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[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / amd / fsinfo / fsi_gram.y
* Copyright (c) 1989 Jan-Simon Pendry
* Copyright (c) 1989 Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine
* Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Jan-Simon Pendry at Imperial College, London.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)fsi_gram.y 5.4 (Berkeley) %G%
* $Id: fsi_gram.y,v 1992/02/09 15:09:35 jsp beta $
#include "../fsinfo/fsinfo.h"
#include <stdio.h>
extern qelem *list_of_hosts, *list_of_automounts;
%union {
auto_tree *a;
disk_fs *d;
ether_if *e;
host *h;
qelem *q;
char *s;
mount *m;
fsmount *f;
%token tARCH
%token tAS
%token tCLUSTER
%token tCONFIG
%token tDUMPSET
%token tEQ
%token tEXPORTFS
%token tFREQ
%token tFROM
%token tFS
%token tFSTYPE
%token tHWADDR
%token tINADDR
%token tHOST
%token tLOG
%token tMOUNT
%token tNETMASK
%token tNETIF
%token tVOLNAME
%token tOPTS
%token tOS
%token tPASSNO
%token tSEL
%token <s> tSTR
%start list_of_hosts
%type <a> automount
%type <q> automount_tree
%type <e> ether_attr
%type <m> dir_tree_info
%type <d> filesystem fs_info_list
%type <h> host host_attr host_attr_list
%type <q> list_of_hosts list_of_filesystems list_of_mounts dir_tree
%type <f> localinfo_list
%type <s> opt_auto_opts
list_of_hosts :
/* empty */
{ $$ = new_que(); }
| list_of_hosts host
{ if ($2) ins_que((qelem *) $2, list_of_hosts->q_back);
$$ = $1; }
| list_of_hosts automount
{ if ($2) ins_que((qelem *) $2, list_of_automounts->q_back);
$$ = $1; }
* A new host:
* host foo.domain
host :
tHOST host_attr list_of_filesystems list_of_mounts
{ $$ = $2; $$->h_disk_fs = $3; $$->h_mount = $4; }
| error tHOST host_attr list_of_filesystems list_of_mounts
{ $$ = $3; $$->h_disk_fs = $4; $$->h_mount = $5; }
host_attr :
{ $$ = new_host(); set_host($$, HF_HOST, $1); }
| '{' host_attr_list '}' tSTR
{ $$ = $2; set_host($$, HF_HOST, $4); }
host_attr_list :
/* empty */
{ $$ = new_host(); }
| host_attr_list tNETIF tSTR '{' ether_attr '}'
{ if ($5) {
$5->e_if = $3;
$$ = $1; set_host($$, HF_ETHER, $5); }
| host_attr_list tCONFIG tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_host($$, HF_CONFIG, $3); }
| host_attr_list tARCH '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_host($$, HF_ARCH, $4); }
| host_attr_list tOS '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_host($$, HF_OS, $4); }
| host_attr_list tCLUSTER '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_host($$, HF_CLUSTER, $4); }
| host_attr_list error '=' tSTR
{ yyerror("unknown host attribute"); }
ether_attr :
/* empty */
{ $$ = new_ether_if(); }
| ether_attr tINADDR '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_ether_if($$, EF_INADDR, $4); }
| ether_attr tNETMASK '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_ether_if($$, EF_NETMASK, $4); }
| ether_attr tHWADDR '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_ether_if($$, EF_HWADDR, $4); }
* A new automount tree:
* automount /mountpoint { ... }
automount :
tAUTOMOUNT opt_auto_opts automount_tree
{ if ($3) {
$$ = new_auto_tree($2, $3);
} else {
$$ = 0;
| tAUTOMOUNT error
{ $$ = 0; }
opt_auto_opts :
/* empty */
{ $$ = strdup(""); }
{ $$ = $2; }
list_of_filesystems :
/* empty */
{ $$ = 0; }
| list_of_filesystems filesystem
{ if ($2) {
if ($1)
$$ = $1;
$$ = new_que();
ins_que(&$2->d_q, $$->q_back);
} else {
$$ = $1;
* A new filesystem:
* fs /dev/whatever { ... }
filesystem :
tFS tSTR '{' fs_info_list '}'
{ $4->d_dev = $2; $$ = $4; }
| tFS error '}'
{ $$ = (disk_fs *) 0; }
* Per-filesystem information:
* fstype - the type of the filesystem (4.2, nfs, swap, export)
* opts - the mount options ("rw,grpid")
* passno - fsck pass number
* freq - dump frequency
* dumpset - tape set for filesystem dumps
* mount - where to mount this filesystem
* log - log device
fs_info_list :
/* empty */
{ $$ = new_disk_fs(); }
| fs_info_list tFSTYPE '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_disk_fs($$, DF_FSTYPE, $4); }
| fs_info_list tOPTS '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_disk_fs($$, DF_OPTS, $4); }
| fs_info_list tPASSNO '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_disk_fs($$, DF_PASSNO, $4); }
| fs_info_list tFREQ '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_disk_fs($$, DF_FREQ, $4); }
| fs_info_list tMOUNT dir_tree
{ $$ = $1; set_disk_fs($$, DF_MOUNT, (char *) $3); }
| fs_info_list tDUMPSET '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_disk_fs($$, DF_DUMPSET, $4); }
| fs_info_list tLOG '=' tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_disk_fs($$, DF_LOG, $4); }
| fs_info_list error '=' tSTR
{ yyerror("unknown filesystem attribute"); }
* An automount tree:
* name = "volname" name is a reference to volname
* name -> "string" name is a link to "string"
* name { ... } name is an automount tree
automount_tree :
/* empty */
{ $$ = 0; }
| automount_tree tSTR '=' tSTR
{ automount *a = new_automount($2);
a->a_volname = $4;
if ($1)
$$ = $1;
$$ = new_que();
ins_que(&a->a_q, $$->q_back);
| automount_tree tSTR tEQ tSTR
{ automount *a = new_automount($2);
a->a_symlink = $4;
if ($1)
$$ = $1;
$$ = new_que();
ins_que(&a->a_q, $$->q_back);
| automount_tree tSTR '{' automount_tree '}'
{ automount *a = new_automount($2);
a->a_mount = $4;
if ($1)
$$ = $1;
$$ = new_que();
ins_que(&a->a_q, $$->q_back);
dir_tree :
/* empty */
{ $$ = 0; }
| dir_tree tSTR '{' dir_tree_info dir_tree '}'
{ $4->m_mount = $5;
$4->m_name = $2;
if ($2[0] != '/' && $2[1] && strchr($2+1, '/'))
yyerror("not allowed '/' in a directory name");
if ($1)
$$ = $1;
$$ = new_que();
ins_que(&$4->m_q, $$->q_back);
dir_tree_info :
/* empty */
{ $$ = new_mount(); }
| dir_tree_info tEXPORTFS tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_mount($$, DM_EXPORTFS, $3); }
| dir_tree_info tVOLNAME tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_mount($$, DM_VOLNAME, $3); }
| dir_tree_info tSEL tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_mount($$, DM_SEL, $3); }
| dir_tree_info error '=' tSTR
{ yyerror("unknown directory attribute"); }
* Additional mounts on a host
* mount "volname" ...
list_of_mounts :
/* empty */
{ $$ = 0; }
| list_of_mounts tMOUNT tSTR localinfo_list
{ set_fsmount($4, FM_VOLNAME, $3);
if ($1)
$$ = $1;
$$ = new_que();
ins_que(&$4->f_q, $$->q_back);
* Mount info:
* from "hostname" - obtain the object from the named host
* as "string" - where to mount, if different from the volname
* opts "string" - mount options
* fstype "type" - type of filesystem mount, if not nfs
localinfo_list :
/* empty */
{ $$ = new_fsmount(); }
| localinfo_list tAS tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_fsmount($$, FM_LOCALNAME, $3); }
| localinfo_list tFROM tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_fsmount($$, FM_FROM, $3); }
| localinfo_list tFSTYPE tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_fsmount($$, FM_FSTYPE, $3); }
| localinfo_list tOPTS tSTR
{ $$ = $1; set_fsmount($$, FM_OPTS, $3); }
| localinfo_list error '=' tSTR
{ yyerror("unknown mount attribute"); }