Pull in some of the lpt_port_test fixes from lpt.c.
[unix-history] / share / tmac / Makefile
# @(#)Makefile 6.13 (Berkeley) 3/20/91
BINDIR= /usr/share
FILES= tmac.andoc
MSRCS= doc doc-ditroff doc-common doc-nroff doc-syms
LINKS= ${BINDIR}/tmac/tmac.andoc ${BINDIR}/tmac/tmac.an
NOOBJ= noobj
# old macros not currently installed...
OFILES= tmac.an.v6compat tmac.an6n tmac.an6t tmac.a tmac.cp tmac.doc.old
all clean cleandir depend lint tags:
ln -s ../me/strip.sed strip.sed
beforeinstall: strip.sed
for i in ${MSRCS}; do \
sed -f strip.sed < $$i > ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tmac/tmac.$$i; \
chown ${BINOWN}.${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tmac/tmac.$$i; \
chmod 444 ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tmac/tmac.$$i; \
install -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINOWN} -m 444 ${FILES} \
.include <bsd.prog.mk>