move entry/exit debugging to 21.1
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / trek / snova.c
* Copyright (c) 1980, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)snova.c 8.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* not lint */
# include "trek.h"
** A supernova occurs. If 'ix' < 0, a random quadrant is chosen;
** otherwise, the current quadrant is taken, and (ix, iy) give
** the sector quadrants of the star which is blowing up.
** If the supernova turns out to be in the quadrant you are in,
** you go into "emergency override mode", which tries to get you
** out of the quadrant as fast as possible. However, if you
** don't have enough fuel, or if you by chance run into something,
** or some such thing, you blow up anyway. Oh yeh, if you are
** within two sectors of the star, there is nothing that can
** be done for you.
** When a star has gone supernova, the quadrant becomes uninhab-
** itable for the rest of eternity, i.e., the game. If you ever
** try stopping in such a quadrant, you will go into emergency
** override mode.
snova(x, y)
int x, y;
int qx, qy;
register int ix, iy;
int f;
int dx, dy;
int n;
register struct quad *q;
f = 0;
ix = x;
if (ix < 0)
/* choose a quadrant */
while (1)
qx = ranf(NQUADS);
qy = ranf(NQUADS);
q = &Quad[qx][qy];
if (q->stars > 0)
if (Ship.quadx == qx && Ship.quady == qy)
/* select a particular star */
n = ranf(q->stars);
for (ix = 0; ix < NSECTS; ix++)
for (iy = 0; iy < NSECTS; iy++)
if (Sect[ix][iy] == STAR || Sect[ix][iy] == INHABIT)
if ((n -= 1) <= 0)
if (n <= 0)
f = 1;
/* current quadrant */
iy = y;
qx = Ship.quadx;
qy = Ship.quady;
q = &Quad[qx][qy];
f = 1;
if (f)
/* supernova is in same quadrant as Enterprise */
printf("\a\nRED ALERT: supernova occuring at %d,%d\n", ix, iy);
dx = ix - Ship.sectx;
dy = iy - Ship.secty;
if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= 2)
printf("*** Emergency override attem");
q->scanned = 1000;
if (!damaged(SSRADIO))
q->scanned = 1000;
printf("\nUhura: Captain, Starfleet Command reports a supernova\n");
printf(" in quadrant %d,%d. Caution is advised\n", qx, qy);
/* clear out the supernova'ed quadrant */
dx = q->klings;
dy = q->stars;
Now.klings -= dx;
if (x >= 0)
/* Enterprise caused supernova */
Game.kills += dy;
if (q->bases)
killb(qx, qy, -1);
Game.killk += dx;
if (q->bases)
killb(qx, qy, 0);
killd(qx, qy, (x >= 0));
q->stars = -1;
q->klings = 0;
if (Now.klings <= 0)
printf("Lucky devil, that supernova destroyed the last klingon\n");