BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / man / cat1 / style.0
STYLE(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual STYLE(1)
style - analyze surface characteristics of a document
s\bst\bty\byl\ble\be [ -\b-m\bml\bl ] [ -\b-m\bmm\bm ] [ -\b-a\ba ] [ -\b-e\be ] [ -\b-l\bl num ] [ -\b-r\br num ] [
-\b-p\bp ] [ -\b-P\bP ] file ...
_\bS_\bt_\by_\bl_\be analyzes the surface characteristics of the writing
style of a document. It reports on readability, sentence
length and structure, word length and usage, verb type, and
sentence openers. Because _\bs_\bt_\by_\bl_\be runs _\bd_\be_\br_\bo_\bf_\bf before looking
at the text, formatting header files should be included as
part of the input. The default macro package -\b-m\bms\bs may be
overridden with the flag -\b-m\bmm\bm.\b. The flag -\b-m\bml\bl, which causes
d\bde\ber\bro\bof\bff\bf to skip lists, should be used if the document con-
tains many lists of non-sentences. The other options are
used to locate sentences with certain characteristics.
-\b-a\ba print all sentences with their length and readability
-\b-e\be print all sentences that begin with an expletive.
-\b-p\bp print all sentences that contain a passive verb.
print all sentences longer than _\bn_\bu_\bm.
print all sentences whose readability index is greater
than _\bn_\bu_\bm.
-\b-P\bP print parts of speech of the words in the document.
S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
deroff(1), diction(1)
Use of non-standard formatting macros may cause incorrect
sentence breaks.
Printed 7/9/88 April 29, 1985 1