BSD 4_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / man / man3 / ioinit.3f
.TH IOINIT 3F "13 June 1983"
.UC 4
ioinit \- change f77 I/O initialization
\fBlogical function ioinit (cctl, bzro, apnd, prefix, vrbose)\fP
.B logical cctl, bzro, apnd, vrbose
.B character*(*) prefix
This routine will initialize several global parameters in the f77 I/O system,
and attach externally defined files to logical units at run time.
The effect of the flag arguments applies to logical units opened after
.I ioinit
is called.
The exception is the preassigned units, 5 and 6, to which
.I cctl
.I bzro
will apply at any time.
.I Ioinit
is written in Fortran-77.
By default,
carriage control is not recognized on any logical unit. If
.I cctl
.B .true.
then carriage control will be recognized on formatted output
to all logical units except unit 0, the diagnostic channel.
Otherwise the default will be restored.
By default, trailing and embedded blanks in input data fields
are ignored. If
.I bzro
.B .true.
then such blanks will be treated as zero's.
Otherwise the default will be restored.
By default, all files opened for sequential access are positioned at
their beginning.
It is sometimes necessary or convenient to open at the END-OF-FILE
so that a write will append to the existing data.
.I apnd
.B .true.
then files opened subsequently on any logical unit
will be positioned at their end upon opening.
A value of
.B .false.
will restore the default behavior.
Many systems provide an automatic association of global names with
fortran logical units when a program is run.
There is no such automatic association in
However, if the argument
.I prefix
is a non-blank string, then names of the form
.BR prefix NN
will be sought in the program environment. The value associated with
each such name found will be used to open logical unit NN for formatted
sequential access.
For example, if f77 program
.I myprogram
included the call
call ioinit (.true., .false., .false., \(fmFORT\(fm, .false.)
then when the following sequence
% setenv FORT01 mydata
% setenv FORT12 myresults
% myprogram
would result in logical unit 1 opened to file
.I mydata
and logical unit 12 opened to file
.IR myresults .
Both files would be positioned at their beginning.
Any formatted output would have column 1 removed and interpreted
as carriage control.
Embedded and trailing blanks would be ignored on input.
If the argument
.I vrbose
.B .true.
.I ioinit
will report on its activity.
The effect of
call ioinit (.true., .true., .false., \(fm\(fm, .false.)
can be achieved without the actual call by including ``\-lI66''
on the
.I f77
command line.
This gives carriage control on all logical units except 0,
causes files to be opened at their beginning, and causes
blanks to be interpreted as zero's.
The internal flags are stored in a labeled common block with the following
integer*2 ieof, ictl, ibzr
common /ioiflg/ ieof, ictl, ibzr
.ta \w'/usr/ucb/lib/libI77.a 'u
.ie \nM /usr/ucb/lib/libI77.a f77 I/O library
.el /usr/lib/libI77.a f77 I/O library
.ie \nM /usr/ucb/lib/libI66.a sets older fortran I/O modes
.el /usr/lib/libI66.a sets older fortran I/O modes
getarg(3F), getenv(3F), ``Introduction to the f77 I/O Library''
.I Prefix
can be no longer than 30 characters.
A pathname associated with an environment name can be no longer than 255
The ``+'' carriage control does not work.