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[unix-history] / sys / i386 / doc / ata / ata-11
11. Timing
11.1 Deskewing
The host shall provide cable deskewing for all signals originating from the
controller. The drive shall provide cable deskewing for all signals
originating at the host.
11.2 Symbols
Certain symbols are used in the timing diagrams. These symbols and their
respective definitions are listed below.
/ or \ - signal transition (asserted or negated) *
< or > - data transition (asserted or negated)
XXXXXX - undefined but not necessarily released
. . . - the "other" condition if a signal is shown with no change
#n - used to number the sequence in which events occur e.g. #a, #b
_ _ __
__/_ _/ - a degree of uncertainty as to when a signal may be asserted
__ _ _
\_ _\__ - a degree of uncertainty as to when a signal may be negated
.. T - Nominal Clock Period
* All signals are shown with the Asserted condition facing to the top of
the page. The negated condition is shown towards the bottom of the page
relative to the asserted condition.
..Within each figure the timing terms i.e. tA, tB etc are repeated. There is continuity of definition of tA from one figure to another.
11.3 Terms
The interface uses a mixture of negative and positive signals for control and
data. The terms asserted and negated are used for consistency and are
independent of electrical characteristics.
In all timing diagrams, the lower line indicates negated, and the upper line
indicates asserted e.g. the following illustrates the representation of a
signal named TEST going from negated to asserted and back to negated, based on
the polarity of the signal.
Assert Negate
| |
Bit Setting=1 |__________|
Bit Setting=0 TEST _____/ \_______
Assert Negate
| |
Bit Setting=0 |__________|
Bit Setting=1 TEST- _____/ \_______
.. Processor I/O Write, 16 Bit:
11.4 Data Transfers
Figure 11-1 defines the relationships between the interface signals for both
16-bit and 8-bit data transfers.
|<------------ t0 -------------------->|
__________________________________________ |
Address Valid *1 ...../ \________
|<-t1->| ->| t9 |<-
->|t7|<- |<----------- t2 ------------->| ->|t8|<-
| | |______________________________| | |_____
DIOR-/DIOW- ____________/ \_______/
| | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________ |
Write Data Valid *2__________/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ \__________
| | | |<--t3---->| |
| | | ->|t4|<- |
| | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ |
Read Data Valid *2__________/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ | \__________
| | | |<--t5-->| | |
| | | ->|t6|<- |
| | | | | |
| |__________________________________________|
IOCS16- ________/ \_____
*1 Drive Address consists of signals CS1FX-, CS3FX- and DA2-0
*2 Data consists of DD0-15 (16-bit) or DD0-7 (8-bit)
| PIO | Mode 0| Mode 1| Mode 2|
| Timing Parameters | nsec | nsec | nsec |
| t0 | Cycle Time (Min) | 600 | 383 | 240 |
| t1 | Address Valid to DIOR-/DIOW- Setup (Min) | 70 | 50 | 30 |
| t2 | DIOR-/DIOW- 16-bit (Min) | 165 | 125 | 100 |
| | Pulse Width 8-bit (Min) | 290 | 290 | 290 |
| t3 | DIOW- Data Setup (Min) | 60 | 45 | 30 |
| t4 | DIOW- Data Hold (Min) | 30 | 20 | 15 |
| t5 | DIOR- Data Setup (Min) | 50 | 35 | 20 |
| t6 | DIOR- Data Hold (Min) | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| t7 | Addr Valid to IOCS16- Assertion (Max) | 90 | 50 | 40 |
| t8 | Addr Valid to IOCS16- Negation (Max) | 60 | 45 | 30 |
| t9 | DIOR-/DIOW- to Address Valid Hold (Min) | 20 | 15 | 10 |
.. NOTE: These are minimum acceptable interface timing requirements.
DIOR-/DIOW- __________/ \______________
|<- tA ->|<--- tB ---->|
___________________| |_____________________
IORDY \___________________/
Label Description Min Max Units
tA IORDY Setup time - 35 nsecs
tB IORDY Pulse Width - 1,250 nsecs
WARNING: The use of IORDY for data transfers is a system integration issue
which requires control of both ends of the cable.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|<----------------------- t0 ---------------------->|
____________ _______
DMARQ ___/ \______________________________________/ |
|<- tC ->| |
|_____________________________________________ |___
DMACK- _______/ \_____/
|<--- tI --->|________________|<----- tJ -----| |
DIOR-/DIOW- ____________________/ \_________________________
| | | |
| |<------ tD ---->| |
Read | ______________ |
DD0-15 -------------------------------<______________>----------------
| |<-- tE -->| |<- tF ->| |
Write | _________________________ |
DD0-15 --------------------------<_________________________>-----------
| | | | |
| |<-- tG -->|<-- tH -->| |
| DMA | Mode 0| Mode 1| Mode 2|
| Timing Parameters | nsec | nsec | nsec |
| t0 | Cycle Time (Min) | 960 | 480 | 240 |
| tC | DMACK to DMREQ Delay (Max) | 200 | 100 | 80 |
| tD | DIOR-/DIOW- 16-bit (Min) | 480 | 240 | 120 |
| tE | DIOR- Data Setup (Min) | 250 | 150 | 50 |
| tF | DIOR- Data Hold (Min) | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| tG | DIOW- Data Setup (Min) | 250 | 100 | 35 |
| tH | DIOW- Data Hold (Min) | 50 | 30 | 20 |
| tI | DMACK to DIOR-/DIOW- Setup (Min) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| tJ | DIOR-/DIOW- to DMACK Hold (Min) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11.5 Power On and Hard Reset
RESET- _____/ \_____________________________________________________
| | Drive 0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
BSY _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ \_ _ _ _ _ *1 _ _ _ _ _ _\________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DASP- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\_______/_ _ _ _ *2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\=== *3 ==
->| tP |<- | |_ _ _ __________
Control Registers_______________________________________/_ _ _ /
| | |
| | | Drive 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________________|
BSY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ \________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _
PDIAG- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\____________________________/ \_ _ _ _ _
| | | |<----------- tQ -------->|
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________ _ _ _
DASP- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\_____/ \ _ _ _\=== *3 ==
|<- tR ->|<------------ tS -------------->|
_ _ _ __________
Control Registers_______________________________________/_ _ _ /
*1 Drive 0 can set BSY=0 if Drive 1 not present
*2 Drive 0 can use DASP- to indicate it is active if Drive 1 is not
*3 DASP- can be asserted to indicate that the drive is active
| Label | Units |
| tM (Min) | 25 usec |
| tN (Max) | 400 nsec |
| tP (Max) | 1 msec |
| tQ (Max) | 30 secs |
| tR Drive 0 (Max) | 450 msec |
| tR Drive 1 (Max) | 400 msec |
| tS (Max) | 30.5 secs |