BSD 3 release
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / px / 28fun.s
# 28fun.s
incl r10
movl (sp)+,r0 #r0 has line limit
bgtr l2811
movl $0x7fffffff,r0 #non-positive indicates no limit
movl *(sp)+,r1 #r1 has file
movl r0,LLIMIT(r1)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
pushl _argc
jmp (r8)
cvtbl (r10)+,r2
bneq l2801
cvtwl (r10)+,r2 #r2 has size of character array
movl (sp)+,r3 #r3 has addr of character array
cvtwl (sp)+,r4 #r4 has subscript into argv
blss eargv
cmpl r4,_argc
bgeq eargv
movl *_argv[r4],r4 #r4 has pointer to argv string
locc $0,r2,(r4) #find end of string
subl3 r0,r2,r0 #calculate actual string length
movc5 r0,(r4),$blank,r2,(r3) #move with blank fill
jmp (r8)
movw $EARGV,_perrno
jbr error
incl r10
pushal -(sp) #space for time
calls $1,_time
jmp (r8)
cvtbl $1,r2
brb l2805
clrl r2
incl r10
subl2 $16,sp
pushl sp
calls $1,_times
movl (sp)[r2],r0
addl2 $16,sp
mull2 $1000,r0
cvtld r0,r0
divd2 $HZ,r0
cvtdl r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
pushl $O_DATE
calls $2,_pdattim
jmp (r8)
incl r10
pushl $O_TIME
calls $2,_pdattim
jmp (r8)
incl r10
movl (sp)+,_stlim
aoblss _stlim,_stcnt,l2812
movw $ESTLIM,_perrno
jbr error
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $0,_srand
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $0,_rand
cvtld r0,r1
divd2 maxint,r1
movd r1,(sp)
jmp (r8)
.double 0d2.147483647e+09
incl r10
movl (sp)+,r6 #r6 points to pointer
pushl (r6) #fetch pointer value
calls $1,_pfree #free space
clrl (r6) #set pointer to nil
jmp (r8)
movzbl (r10)+,r0
bneq l2806
movzwl (r10)+,r0
pushl r0
calls $1,_palloc
movl r0,*(sp)+
jmp (r8)
incl r10
clrl 4(sp)
movl (sp)+,r0
beql l2807
bicl2 $0xffff8000,r0
ashl $-7,r0,r0
subl2 $128,r0
movl r0,(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $2,_atan
movd r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $2,_cos
movd r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $2,_exp
movd r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $2,_sin
movd r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
tstd (sp)
bleq eln
calls $2,_log
movd r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
movw $ELN,_perrno
jbr error
incl r10
tstd (sp)
blss esqrt
calls $2,_sqrt
movd r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
movw $ESQRT,_perrno
jbr error
incl r10
movw (sp),r0
blss echr
cmpw r0,$177
bgtru echr
jmp (r8)
movw $ECHR,_perrno
jbr error
incl r10
movl (sp)+,r0
blss echr
cmpl r0,$177
bgtru echr
movw r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
movw (sp)+,(sp)
incl r10
bicw2 $0xfffe,(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
decw (sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
decl (sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
cvtwl (sp)+,r0
subl3 $1,r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
incw (sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
incl (sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
cvtwl (sp)+,r0
addl3 $1,r0,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
cvtrdl (sp)+,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
cvtdl (sp)+,-(sp)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
addl2 $8,sp
clrw -(sp)
jmp (r8)
# pack(a,i,z)
# with: a: array[m..n] of t
# z: packed array[u..v] of t
# semantics: for j := u to v do
# z[j] := a[j-u+i];
# need to check:
# 1. i >= m
# 2. i+(v-u) <= n (i.e. i-m <= (n-m)-(v-u))
# on stack: lv(z), lv(a), rv(i) (len 2)
# move w(t)*(v-u+1) bytes from lv(a)+w(t)*(i-m) to lv(z)
cvtbl (r10)+,r0
bneq l2809
cvtwl (r10)+,r0 #r0 has size of "a" types
clrl r1 #r1 := subscript - lower_bound
subw3 (r10)+,8(sp),r1
cvtwl (r10)+,r3 #r3 := high_bound
index r1,$0,r3,r0,$0,r4 #r4 has index of "a"
movc3 (r10)+,*4(sp)[r4],*(sp) #make the move
addl2 $10,sp #clear the stack
jmp (r8)
# unpack(z,a,i)
# with: z and a as in pack
# semantics: for j := u to v do
# a[j-u+i] := z[j]
cvtbl (r10)+,r0
bneq l2810
cvtwl (r10)+,r0 #r0 has size of "a" types
clrl r1 #r1 := subscript - lower_bound
subw3 (r10)+,8(sp),r1
cvtwl (r10)+,r3 #r3 := high_bound
index r1,$0,r3,r0,$0,r4 #r4 has index of "a"
movc3 (r10)+,*(sp),*4(sp)[r4] #make the move
addl2 $10,sp #clear the stack
jmp (r8)