BSD 4 release
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / lisp / nfasl.c
static char *sccsid = "@(#)nfasl.c 34.5 10/13/80";
#include "global.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pagsiz.h>
#include "naout.h"
#include "chkrtab.h"
#include "structs.h"
/* fasl - fast loader j.k.foderaro
* this loader is tuned for the lisp fast loading application
* any changes in the system loading procedure will require changes
* to this file
* The format of the object file we read as input:
* text segment:
* 1) program text - this comes first.
* 2) binder table - one word entries, see struct bindage
* begins with symbol: bind_org
* 3) litterals - exploded lisp objects.
* begins with symbol: lit_org
* ends with symbol: lit_end
* data segment:
* not used
* these segments are created permanently in memory:
* code segment - contains machine codes to evaluate lisp functions.
* linker segment - a list of pointers to lispvals. This allows the
* compiled code to reference constant lisp objects.
* The first word of the linker segment is a gc link
* pointer and does not point to a literal. The
* symbol binder is assumed to point to the second
* longword in this segment. The last word in the
* table is -1 as a sentinal to the gc marker.
* The number of real entries in the linker segment
* is given as the value of the linker_size symbol.
* Taking into account the 2 words required for the
* gc, there are 4*linker_size + 8 bytes in this segment.
* transfer segment - this is a transfer table block. It is used to
* allow compiled code to call other functions
* quickly. The number of entries in the transfer table is
* given as the value of the trans_size symbol.
* the following segments are set up in memory temporarily then flushed
* binder segment - a list of struct bindage entries. They describe
* what to do with the literals read from the literal
* table. The binder segment begins in the file
* following the bindorg symbol.
* literal segment - a list of characters which _Lread will read to
* create the lisp objects. The order of the literals
* is:
* linker literals - used to fill the linker segment.
* transfer table literals - used to fill the
* transfer segment
* binder literals - these include names of functions
* to bind interspersed with forms to evaluate.
* The meanings of the binder literals is given by
* the values in the binder segment.
* string segment - this is the string table from the file. We have
* to allocate space for it in core to speed up
* symbol referencing.
/* external functions called or referenced */
lispval qcons(),qlinker(),qget();
int _qf0(), _qf1(), _qf2(), _qf3(), _qf4(), _qfuncl(), svkludg(),qnewint();
lispval Lread(), Lcons(), Lminus(), Ladd1(), Lsub1(), Lplist(), Lputprop();
lispval Lprint(), Lpatom(), Lconcat(), Lget(), Lmapc(), Lmapcan();
lispval Llist(), Ladd(), Lgreaterp(), Lequal(), Ltimes(), Lsub();
lispval Lncons();
lispval Idothrow(),error();
lispval Istsrch();
int mcount();
extern int mcounts[],mcountp,doprof;
extern lispval *tynames[];
extern long errp;
extern char _erthrow[];
extern char setsav[];
extern int initflag; /* when TRUE, inhibits gc */
char *alloca(); /* stack space allocator */
/* mini symbol table, contains the only external symbols compiled code
is allowed to reference
#define SYMMAX 16
struct ssym { char *fnam; /* pointer to string containing name */
int floc; /* address of symbol */
int ord; /* ordinal number within cur sym tab */
} Symbtb[SYMMAX]
= {
"trantb", 0, -1, /* must be first */
"linker", 0, -1, /* must be second */
"mcount", (int) mcount, -1,
"mcounts", (int) mcounts, -1,
"_qnewint", (int) qnewint, -1,
"_qcons", (int) qcons, -1,
"_typetable", (int) typetable, -1,
"_tynames", (int) tynames, -1,
"_qget", (int) qget, -1,
"_errp", (int) &errp, -1,
"_Idothrow", (int) Idothrow, -1,
"__erthrow", (int) _erthrow, -1,
"_error", (int) error, -1,
"_setsav", (int) setsav, -1,
"_svkludg", (int) svkludg, -1,
"_bnp", (int) &bnp, -1,
struct nlist syml; /* to read a.out symb tab */
extern lispval *bind_lists; /* gc binding lists */
/* bindage structure:
* the bindage structure describes the linkages of functions and name,
* and tells which functions should be evaluated. It is mainly used
* for the non-fasl'ing of files, we only use one of the fields in fasl
struct bindage
int b_type; /* type code, as described below */
/* the possible values of b_type
* -1 - this is the end of the bindage entries
* 0 - this is a lambda function
* 1 - this is a nlambda function
* 2 - this is a macro function
* 99 - evaluate the string
extern struct trtab *trhead; /* head of list of transfer tables */
extern struct trent *trcur; /* next entry to allocate */
extern int trleft; /* # of entries left in this transfer table */
struct trent *gettran(); /* function to allocate entries */
/* maximum number of functions */
#define MAXFNS 500
lispval Lnfasl()
extern int holend,usehole;
extern int uctolc;
extern char *curhbeg;
struct argent *svnp;
struct exec exblk; /* stores a.out header */
FILE *filp, *p, *map; /* file pointer */
int domap,note_redef;
lispval handy,debugmode;
struct relocation_info reloc;
struct trent *tranloc;
int trsize;
lispval disp;
int i,j,times, *iptr, oldinitflag;
int funloc[MAXFNS]; /* addresses of functions rel to txt org */
int funcnt = 0;
/* symbols whose values are taken from symbol table of .o file */
int bind_org = 0; /* beginning of bind table */
int lit_org = 0; /* beginning of literal table */
int lit_end; /* end of literal table */
int trans_size = 0; /* size in entries of transfer table */
int linker_size; /* size in bytes of linker table
(not counting gc ptr) */
/* symbols which hold the locations of the segments in core and
* in the file
char *code_core_org, /* beginning of code segment */
*linker_core_org, /* beginning of linker segment */
*linker_core_end, /* last word in linker segment */
*literal_core_org, /* beginning of literal table */
*binder_core_org, /* beginning of binder table */
int string_file_org, /* location of string table in file */
string_size, /* number of chars in string table */
segsiz; /* size of permanent incore segment */
char *symbol_name;
struct bindage *bindorg, *curbind;
int linkerloc, typer;
lispval rdform, *linktab;
int ouctolc;
int debug = 0;
lispval currtab,curibase;
char ch,*filnm;
char tempfilbf[100];
switch(np-lbot) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
filnm = (char *) verify(lbot->val,"fasl: non atom arg");
domap = FALSE;
/* debugging */
debugmode = Istsrch(matom("debugging"))->d.cdr->d.cdr->d.cdr;
/* end debugging */
/* insure that the given file name ends in .o
if it doesnt, copy to a new buffer and add a .o
tempfilbf[0] = '\0';
if( (i = strlen(filnm)) < 2 ||
strcmp(filnm+i-2,".o") != 0)
filnm = tempfilbf;
if ( (filp = fopen(filnm,"r")) == NULL)
errorh(Vermisc,"Can't open file",nil,FALSE,9797,lbot->val);
if ((handy = (lbot+1)->val) != nil )
if((TYPE(handy) != ATOM ) ||
(map = fopen(handy->a.pname,
(Istsrch(matom("appendmap"))->d.cdr->d.cdr->d.cdr == nil
? "w" : "a"))) == NULL)
error("fasl: can't open map file",FALSE);
{ domap = TRUE;
/* fprintf(map,"Map of file %s\n",lbot->val->a.pname); */
/* set the note redefinition flag */
if((lbot+2)->val != nil) note_redef = TRUE;
else note_redef = FALSE;
printf("[fasl %s]",filnm);
svnp = np;
lbot = np; /* set up base for later calls */
/* clear the ords in the symbol table */
for(i=0 ; i < SYMMAX ; i++) Symbtb[i].ord = -1;
if( read(fileno(filp),&exblk,sizeof(struct exec))
!= sizeof(struct exec))
error("fasl: header read failed",FALSE);
/* check that the magic number is valid */
if(exblk.a_magic != 0407) error("fasl: bad magic number in fasl file",FALSE);
/* read in string table */
lseek(fileno(filp),(string_file_org = N_STROFF(exblk)),0);
if( read(fileno(filp), &string_size , 4) != 4)
error("fasl: string table read error, probably old fasl format", FALSE);
/* allocate space for string table on the stack */
string_core_org = alloca(string_size - 4);
if( read(fileno(filp), string_core_org , string_size - 4)
!= string_size -4) error("fasl: string table read error ",FALSE);
/* read in symbol table and set the ordinal values */
times = exblk.a_syms/sizeof(struct nlist);
if(debug) printf(" %d symbols in symbol table\n",times);
for(i=0; i < times ; i++)
if( fread(&syml,sizeof(struct nlist),1,filp) != 1)
error("fasl: Symb tab read error",FALSE);
symbol_name = syml.n_un.n_strx - 4 + string_core_org;
if (syml.n_type == N_EXT)
for(j=0; j< SYMMAX; j++)
if((Symbtb[j].ord < 0)
&& strcmp(Symbtb[j].fnam,symbol_name)==0)
{ Symbtb[j].ord = i;
if(debug)printf("symbol %s ord is %d\n",symbol_name,i);
if( j>=SYMMAX ) printf("Unknown symbol %s\n",symbol_name);
else if (((ch = symbol_name[0]) == 's')
|| (ch == 'L')
|| (ch == '.') ) ; /* skip this */
else if (symbol_name[0] == 'F')
funloc[funcnt++] = syml.n_value; /* seeing function */
else if (!bind_org && (strcmp(symbol_name, "bind_org") == 0))
bind_org = syml.n_value;
else if (strcmp(symbol_name, "lit_org") == 0)
lit_org = syml.n_value;
else if (strcmp(symbol_name, "lit_end") == 0)
lit_end = syml.n_value;
else if (strcmp(symbol_name, "trans_size") == 0)
trans_size = syml.n_value;
else if (strcmp(symbol_name, "linker_size") == 0)
linker_size = syml.n_value;
/* check to make sure we are working with the right format */
if((lit_org == 0) || (lit_end == 0))
errorh(Vermisc,"File not in new fasl format",nil,FALSE,0,lbot->val);
/* read in text segment up to beginning of binder table */
segsiz = bind_org + 4*linker_size + 8 + 3; /* size is core segment size
* plus linker table size
* plus 2 for gc list
* plus 3 to round up to word
lseek(fileno(filp),(long)sizeof(struct exec),0);
code_core_org = (char *) csegment(str_name,segsiz/4,TRUE);
if(read(fileno(filp),code_core_org,bind_org) != bind_org)
error("Read error in text ",FALSE);
if(debug) {
printf("Read %d bytes of text into 0x%x\n",bind_org,code_core_org);
printf(" incore segment size: %d (0x%x)\n",segsiz,segsiz);
/* linker table is 2 entries (8 bytes) larger than the number of
* entries given by linker_size . There must be a gc word at
* the beginning and a -1 at the end
linker_core_org = code_core_org + bind_org;
linker_core_end = linker_core_org + 4*linker_size + 4;
/* address of gc sentinal last */
if(debug)printf("lin_cor_org: %x, link_cor_end %x\n",
Symbtb[1].floc = (int) (linker_core_org + 4);
/* set the linker table to all -1's so we can put in the gc table */
for( iptr = (int *)(linker_core_org + 4 );
iptr <= (int *)(linker_core_end);
*iptr = -1;
/* link our table into the gc tables */
*(int *)linker_core_org = (int)bind_lists; /* point to current */
bind_lists = (lispval *) (linker_core_org + 4); /* point to first item */
/* read the binder table and literals onto the stack */
binder_core_org = alloca(lit_end - bind_org);
literal_core_org = binder_core_org + lit_org - bind_org;
/* check if there is a transfer table required for this
* file, and if so allocate one of the necessary size
if(trans_size > 0)
tranloc = gettran(trans_size);
Symbtb[0].floc = (int) tranloc;
/* now relocate the necessary symbols in the text segment */
fseek(filp,(long)(sizeof(struct exec) + exblk.a_text + exblk.a_data),0);
times = (exblk.a_trsize)/sizeof(struct relocation_info);
/* the only symbols we will relocate are references to
external symbols. They are recognized by
extern and pcrel set.
for( i=1; i<=times ; i++)
if( fread(&reloc,sizeof(struct relocation_info),1,filp) != 1)
error("Bad text reloc read",FALSE);
if(reloc.r_extern && reloc.r_pcrel)
for(j=0; j < SYMMAX; j++)
if(Symbtb[j].ord == reloc.r_symbolnum) /* look for this sym */
if(debug && FALSE) printf("Relocating %d (ord %d) at %x\n",
j, Symbtb[j].ord, reloc.r_address);
if (Symbtb[j].floc == (int) mcounts) {
*(int *)(code_core_org+reloc.r_address)
+= mcountp - (int)code_core_org;
if (mcountp == (int) &mcounts[NMCOUNT-2])
printf("Ran out of counters; increas NMCOUNT in fasl.c\n");
if (mcountp < (int) &mcounts[NMCOUNT-1])
mcountp += 4;
} else
*(int *)(code_core_org+reloc.r_address)
+= Symbtb[j].floc - (int)code_core_org;
if( j >= SYMMAX) if(debug) printf("Couldnt find ord # %d\n",
/* set up a fake port so we can read from core */
/* first find a free port */
p = stdin;
for( ; p->_flag & (_IOREAD|_IOWRT) ; p++)
if( p >= _iob + _NFILE)
error(" No free file descriptor for fasl ",FALSE);
p->_flag = _IOREAD | _IOSTRG;
p->_base = p->_ptr = (char *) literal_core_org; /* start at beginning of lit */
p->_cnt = lit_end - lit_org;
if(debug)printf("lit_org %d, charstrt %d\n",lit_org, p->_base);
/* the first forms we wish to read are those literals in the
* literal table, that is those forms referenced by an offset
* from r8 in compiled code
/* to read in the forms correctly, we must set up the read table
currtab = Vreadtable->a.clb;
Vreadtable->a.clb = strtab; /* standard read table */
curibase = ibase->a.clb;
ibase->a.clb = inewint(10); /* read in decimal */
ouctolc = uctolc; /* remember value of uctolc flag */
oldinitflag = initflag; /* remember current val */
initflag = TRUE; /* turn OFF gc */
i = 1;
linktab = (lispval *)(linker_core_org +4);
while (linktab < (lispval *)linker_core_end)
np = svnp;
uctolc = FALSE;
handy = Lread();
uctolc = ouctolc;
getc(p); /* eat trailing blank */
{ printf("form %d read: ",i++);
*linktab++ = handy;
/* process the transfer table if one is used */
trsize = trans_size;
np = svnp;
uctolc = FALSE;
handy = Lread(); /* get function name */
uctolc = ouctolc;
tranloc->name = handy;
tranloc->fcn = qlinker; /* initially go to qlinker */
/* now process the binder table, which contains pointers to
functions to link in and forms to evaluate.
funcnt = 0;
curbind = (struct bindage *) binder_core_org;
for( ; curbind->b_type != -1 ; curbind++)
np = svnp;
uctolc = FALSE; /* inhibit uctolc conversion */
rdform = Lread();
/* debugging */
if(debugmode) { printf("link form read: ");
printf(" ,type: %d\n",
/* end debugging */
uctolc = ouctolc; /* restore previous state */
getc(p); /* eat trailing null */
if(curbind->b_type <= 2) /* if function type */
handy = newfunct();
if (note_redef && (rdform->a.fnbnd != nil))
printf(" redefined\n");
rdform->a.fnbnd = handy;
handy->bcd.entry = (lispval (*)())(code_core_org + funloc[funcnt++]);
handy->bcd.discipline =
(curbind->b_type == 0 ? lambda :
curbind->b_type == 1 ? nlambda :
if(domap) fprintf(map,"%s\n%x\n",rdform->a.pname,handy->bcd.entry);
else {
Vreadtable->a.clb = currtab;
ibase->a.clb = curibase;
/* debugging */
if(debugmode) {
printf("Eval: ");
/* end debugging */
eval(rdform); /* otherwise eval it */
if(uctolc) ouctolc = TRUE; /* if changed by eval, remember */
curibase = ibase->a.clb;
ibase->a.clb = inewint(10);
Vreadtable->a.clb = strtab;
p->_cnt = p->_file = p->_flag = 0; /* give up file descriptor */
p->_ptr = p-> _base = (char *) 0;
initflag = oldinitflag; /* restore state of gc */
Vreadtable->a.clb = currtab;
ibase->a.clb = curibase;
if(domap) fclose(map);
/* gettran :: allocate a segment of transfer table of the given size */
struct trent *
struct trtab *trp;
struct trent *retv;
int ousehole;
extern int usehole;
if(size > TRENTS)
error("transfer table too large",FALSE);
if(size > trleft)
/* allocate a new transfer table */
/* must not allocate in the hole or we cant modify it */
ousehole = usehole; /* remember old value */
usehole = FALSE;
trp = (struct trtab *)csegment(str_name,sizeof(struct trtab),FALSE);
usehole = ousehole;
trp->sentinal = 0; /* make sure the sentinal is 0 */
trp->nxtt = trhead; /* link at beginning of table */
trhead = trp;
trcur = &(trp->trentrs[0]); /* begin allocating here */
trleft = TRENTS;
trleft = trleft - size;
retv = trcur;
trcur = trcur + size;
/* clrtt :: clear transfer tables, or link them all up;
* this has two totally opposite functions:
* 1) all transfer tables are reset so that all function calls will go
* through qlinker
* 2) as many transfer tables are set up to point to bcd functions
* as possible
/* flag = 0 :: set to qlinker
* flag = 1 :: set to function bcd binding if possible
register struct trtab *temptt;
register struct trent *tement;
register lispval fnb;
for (temptt = trhead; temptt != 0 ; temptt = temptt->nxtt)
for(tement = &temptt->trentrs[0] ; tement->fcn != 0 ; tement++)
{ if(flag == 0 || TYPE(fnb=tement->name->a.fnbnd) != BCD
|| TYPE(fnb->bcd.discipline) == STRNG)
tement->fcn = qlinker;
else tement->fcn = fnb->bcd.entry;
/* chktt - builds a list of transfer table entries which don't yet have
a function associated with them, i.e if this transfer table entry
were used, an undefined function error would result
register struct trtab *temptt;
register struct trent *tement;
register lispval retlst,curv;
retlst = newdot(); /* build list of undef functions */
for (temptt = trhead; temptt != 0 ; temptt = temptt->nxtt)
for(tement = &temptt->trentrs[0] ; tement->fcn != 0 ; tement++)
if(tement->name->a.fnbnd == nil)
curv= newdot();
curv-> = tement->name;
curv->d.cdr = retlst->d.cdr;
retlst->d.cdr = curv;