BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-2 / man / cr3.u
.TH CR3 UCB 2/24/79 UCB
cr3 \- controlled output flow filter for crt previewing
.B cr3
name ...
.I Cr3
is a filter which allows causual examination of a continuous text
on a soft-copy terminal.
It normally pauses after each 23 lines of output.
If the user then hits a carriage-return, 23 more lines are displayed.
If the user hits control-d,
11 more lines are displayed (a `scroll').
It is also possible to type positive numbers to
.I cr3
causing that
many lines to be printed, or negative numbers causing that many lines
to be discarded followed by a scroll.
The terminal is set to
.I noecho
mode by this program so that the output can be continuous.
The numbers and carriage returns you type will thus not show on your terminal.
A sample usage of
.I cr3
in previewing
.I nroff
output would be
nroff \-ms +2 doc.n | cr3
William Joy
.I Cr3
has its unusual name because Charles Haley
implemented such a feature,
which was enabled by
stty cr3
The function of
.I cr3
should be done optionally by the teletype driver in the system,
akin to the ``more'' feature of the ITS systems at MIT.
It should be possible to scan forward throwing away or keeping
output ala `/pattern'.