rm spaces in printfs
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / tahoe / tahoe / autoconf.c
/* autoconf.c 1.11 87/01/04 */
* Setup the system to run on the current machine.
* Configure() is called at boot time and initializes the vba
* device tables and the memory controller monitoring. Available
* devices are determined (from possibilities mentioned in ioconf.c),
* and the drivers are initialized.
#include "../tahoe/pte.h"
#include "../tahoe/mem.h"
#include "../tahoe/mtpr.h"
#include "../tahoe/scb.h"
#include "vba.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "systm.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "dkstat.h"
#include "vm.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "dmap.h"
#include "reboot.h"
#include "../tahoevba/vbavar.h"
#include "../tahoevba/vbaparam.h"
* The following several variables are related to
* the configuration process, and are used in initializing
* the machine.
int dkn; /* number of iostat dk numbers assigned so far */
int cold; /* cold start flag initialized in locore.s */
* This allocates the space for the per-vba information.
struct vba_hd vba_hd[NVBA];
* Determine i/o configuration for a machine.
register int *ip;
extern caddr_t Sysbase;
vbafind(numvba, (caddr_t)&vmem, VMEMmap);
* Write protect the scb. It is strange
* that this code is here, but this is as soon
* as we are done mucking with it, and the
* write-enable was done in assembly language
* to which we will never return.
ip = (int *)&Sysmap[2]; *ip &= ~PG_PROT; *ip |= PG_KR;
mtpr(TBIS, Sysbase+2*NBPG);
if ((boothowto & RB_ASKNAME) == 0)
* Configure swap area and related system
* parameter based on device(s) used.
cold = 0;
* Make the controllers accessible at physical address phys
* by mapping kernel ptes starting at pte.
vbaccess(pte, iobase, n)
register struct pte *pte;
caddr_t iobase;
register int n;
register unsigned v = btop(iobase);
*(int *)pte++ = PG_V|PG_KW|v++;
while (--n > 0);
mtpr(TBIA, 0);
* Fixctlrmask fixes the masks of the driver ctlr routines
* which otherwise save r11 and r12 where the interrupt and br
* level are passed through.
register struct vba_ctlr *vm;
register struct vba_device *vi;
register struct vba_driver *vd;
#define phys(a,b) ((b)(((int)(a))&~0xc0000000))
vm = phys(vbminit, struct vba_ctlr *);
for (; vd = phys(vm->um_driver, struct vba_driver *); vm++)
*phys(vd->ud_probe, short *) &= ~0x1800;
vi = phys(vbdinit, struct vba_device *);
for (; vd = phys(vi->ui_driver, struct vba_driver *); vi++)
*phys(vd->ud_probe, short *) &= ~0x1800;
* Find devices on the VERSAbus.
* Uses per-driver routine to see who is on the bus
* and then fills in the tables, with help from a per-driver
* slave initialization routine.
vbafind(vban, vumem, memmap)
int vban;
caddr_t vumem;
struct pte memmap[];
register int br, cvec; /* must be r12, r11 */
register struct vba_device *ui;
register struct vba_ctlr *um;
u_short *reg;
long addr, *ap;
struct vba_hd *vhp;
struct vba_driver *udp;
int i, (**ivec)();
caddr_t valloc, zmemall();
extern long catcher[SCB_LASTIV*2];
#ifdef lint
br = 0; cvec = 0;
vhp = &vba_hd[vban];
* Make the controllers accessible at physical address phys
* by mapping kernel ptes starting at pte.
vbaccess(memmap, (caddr_t)VBIOBASE, VBIOSIZE);
printf("vba%d at %x\n", vban, VBIOBASE);
* Setup scb device entries to point into catcher array.
for (i = 0; i < SCB_LASTIV; i++)
scb.scb_devint[i] = (int (*)())&catcher[i*2];
* Set last free interrupt vector for devices with
* programmable interrupt vectors. Use is to decrement
* this number and use result as interrupt vector.
vhp->vh_lastiv = SCB_LASTIV;
* Grab some memory to record the address space we allocate,
* so we can be sure not to place two devices at the same address.
* We could use just 1/8 of this (we only want a 1 bit flag) but
* we are going to give it back anyway, and that would make the
* code here bigger (which we can't give back), so ...
valloc = zmemall(memall, ctob(VBIOSIZE));
if (valloc == (caddr_t)0)
panic("no mem for vbafind");
* Check each VERSAbus mass storage controller.
* For each one which is potentially on this vba,
* see if it is really there, and if it is record it and
* then go looking for slaves.
#define vbaddr(off) (u_short *)(vumem + vboff(off))
for (um = vbminit; udp = um->um_driver; um++) {
if (um->um_vbanum != vban && um->um_vbanum != '?')
* Use the particular address specified first,
* or if it is given as "0", if there is no device
* at that address, try all the standard addresses
* in the driver until we find it.
addr = (long)um->um_addr;
for (ap = udp->ud_addr; addr || (addr = *ap++); addr = 0) {
if (VBIOMAPPED(addr)) {
if (valloc[vboff(addr)])
reg = vbaddr(addr);
} else
reg = (u_short *)addr;
um->um_hd = vhp;
cvec = SCB_LASTIV, cold &= ~0x2;
i = (*udp->ud_probe)(reg, um);
cold |= 0x2;
if (i == 0)
printf("%s%d at vba%d csr %x ",
udp->ud_mname, um->um_ctlr, vban, addr);
if (cvec < 0 && vhp->vh_lastiv == cvec) {
printf("no space for vector(s)\n");
if (cvec == SCB_LASTIV) {
printf("didn't interrupt\n");
printf("vec %x, ipl %x\n", cvec, br);
csralloc(valloc, addr, i);
um->um_alive = 1;
um->um_vbanum = vban;
um->um_addr = (caddr_t)reg;
udp->ud_minfo[um->um_ctlr] = um;
for (ivec = um->um_intr; *ivec; ivec++)
((long *)&scb)[cvec++] = (long)*ivec;
for (ui = vbdinit; ui->ui_driver; ui++) {
if (ui->ui_driver != udp || ui->ui_alive ||
ui->ui_ctlr != um->um_ctlr && ui->ui_ctlr != '?' ||
ui->ui_vbanum != vban && ui->ui_vbanum != '?')
if ((*udp->ud_slave)(ui, reg)) {
ui->ui_alive = 1;
ui->ui_ctlr = um->um_ctlr;
ui->ui_vbanum = vban;
ui->ui_addr = (caddr_t)reg;
ui->ui_physaddr = (caddr_t)addr;
if (ui->ui_dk && dkn < DK_NDRIVE)
ui->ui_dk = dkn++;
ui->ui_dk = -1;
ui->ui_mi = um;
ui->ui_hd = vhp;
/* ui_type comes from driver */
udp->ud_dinfo[ui->ui_unit] = ui;
printf("%s%d at %s%d slave %d",
udp->ud_dname, ui->ui_unit,
udp->ud_mname, um->um_ctlr,
* Now look for non-mass storage peripherals.
for (ui = vbdinit; udp = ui->ui_driver; ui++) {
if (ui->ui_vbanum != vban && ui->ui_vbanum != '?' ||
ui->ui_alive || ui->ui_slave != -1)
addr = (long)ui->ui_addr;
for (ap = udp->ud_addr; addr || (addr = *ap++); addr = 0) {
if (VBIOMAPPED(addr)) {
if (valloc[vboff(addr)])
reg = vbaddr(addr);
} else
reg = (u_short *)addr;
ui->ui_hd = vhp;
cvec = SCB_LASTIV, cold &= ~0x2;
i = (*udp->ud_probe)(reg, ui);
cold |= 0x2;
if (i == 0)
printf("%s%d at vba%d csr %x ",
ui->ui_driver->ud_dname, ui->ui_unit, vban, addr);
if (ui->ui_intr) {
if (cvec < 0 && vhp->vh_lastiv == cvec) {
printf("no space for vector(s)\n");
if (cvec == SCB_LASTIV) {
printf("didn't interrupt\n");
printf("vec %x, ipl %x\n", cvec, br);
for (ivec = ui->ui_intr; *ivec; ivec++)
((long *)&scb)[cvec++] = (long)*ivec;
} else
printf("no interrupts\n");
csralloc(valloc, addr, i);
ui->ui_alive = 1;
ui->ui_vbanum = vban;
ui->ui_addr = (caddr_t)reg;
ui->ui_physaddr = (caddr_t)addr;
ui->ui_dk = -1;
/* ui_type comes from driver */
udp->ud_dinfo[ui->ui_unit] = ui;
wmemfree(valloc, ctob(VBIOSIZE));
* Mark addresses starting at addr and continuing
* size bytes as allocated in the map.
* Warn if the new allocation overlaps a previous allocation.
csralloc(valloc, addr, size)
caddr_t valloc;
long addr;
register int size;
register caddr_t p;
int warned = 0;
if (!VBIOMAPPED(addr))
p = &valloc[vboff(addr+size)];
while (--size >= 0) {
if (*--p && !warned) {
"WARNING: device registers overlap those for a previous device\n");
warned = 1;
*p = 1;
* Tahoe VERSAbus adapator support routines.
caddr_t vbcur = (caddr_t)&vbbase;
int vbx = 0;
* Allocate page tables for mapping intermediate i/o buffers.
* Called by device drivers during autoconfigure.
vbmapalloc(npf, ppte, putl)
int npf;
struct pte **ppte;
caddr_t *putl;
if (vbcur + npf*NBPG >= (caddr_t)&vbend)
*ppte = &VBmap[vbx];
*putl = vbcur;
vbx += npf;
vbcur += npf*NBPG;
caddr_t vbmcur = (caddr_t)&vmem1;
int vbmx = 0;
* Allocate page tables and map VERSAbus i/o space.
* Called by device drivers during autoconfigure.
vbmemalloc(npf, addr, ppte, putl)
int npf;
caddr_t addr;
struct pte **ppte;
caddr_t *putl;
if (vbmcur + npf*NBPG >= (caddr_t)&vmemend)
*ppte = &VMEMmap1[vbmx];
*putl = vbmcur;
vbmx += npf;
vbmcur += npf*NBPG;
vbaccess(*ppte, addr, npf); /* map i/o space */
* Configure swap space and related parameters.
register struct swdevt *swp;
register int nblks;
for (swp = swdevt; swp->sw_dev; swp++)
if (bdevsw[major(swp->sw_dev)].d_psize) {
nblks =
if (swp->sw_nblks == 0 || swp->sw_nblks > nblks)
swp->sw_nblks = nblks;
if (dumplo == 0 && bdevsw[major(dumpdev)].d_psize)
dumplo = (*bdevsw[major(dumpdev)].d_psize)(dumpdev) - physmem;
if (dumplo < 0)
dumplo = 0;
#define DOSWAP /* change swdevt, argdev, and dumpdev too */
u_long bootdev; /* should be dev_t, but not until 32 bits */
static char devname[][2] = {
0,0, /* 0 = ud */
'd','k', /* 1 = vd */
0,0, /* 2 = xp */
* Attempt to find the device from which we were booted.
* If we can do so, and not instructed not to do so,
* change rootdev to correspond to the load device.
int majdev, mindev, unit, part, adaptor;
dev_t temp, orootdev;
struct swdevt *swp;
if (boothowto & RB_DFLTROOT ||
(bootdev & B_MAGICMASK) != (u_long)B_DEVMAGIC)
majdev = (bootdev >> B_TYPESHIFT) & B_TYPEMASK;
if (majdev > sizeof(devname) / sizeof(devname[0]))
adaptor = (bootdev >> B_ADAPTORSHIFT) & B_ADAPTORMASK;
unit = (bootdev >> B_UNITSHIFT) & B_UNITMASK;
* Search Versabus devices.
register struct vba_device *vbap;
for (vbap = vbdinit; vbap->ui_driver; vbap++)
if (vbap->ui_alive && vbap->ui_slave == unit &&
vbap->ui_vbanum == adaptor &&
vbap->ui_driver->ud_dname[0] == devname[majdev][0] &&
vbap->ui_driver->ud_dname[1] == devname[majdev][1])
if (vbap->ui_driver == 0)
mindev = vbap->ui_unit;
mindev = (mindev << PARTITIONSHIFT) + part;
orootdev = rootdev;
rootdev = makedev(majdev, mindev);
* If the original rootdev is the same as the one
* just calculated, don't need to adjust the swap configuration.
if (rootdev == orootdev)
printf("changing root device to %c%c%d%c\n",
devname[majdev][0], devname[majdev][1],
mindev >> PARTITIONSHIFT, part + 'a');
#ifdef DOSWAP
for (swp = swdevt; swp->sw_dev; swp++) {
if (majdev == major(swp->sw_dev) &&
mindev == (minor(swp->sw_dev) & ~PARTITIONMASK)) {
temp = swdevt[0].sw_dev;
swdevt[0].sw_dev = swp->sw_dev;
swp->sw_dev = temp;
if (swp->sw_dev == 0)
* If argdev and dumpdev were the same as the old primary swap
* device, move them to the new primary swap device.
if (temp == dumpdev)
dumpdev = swdevt[0].sw_dev;
if (temp == argdev)
argdev = swdevt[0].sw_dev;