386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / public / bash-1.12 / README
To install everything, you might use:
cd /usr/local/bin; ln -s /usr/src/public/bash-1.12/bin/* .
cd /usr/local/man/cat1; ln -s /usr/src/public/bash-1.12/man/cat1/* .
To recompile, cd to the bash-1.12 directory and type 'make'. Gcc
should not report any errors, but will issue a few warnings about
redefined cpp macro/symbol names.
The install directories is set to /usr/src/public/bash-1.12/bin,
though there are no paths compiled into the executables. The
preformatted manpage is in man/cat1. To regenerate the preformatted
manual page, cd to man and type 'sh catman'.
The unmodified sources are available via anonymous ftp from
prep.ai.mit.edu in directory /pub/gnu and file bash-1.12.tar.Z.
Rich Murphey 409-772-3399
Physiology & Biophysics F-41 Fax 409-772-3381
Univ. of Texas Medical Branch rich@rice.edu
Galveston, Texas 77555-0641 rich@rice.UUCP