Research V4 development
[unix-history] / man / manx / intr.2
.pa 1
.he 'INTR (II)'3/15/72'INTR (II)'
.ti 0
NAME intr -- set interrupt handling
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS sys intr; arg / intr = 27.
int *label;
.ti 0
DESCRIPTION When arg\b\b\b___ is 0,
interrupts (ASCII DELETE) are ignored.
When arg\b\b\b___ is 1,
interrupts cause their normal result, that is, force an exit\b\b\b\b____.
When arg\b\b\b___ is a location within the program, control is
transferred to that location when an interrupt occurs.
After an interrupt is caught, it is possible to resume
execution by means of an rti\b\b\b___ instruction; however, great
care must be exercised, since
all I/O is terminated abruptly upon an interrupt.
In particular, reads of the typewriter tend to return
with 0 characters read, thus simulating an end of file.
From C, the interface is slightly different.
An argument of 0 or 1 has the
afore-mentioned effect of suppressing and forcing termination on
interrupts respectively.
An argument which is a label causes control
to be sent to the label when an interrupt occurs;
however the stack is set to have the same value
as it did when intr\b\b\b\b____ was called;
thus control returns to the complete execution environment
pertaining at the time of the call to intr\b\b\b\b____.
It is an error to call intr\b\b\b\b____ in a subroutine
and return from that subroutine, since
if an interrupt occurs
control will be returned
to a non-existent
It is not possible (with the C version of this call)
to resume execution after an interrupt.
.ti 0
.ti 0
.ti 0