BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / man / cat2 / exit.0
EXIT(2) UNIX Programmer's Manual EXIT(2)
_exit - terminate a process
i\bin\bnt\bt s\bst\bta\bat\btu\bus\bs;\b;
__\be_\bx_\bi_\bt terminates a process with the following consequences:
All of the descriptors open in the calling process are
closed. This may entail delays, for example, waiting for
output to drain; a process in this state may not be killed,
as it is already dying.
If the parent process of the calling process is executing a
_\bw_\ba_\bi_\bt or is interested in the SIGCHLD signal, then it is
notified of the calling process's termination and the low-
order eight bits of _\bs_\bt_\ba_\bt_\bu_\bs are made available to it; see
The parent process ID of all of the calling process's exist-
ing child processes are also set to 1. This means that the
initialization process (see _\bi_\bn_\bt_\br_\bo(2)) inherits each of these
processes as well. Any stopped children are restarted with
a hangup signal (SIGHUP).
Most C programs call the library routine _\be_\bx_\bi_\bt(3), which per-
forms cleanup actions in the standard I/O library before
calling __\be_\bx_\bi_\bt.
R\bRE\bET\bTU\bUR\bRN\bN V\bVA\bAL\bLU\bUE\bE
This call never returns.
S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
fork(2), sigvec(2), wait(2), exit(3)
Printed 7/9/88 May 22, 1986 1