Add define for Kirk Smith's USR Courier driver. Change default baud
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / f77 / libI77 / Makefile
# Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
# @(#)Makefile 5.4 (Berkeley) %G%
# Makefile for f77 I/O lib, libI77.a
DEST = $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib
HDRS = f_errno.h \
fio.h \
fiodefs.h \
format.h \
lio.h \
LIBRARY = libI77.a
LIBRARY_P = libI77_p.a
MAKEFILE = Makefile
OBJS = backspace.o \
c_dfe.o \
c_iio.o \
c_sfe.o \
close.o \
dofio.o \
dolio.o \
douio.o \
due.o \
endfile.o \
err.o \
f77_abort.o \
f_errlist.o \
fmt.o \
fmtlib.o \
inquire.o \
lread.o \
lwrite.o \
open.o \
rdfe.o \
rdfmt.o \
rewind.o \
rfi.o \
rsfe.o \
rsli.o \
rsnmle.o \
sue.o \
util.o \
wdfe.o \
wfi.o \
wrtfmt.o \
wsfe.o \
wsli.o \
OLDDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/old/lib
PRINT = pr
SRCS = backspace.c \
c_dfe.c \
c_iio.c \
c_sfe.c \
close.c \
dofio.c \
dolio.c \
douio.c \
due.c \
endfile.c \
err.c \
f77_abort.c \
f_errlist.c \
fmt.c \
fmtlib.c \
inquire.c \
lread.c \
lwrite.c \
open.c \
rdfe.c \
rdfmt.c \
rewind.c \
rfi.c \
rsfe.c \
rsli.c \
rsnmle.c \
sue.c \
util.c \
wdfe.c \
wfi.c \
wrtfmt.c \
wsfe.c \
wsli.c \
all: $(LIBRARY) $(LIBRARY_P) libI66.o
$(LIBRARY): $(OBJS) Version
@echo -n "Loading $(LIBRARY) ... "
@ar cru $(LIBRARY) $(OBJS) Version
@ranlib $(LIBRARY)
@echo "done"
$(LIBRARY_P): $(OBJS) Version
@echo -n "Loading $(LIBRARY_P) ... "
@cd profiled; ar cru ../$(LIBRARY_P) $(OBJS) Version
@ranlib $(LIBRARY_P)
@echo "done"
Version: $(SRCS) mkvers
@rm -f Version.c
./mkvers $(LIBRARY) $(SRCS) > Version.c
$(CC) -c Version.c
mv Version.o Version
@rm -f profiled/Version
ln Version profiled/Version
mkvers: mkvers.c
@$(CC) mkvers.c -o mkvers
clean:; @rm -f $(OBJS) profiled/*.o $(LIBRARY) $(LIBRARY_P)
depend:; @echo Construct dependencies manually
extract:; @ar xo $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY); rm -f __.SYMDEF
@cd profiled; -ar xo $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY_P); rm -f __.SYMDEF
index:; @ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
install: $(LIBRARY) $(LIBRARY_P) libI66.o
install -m 644 $(LIBRARY) $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY)
ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY)
install -m 644 $(LIBRARY_P) $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY_P)
ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY_P)
install -m 644 -c libI66.o $(DEST)/libI66.a
library: $(LIBRARY) $(LIBRARY_P)
print:; @$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
tags: $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
update: $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY)
@-ar xo $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY)
@cd profiled; -ar xo $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY_P)
@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) install clean
f_errlist.o: f_errlist.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c f_errlist.c
@rm -f profiled/f_errlist.o
ln f_errlist.o profiled/f_errlist.o
$(CC) -p $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
-ld -x -r $*.o
mv a.out profiled/$*.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
-ld -x -r $*.o
mv a.out $*.o
backspace.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h backspace.c
c_dfe.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h c_dfe.c
rdfe.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h rdfe.c
wdfe.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h wdfe.c
due.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h due.c
rfi.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h rfi.c
wfi.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h wfi.c
rsli.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h rsli.c
wsli.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h wsli.c
c_iio.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h c_iio.c
inquire.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h inquire.c
rewind.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h rewind.c
rdfmt.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h format.h rdfmt.c
sue.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h sue.c
douio.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h douio.c
rsfe.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h rsfe.c
wsfe.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h wsfe.c
c_sfe.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h c_sfe.c
fmt.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h format.h fmt.c
dofio.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h format.h dofio.c
lwrite.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h lwrite.c
lread.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h lread.c
dolio.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h dolio.c
open.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h open.c
close.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h close.c
util.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h util.c
endfile.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h endfile.c
wrtfmt.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h format.h wrtfmt.c
err.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h err.c
fmtlib.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h fmtlib.c
f77_abort.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h f77_abort.c
rsnmle.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h nmlio.h rsnmle.c
wsnmle.o: fio.h f_errno.h fiodefs.h lio.h nmlio.h wsnmle.c