define UCB_NTTY
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / window / lcmd.c
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lcmd.c 3.24 %G%";
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
* All rights reserved. Redistribution permitted subject to
* the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
#include "defs.h"
#include "value.h"
#include "lcmd.h"
int l_alias();
int l_close();
int l_cursormodes();
int l_debug();
int l_echo();
int l_escape();
int l_foreground();
int l_iostat();
int l_label();
int l_list();
int l_nline();
int l_select();
int l_shell();
int l_source();
int l_terse();
int l_time();
int l_unalias();
int l_unset();
int l_variable();
int l_window();
int l_write();
struct lcmd_arg arg_alias[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_cursormodes[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_debug[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_echo[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_escape[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_foreground[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_label[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_nline[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_close[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_select[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_shell[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_source[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_terse[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_time[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_unalias[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_unset[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_window[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_write[];
struct lcmd_arg arg_null[] = 0;
struct lcmd_tab lcmd_tab[] = {
"alias", 1, l_alias, arg_alias,
"close", 2, l_close, arg_close,
"cursormodes", 2, l_cursormodes, arg_cursormodes,
"debug", 1, l_debug, arg_debug,
"echo", 2, l_echo, arg_echo,
"escape", 2, l_escape, arg_escape,
"foreground", 1, l_foreground, arg_foreground,
"iostat", 1, l_iostat, arg_null,
"label", 2, l_label, arg_label,
"list", 2, l_list, arg_null,
"nlines", 1, l_nline, arg_nline,
"select", 2, l_select, arg_select,
"shell", 2, l_shell, arg_shell,
"source", 2, l_source, arg_source,
"terse", 2, l_terse, arg_terse,
"time", 2, l_time, arg_time,
"unalias", 3, l_unalias, arg_unalias,
"unset", 3, l_unset, arg_unset,
"variable", 1, l_variable, arg_null,
"window", 2, l_window, arg_window,
"write", 2, l_write, arg_write,
struct lcmd_tab *
char *name;
register struct lcmd_tab *p;
for (p = lcmd_tab; p->lc_name != 0; p++)
if (str_match(name, p->lc_name, p->lc_minlen))
return p;
return 0;
char *filename;
if (cx_beginfile(filename) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
dolongcmd(buffer, arg, narg)
char *buffer;
struct value *arg;
int narg;
if (cx_beginbuf(buffer, arg, narg) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;