do it right
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / pascal / pdx / breakpoint.h
* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
* @(#)breakpoint.h 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%
* Breakpoint module definitions.
* This module contains routines that manage breakpoints at a high level.
* This includes adding and deleting breakpoints, handling the various
* types of breakpoints when they happen, management of conditions for
* breakpoints, and display information after single stepping.
unsigned short tracing;
unsigned short var_tracing;
unsigned short inst_tracing;
BOOLEAN isstopped;
#define ss_lines (tracing != 0)
#define ss_variables (var_tracing != 0)
#define ss_instructions (inst_tracing != 0)
#define single_stepping (ss_lines || ss_variables || ss_instructions)
* types of breakpoints
typedef enum {
ALL_ON, /* turn TRACE on */
ALL_OFF, /* turn TRACE off */
INST, /* trace instruction (source line) */
CALL, RETURN, /* trace procedure/function */
BLOCK_ON, /* set CALL breakpoint */
BLOCK_OFF, /* clear CALL breakpoint */
TERM_ON, /* turn TRACEVAR on */
TERM_OFF, /* turn TRACEVAR off */
AT_BP, /* print expression at a line */
STOP_BP, /* stop execution */
CALLPROC, /* return from a "call"-ed procedure */
END_BP, /* return from program */
STOP_ON, /* start looking for stop condition */
STOP_OFF, /* stop looking for stop condition */
* Things that are on the tracing or condition list are either
* associated with the trace (implying printing) or stop commands.
typedef enum { TRPRINT, TRSTOP } TRTYPE;
* routines available from this module
addvar(); /* add a variable to the trace list */
delvar(); /* delete a variable from the trace list */
printvarnews(); /* print out variables that have changed */
trfree(); /* free the entire trace list */
addcond(); /* add a condition to the list */
delcond(); /* delete a condition from the list */
BOOLEAN trcond(); /* determine if any trace condition is true */
BOOLEAN stopcond(); /* determine if any stop condition is true */
addbp(); /* add a breakpoint */
delbp(); /* delete a breakpoint, return FALSE if unsuccessful */
bpfree(); /* free all breakpoint information */
setallbps(); /* set traps for all breakpoints */
unsetallbps(); /* remove traps at all breakpoints */
BOOLEAN bpact(); /* handle a breakpoint */
fixbps(); /* destroy temporary breakpoints left after a fault */
status(); /* list items being traced */