return (EINVAL);
dev = vp->v_rdev;
mapfun = cdevsw[major(dev)].d_mmap;
if (mapfun == NULL)
return (EINVAL);
if (((int)uap->addr & CLOFSET) || (uap->pos & CLOFSET) ||
uap->len <= 0 || (uap->len & CLOFSET))
return (EINVAL);
if ((uap->prot & PROT_WRITE) && (fp->f_flag&FWRITE) == 0)
return (EINVAL);
if ((uap->prot & PROT_READ) && (fp->f_flag&FREAD) == 0)
return (EINVAL);
if (uap->share != MAP_SHARED)
return (EINVAL);
for (off = 0; off < uap->len; off += NBPG)
if ((*mapfun)(dev, uap->pos+off, uap->prot) == -1)
return (EINVAL); /* Needs translation */
* Allocate a descriptor for this region and expand page
* table to accomodate.
if (uap->prot & PROT_WRITE) {
off = MM_RW;
} else {
off = MM_RO;
#if defined(hp300)
pm |= PG_CI;
off |= MM_CI;
error = mmalloc(p, uap->fd, &uap->addr, uap->len, off, &mmapops, &mp);
if (error)
return (error);
* Now map it in.
* Can't use mmmapin() because of args to map function.
fv = btop(uap->addr);
pte = vtopte(p, fv);
dpte = dptopte(p, u.u_dsize);
for (off = 0; off < uap->len; off += NBPG) {
if ((off&CLOFSET) == 0 && pte < dpte)
p->p_rssize -= vmemfree(pte, CLSIZE);
*(int *)pte = pm;
pte->pg_pfnum = (*mapfun)(dev, uap->pos+off, uap->prot);
newptes(vtopte(p, fv), fv, btoc(uap->len));
u.u_pofile[uap->fd] |= UF_MAPPED;
return (0);
#endif /* MMAP */
msync(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
char *addr;
int len;
} *uap;
int *retval;
/* Not yet implemented */
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
munmap(p, uap, retval)
register struct proc *p;
register struct args {
caddr_t addr;
int len;
} *uap;
int *retval;
#ifndef MMAP
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
register struct mapmem *mp;
register int fd;
caddr_t eaddr;
int error;
if (((int)uap->addr & CLOFSET) ||
uap->len <= 0 || (uap->len & CLOFSET))
return (EINVAL);
* Locate region mapping this range. If found, unmap it.
eaddr = uap->addr + uap->len - 1;
for (mp = u.u_mmap; mp; mp = mp->mm_next)
if (mp->mm_ops == &mmapops &&
uap->addr >= mp->mm_uva && eaddr < mp->mm_uva+mp->mm_size)
if (mp == MMNIL)
return (EINVAL);
fd = mp->mm_id;
mmmapout(p, mp);
error = mmfree(mp);
* If no other range has this descriptor mapped, mark it as unmapped.
for (mp = u.u_mmap; mp; mp = mp->mm_next)
if (mp->mm_id == fd)
if (mp == MMNIL)
u.u_pofile[fd] &= ~UF_MAPPED;
return (error);
#endif /* MMAP */
int fd;
int error = 0;
#ifdef MMAP
struct proc *p = u.u_procp; /* XXX */
register struct mapmem *mp, **mpp;
if (p->p_flag & SVFORK)
return (0);
mpp = &u.u_mmap;
for (mp = *mpp; mp; mp = *mpp) {
if (mp->mm_ops == &mmapops && mp->mm_id == fd) {
mmmapout(p, mp);
error = mmfree(mp);
} else
mpp = &mp->mm_next;
u.u_pofile[fd] &= ~UF_MAPPED;
return (error);
mprotect(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
char *addr;
int len;
int prot;
} *uap;
int *retval;
/* Not yet implemented */
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
madvise(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
char *addr;
int len;
int behav;
} *uap;
int *retval;
/* Not yet implemented */
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
mincore(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
char *addr;
int len;
char *vec;
} *uap;
int *retval;
/* Not yet implemented */
return (EOPNOTSUPP);
obreak(p, uap, retval)
struct proc *p;
struct args {
char *nsiz;
} *uap;
int *retval;
register segsz_t n, d, ds;
int error;
* set n to new data size
n = btoc(uap->nsiz) - dptov(p, 0);
if (n < 0)
n = 0;
* since we can't pass a -ve argument for the difference to chksize,
* if d is negative, make ds equal to the final value and clear d.
* keep the real difference in n for later use in expand.
ds = u.u_dsize;
if ((n = d = clrnd(n - u.u_dsize)) < 0) {
ds += d;
d = 0;
if (ctob(ds + d) > u.u_rlimit[RLIMIT_DATA].rlim_cur)
return (ENOMEM);
if (error =
chksize((u_int)u.u_tsize, (u_int)ds, (u_int)d, (u_int)u.u_ssize))
return (error);
#ifdef MAPMEM
* If change would conflict with any mapped memory segment
* return ENOMEM.
if (u.u_mmap && n != 0) {
caddr_t low, high;
low = (caddr_t) ctob(dptov(p, ds));
high = low + ctob((n < 0) ? -n : n);
if (mmclash(u.u_mmap, low, high))
return (ENOMEM);
if (error = swpexpand(ds + d, u.u_ssize, &u.u_dmap, &u.u_smap))
return (error);
if (p->p_mmsize && (p->p_mmsize -= n) < 0)
p->p_mmsize = 0;
expand((int)n, 0);
return (0);
* Macros for clearing a page's reference bits.
#ifdef REFBIT
#if !defined(tahoe)
#define uncache(pte) /* XXX */
#define CLRREF(pte, c, p, i) { \
if (!isatpte(p, pte)) \
uncache(pte); \
if (pte->pg_u) { \
c = &cmap[pgtocm(pte->pg_pfnum)]; \
if (c->c_lock) \
continue; \
pte->pg_u = 0; \
if (anycl(pte, pg_m)) \
pte->pg_m = 1; \
distcl(pte); \
if (isatpte(p, pte)) \
distpte(p->p_textp, i, pte); \
} \
#define CLRREF(pte, c, p, i) { \
c = &cmap[pgtocm(pte->pg_pfnum)]; \
if (c->c_lock) \
continue; \
pte->pg_v = 0; \
if (anycl(pte, pg_m)) \
pte->pg_m = 1; \
distcl(pte); \
if (isatpte(p, pte)) \
distpte(p->p_textp, i, pte); \
ovadvise(rp, uap, retval)
register struct proc *rp;
struct args {
int anom;
} *uap;
int *retval;
int oanom = rp->p_flag & SUANOM;
register struct pte *pte;
register struct cmap *c;
register unsigned i;
trace(TR_VADVISE, uap->anom, rp->p_pid);
rp->p_flag &= ~(SSEQL|SUANOM);
switch (uap->anom) {
case VA_ANOM:
rp->p_flag |= SUANOM;
case VA_SEQL:
rp->p_flag |= SSEQL;
if ((oanom && (rp->p_flag & SUANOM) == 0) || uap->anom == VA_FLUSH) {
for (i = 0; i < rp->p_dsize; i += CLSIZE) {
pte = dptopte(rp, i);
#ifdef MAPMEM
/* don't do mmap pages */
if (pte->pg_v && !pte->pg_fod)
if (pte->pg_v)
CLRREF(pte, c, rp, i);
if (uap->anom == VA_FLUSH) { /* invalidate all pages */
for (i = 1; i < rp->p_ssize; i += CLSIZE) {
pte = sptopte(rp, i);
if (pte->pg_v)
CLRREF(pte, c, rp, i);
for (i = 0; i < rp->p_tsize; i += CLSIZE) {
pte = tptopte(rp, i);
if (pte->pg_v)
CLRREF(pte, c, rp, i);
#if defined(vax) || defined(tahoe)
mtpr(TBIA, 0);
#if defined(hp300)
#if defined(i386)
return (0);
* Grow the stack to include the SP; true return if successful.
* Clients do not care about the cause of the error.
unsigned sp;
int si, error;
if (sp >= USRSTACK-ctob(u.u_ssize))
return (0);
si = clrnd(btoc((USRSTACK-sp)) - u.u_ssize + SINCR);
if (ctob(si) > u.u_rlimit[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur)
return (0);
if (error = chksize((u_int)u.u_tsize, (u_int)u.u_dsize, (u_int)0,
return (0);
if (error = swpexpand(u.u_dsize, u.u_ssize + si, &u.u_dmap, &u.u_smap))
return (0);
expand(si, 1);
return (1);
#ifdef MAPMEM
* Called from vpassvm() after full context has been passed from fup to tup.
* Always called in the context of the parent. NOTE: routines should NOT
* destroy regions.
mmvfork(fup, tup)
struct user *fup, *tup;
register struct mapmem *mp;
tup->u_mmap = fup->u_mmap;
fup->u_mmap = (struct mapmem *) 0;
for (mp = tup->u_mmap; mp; mp = mp->mm_next)
if (mp->mm_ops->mm_vfork)
(*mp->mm_ops->mm_vfork)(mp, fup, tup);
* Called from procdup() for both parent and child. If in parent
* we need to duplicate mapped memory regions. In both parent and
* child, we call object specific routine.
mmfork(pup, cup)
struct user *pup, *cup;
register struct mapmem *mp, **mpp;
int error = 0;
if (pup) {
mmdup(pup, cup);
for (mp = pup->u_mmap; mp; mp = mp->mm_next)
if (mp->mm_ops->mm_fork)
(*mp->mm_ops->mm_fork)(mp, 0);
} else {
mpp = &u.u_mmap;
for (mp = *mpp; mp; mp = *mpp) {
if (mp->mm_ops->mm_fork)
(*mp->mm_ops->mm_fork)(mp, 1);
if (*mpp == mp)
mpp = &mp->mm_next;
error = mmexpand(u.u_procp);
return (error);
* Its not clear that having a seperate exec routine is useful since
* exec frees the address space immediately afterwards. We probably
* need a post-exec hook to reestablish any mappings that persist
* across execs.
struct proc *p;
register struct mapmem *mp, **mpp;
int error1, error = 0;
mpp = &u.u_mmap;
for (mp = *mpp; mp; mp = *mpp) {
if (mp->mm_ops->mm_exec)
error = (*mp->mm_ops->mm_exec)(mp);
if (*mpp == mp) {
*mpp = mp->mm_next;
if (error1 = mmexpand(p))
return (error1);
if (p->p_mmsize)
return (error);
* Called from exit just before releasing address space.
* We always reclaim resources regardless of what the object routine does.
struct proc *p;
register struct mapmem *mp, **mpp;
int error1, error = 0;
mpp = &u.u_mmap;
for (mp = *mpp; mp; mp = *mpp) {
if (mp->mm_ops->mm_exit)
error = (*mp->mm_ops->mm_exit)(mp);
if (*mpp == mp) {
*mpp = mp->mm_next;
if (error1 = mmexpand(p))
return (error1);
if (p->p_mmsize)
return (error);
* Called from core just before dumping process image to core file.
* Used to unmap regions which cannot be dumped; e.g. a region mapping
* hardware registers which are write-only or must be accessed as bytes.
struct proc *p;
register struct mapmem *mp, **mpp;
int error = 0, error1, changed = 0;
mpp = &u.u_mmap;
for (mp = *mpp; mp; mp = *mpp) {
if ((mp->mm_prot & MM_NOCORE) == 0) {
mpp = &mp->mm_next;
if (mp->mm_ops->mm_exit)
error = (*mp->mm_ops->mm_exit)(mp);
if (*mpp == mp) {
*mpp = mp->mm_next;
if (changed && (error1 = mmexpand(p)))
return (error1);
return (error);
* Duplicate mapped memory regions in a forked process.
* XXX child may wind up short a few regions if not enough resources.
mmdup(pu, cu)
struct user *pu, *cu;
register struct mapmem *pmp, *cmp;
register struct pte *ppte, *cpte;
register segsz_t count;
* First duplicate the mmap chain
pmp = pu->u_mmap;
cmp = cu->u_mmap;
while (pmp && cmp) {
*cmp = *pmp;
if (pmp->mm_next)
pmp = pmp->mm_next;
cmp = cmp->mm_next;
* Now duplicate user address space that vmdup() won't do
* i.e. mapped regions outside of data segment.
ppte = dptopte(pu->u_procp, pu->u_procp->p_dsize);
cpte = dptopte(cu->u_procp, cu->u_procp->p_dsize);
for (count = pu->u_procp->p_mmsize; count; count--) {
if (ppte->pg_fod && ppte->pg_v)
*(int *)cpte = *(int *)ppte;
ppte++, cpte++;
cu->u_procp->p_flag |= SPTECHG;
mmalloc(p, id, uvap, size, prot, ops, mpp)
struct proc *p;
caddr_t *uvap;
segsz_t size;
struct mapmemops *ops;
struct mapmem **mpp;
register struct mapmem *mp;
register u_int uva;
int error;
* Validate size first
if (size <= 0 || (size & CLOFSET))
* A uva of zero means to map at our discretion.
* Our strategy is to place the segment at the max of:
* - the current data + mapped memory size
* - the default data size limit
* (if it will fit within the MAXDSIZ limit)
* If this is the first mapped memory region beyond the data
* segment we round to a MMSEG boundary to allow for data
* segment growth.
uva = (u_int) *uvap;
if (uva == 0) {
register u_int uva2;
uva = ctob(dptov(p, u.u_dsize + p->p_mmsize));
uva2 = ctob(dptov(p, btoc(DFLDSIZ)));
uva2 = ((uva2 + (MMSEG-1)) & ~(MMSEG-1));
if (uva < uva2 &&
uva2 + size < ctob(dptov(p, btoc(MAXDSIZ))))
uva = uva2;
else if (p->p_mmsize == 0)
uva = ((uva + (MMSEG-1)) & ~(MMSEG-1));
* Impose necessary constraints on address.
if ((uva & CLOFSET) || uva < ctob(dptov(p, 0)) ||
uva+size >= ctob(sptov(p, u.u_ssize)))
return (EINVAL);
if (mmclash(u.u_mmap, (caddr_t)uva, (caddr_t)uva+size))
return (EINVAL);
* Finally, allocate and initialize descriptor and expand
* user address space as necessary.
if (mp == MMNIL)
return (ENOMEM);
mp->mm_next = u.u_mmap;
mp->mm_id = id;
mp->mm_uva = (caddr_t) uva;
mp->mm_size = size;
mp->mm_prot = prot;
mp->mm_ops = ops;
u.u_mmap = mp;
if (error = mmexpand(p)) {
u.u_mmap = mp->mm_next;
*uvap = (caddr_t) uva;
*mpp = mp;
mmfree(p, mp)
struct proc *p;
register struct mapmem *mp;
register struct mapmem *cmp, **mpp;
* Remove region from chain
mpp = &u.u_mmap;
for (cmp = *mpp; cmp; cmp = *mpp) {
if (cmp == mp)
mpp = &cmp->mm_next;
if (cmp == MMNIL)
*mpp = mp->mm_next;
return (mmexpand(p));
mmmapin(p, mp, mapfunc)
register struct proc *p;
register struct mapmem *mp;
int (*mapfunc)();
register struct pte *pte;
register int off;
struct pte *dpte;
int pm, fv, lv;
* Verify that range can be mapped
for (off = 0; off < mp->mm_size; off += NBPG)
if ((*mapfunc)(mp, off) == -1)
return (EINVAL);
* Now verify that region is in range
fv = btop(mp->mm_uva);
lv = btop(mp->mm_uva + mp->mm_size - 1);
if (fv < dptov(p, 0) ||
lv >= dptov(p, u.u_dsize + p->p_mmsize))
return (ENOMEM);
* Finally, do the mapping.
if (mp->mm_prot & MM_RO)
#if defined(hp300)
if (mp->mm_prot & MM_CI)
pm |= PG_CI;
pte = vtopte(p, fv);
dpte = dptopte(p, u.u_dsize);
for (off = 0; off < mp->mm_size; off += NBPG) {
if ((off&CLOFSET) == 0 && pte < dpte)
p->p_rssize -= vmemfree(pte, CLSIZE);
*(int *)pte = pm;
pte->pg_pfnum = (*mapfunc)(mp, off);
newptes(vtopte(p, fv), (u_int)fv, (int)btoc(mp->mm_size));
return (0);
mmmapout(p, mp)
register struct proc *p;
register struct mapmem *mp;
register struct pte *pte;
register int off;
struct pte *dpte;
int fv, lv;
fv = btop(mp->mm_uva);
lv = btop(mp->mm_uva + mp->mm_size - 1);
if (fv < dptov(p, 0) ||
lv >= dptov(p, u.u_dsize + p->p_mmsize))
pte = vtopte(p, fv);
dpte = dptopte(p, u.u_dsize);
for (off = 0; off < mp->mm_size; off += NBPG) {
if (pte < dpte) {
if ((off & CLOFSET) == 0)
p->p_rssize -= vmemfree(pte, CLSIZE);
*(int *)pte = (PG_UW|PG_FOD);
((struct fpte *)pte)->pg_fileno = PG_FZERO;
} else
*(int *)pte = 0;
newptes(vtopte(p, fv), (u_int)fv, (int)btoc(mp->mm_size));
struct proc *p;
register int szpt, change;
caddr_t high;
segsz_t nsize, oms;
oms = p->p_mmsize;
* Get new mmsize based on existing regions and use
* that to calculate change in page table size.
if (u.u_mmap) {
mmrange(u.u_mmap, (caddr_t *)0, &high);
nsize = btop(high) - dptov(p, u.u_dsize) + 1;
if (nsize < 0)
nsize = 0;
} else
nsize = 0;
change = nsize - oms;
if (change == 0)
* Ensure data + mapped memory fits within maximum data limit.
* This is possibly a little restrictive, but it helps keep
* page table sizes down.
if (change > 0 &&
(ctob(oms+change) > u.u_rlimit[RLIMIT_DATA].rlim_max ||
ctob(u.u_dsize+oms+change) > u.u_rlimit[RLIMIT_DATA].rlim_max))
* Expand page table if necessary.
* Note that ptexpand takes care of flushing the translation buffer.
p->p_mmsize += change;
#if defined(hp300) || defined(i386)
szpt = ptsize(p) - u.u_pcb.pcb_szpt;
if (szpt > 0)
ptexpand(szpt, u.u_dsize, oms, u.u_ssize);
setp0lr(u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr + change);
#if defined(vax) || defined(tahoe)
#if defined(vax)
szpt = (u.u_pcb.pcb_p1br + (u.u_pcb.pcb_p1lr&~PME_CLR)) -
(u.u_pcb.pcb_p0br + (u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr&~AST_CLR));
szpt = (u.u_pcb.pcb_p2br + u.u_pcb.pcb_p2lr) -
(u.u_pcb.pcb_p0br + u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr);
if (change > szpt)
ptexpand(clrnd(ctopt(change - szpt)), u.u_dsize, oms, u.u_ssize);
* Clear new ptes.
* We need to do this because there may be bogus (yet technically
* valid) ptes above the old p0lr value. This can happen if the
* data segment has shrunk in the past leaving such ptes behind.
* There is no need to invalidate such ptes at that time since the
* length register will prevent their use. We are safe on the HPs
* because we do invalidate old ptes in setp0lr() when shrinking.
if (change > 0) {
struct pte *bpte;
#if defined(vax)
bpte = u.u_pcb.pcb_p0br + (u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr&~AST_CLR);
bpte = u.u_pcb.pcb_p0br + u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr;
bzero((caddr_t)bpte, change * sizeof(struct pte));
mtpr(TBIA, 0);
/* avoid side-effects of setp0lr */
#if defined(vax)
change += u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr &~ AST_CLR;
change += u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr;
mmrange(mp, lap, hap)
register struct mapmem *mp;
caddr_t *lap, *hap;
register caddr_t low, high, top;
low = high = 0;
while (mp) {
if (low == 0 || mp->mm_uva < low)
low = mp->mm_uva;
top = mp->mm_uva + mp->mm_size - 1;
if (high == 0 || top > high)
high = top;
mp = mp->mm_next;
if (lap)
*lap = low;
if (hap)
*hap = high;
mmclash(mp, la, ha)
register struct mapmem *mp;
caddr_t la, ha;
while (mp) {
if (ha > mp->mm_uva && la < mp->mm_uva + mp->mm_size)
mp = mp->mm_next;
#endif /* MAPMEM */