date and time created 90/10/01 22:07:21 by bostic
[unix-history] / usr / src / lib / libc / stdlib / radixsort.c
* Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)radixsort.c 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#define NCHARS (UCHAR_MAX + 1)
* shellsort (diminishing increment sort) from Data Structures and
* Algorithms, Aho, Hopcraft and Ullman, 1983 Edition, page 290;
* see also Knuth Vol. 3, page 84. The increments are selected from
* formula (8), page 95. Roughly O(N^3/2).
* __rspartition is the cutoff point for a further partitioning instead
* of a shellsort. If it changes check __rsshell_increments. Both of
* these are exported, as the best values are data dependent. Unrolling
* this loop has not proven worthwhile.
#define NPARTITION 40
int __rspartition = NPARTITION;
int __rsshell_increments[] = { 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
#define SHELLSORT { \
register u_char ch, *s1, *s2; \
register int incr, *incrp; \
for (incrp = __rsshell_increments; incr = *incrp++;) \
for (t1 = incr; t1 < nmemb; ++t1) \
for (t2 = t1 - incr; t2 >= 0;) { \
s1 = p[t2] + indx; \
s2 = p[t2 + incr] + indx; \
while ((ch = tr[*s1++]) == tr[*s2] && ch) \
++s2; \
if (ch > tr[*s2]) { \
s1 = p[t2]; \
p[t2] = p[t2 + incr]; \
p[t2 + incr] = s1; \
t2 -= incr; \
} else \
break; \
} \
* stack points to context structures. Each structure defines a
* scheduled partitioning. Radixsort exits when the stack is empty.
* The stack size is data dependent, and guessing is probably not
* worthwhile. The initial stack fits in 1K with four bytes left over
* for malloc. The initial size is exported, as the best value is
* data, and possibly, system, dependent.
typedef struct _stack {
u_char **bot;
int indx, nmemb;
int __radix_stacksize = (1024 - 4) / sizeof(CONTEXT);
#define STACKPUSH { \
if (stackp == estack) { \
t1 = stackp - stack; \
stackp = stack; \
if (!(stack = (CONTEXT *)realloc((char *)stack, \
(__radix_stacksize *= 2) * sizeof(CONTEXT)))) { \
t1 = errno; \
free((char *)l2); \
if (stackp) \
free((char *)stackp); \
errno = t1; \
return(-1); \
} \
stackp = stack + t1; \
estack = stack + __radix_stacksize; \
} \
stackp->bot = p; \
stackp->nmemb = nmemb; \
stackp->indx = indx; \
++stackp; \
#define STACKPOP { \
if (stackp == stack) \
break; \
--stackp; \
bot = stackp->bot; \
nmemb = stackp->nmemb; \
indx = stackp->indx; \
* A variant of MSD radix sorting; see Knuth Vol. 3, page 177, and 5.2.5,
* Ex. 10 and 12. Also, "Three Partition Refinement Algorithms, Paige and
* Tarjan, SIAM J. Comput. Vol. 16, No. 6, December 1987.
* This uses a simple sort as soon as a bucket crosses a cutoff point, rather
* than sorting the entire list after partitioning is finished.
* This is pure MSD instead of LSD of some number of MSD, switching to the
* simple sort as soon as possible. Takes linear time relative to the number
* of bytes in the strings.
radixsort(l1, nmemb, tab, endbyte)
u_char **l1, *tab, endbyte;
register int nmemb;
register int i, indx, t1, t2;
register u_char **l2, **p, **bot, *tr;
CONTEXT *estack, *stack, *stackp;
int c[NCHARS + 1];
u_char ltab[NCHARS];
if (nmemb <= 1)
* there are two arrays, one provided by the user (l1), and the
* temporary one (l2). The data is sorted to the temporary stack,
* and then copied back. The speedup of using index to determine
* which stack the data is on and simply swapping stacks back and
* forth, thus avoiding the copy every iteration, turns out to not
* be any faster than the current implementation.
if (!(l2 = (u_char **)malloc(sizeof(u_char *) * nmemb)))
/* initialize stack */
stack = stackp = estack = NULL;
* tr references a table of sort weights; multiple entries may
* map to the same weight; EOS char must have the lowest weight.
if (tab)
tr = tab;
else {
tr = ltab;
for (t1 = 0, t2 = endbyte; t1 < t2; ++t1)
tr[t1] = t1 + 1;
tr[t2] = 0;
for (t1 = endbyte + 1; t1 < NCHARS; ++t1)
tr[t1] = t1;
/* first sort is entire stack */
bot = l1;
indx = 0;
for (;;) {
/* clear bucket count array */
bzero((char *)c, sizeof(c));
* compute number of items that sort to the same bucket
* for this index.
for (p = bot, i = nmemb; i--;)
* sum the number of characters into c, dividing the temp
* stack into the right number of buckets for this bucket,
* this index. C contains the cumulative total of keys
* before and included in this bucket, and will later be
* used as an index to the bucket. c[NCHARS] contains
* the total number of elements, for determining how many
* elements the last bucket contains.
for (i = 1; i <= NCHARS; ++i)
c[i] += c[i - 1];
* partition the elements into buckets; c decrements
* through the bucket, and ends up pointing to the
* first element of the bucket.
for (i = nmemb; i--;) {
l2[--c[tr[(*p)[indx]]]] = *p;
/* copy the partitioned elements back to user stack */
bcopy(l2, bot, nmemb * sizeof(u_char *));
* sort buckets as necessary; don't sort c[0], it's the
* EOS character bucket, and nothing can follow EOS.
for (i = NCHARS - 1; i; i--) {
if ((nmemb = c[i + 1] - (t1 = c[i])) < 2)
p = bot + t1;
if (nmemb > __rspartition)
/* break out when stack is empty */
free((char *)l2);
free((char *)stack);
#ifdef STATS
(void)fprintf(stderr, "max stack %u.\n", __radix_stacksize);