BSD 4_3_Reno development
[unix-history] / usr / src / kerberosIV / krb / kuserok.c
* $Source: /usr/src/kerberosIV/krb/RCS/kuserok.c,v $
* $Author: kfall $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* For copying and distribution information, please see the file
* <mit-copyright.h>.
* kuserok: check if a kerberos principal has
* access to a local account
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid_kuserok_c[] =
"$Header: /usr/src/kerberosIV/krb/RCS/kuserok.c,v 4.7 90/06/23 03:11:11 kfall Exp $";
#endif lint
#include <mit-copyright.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <des.h>
#include <krb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <strings.h>
#define OK 0
#define NOTOK 1
#define MAX_USERNAME 10
* Given a Kerberos principal "kdata", and a local username "luser",
* determine whether user is authorized to login according to the
* authorization file ("~luser/.klogin" by default). Returns OK
* if authorized, NOTOK if not authorized.
* If there is no account for "luser" on the local machine, returns
* NOTOK. If there is no authorization file, and the given Kerberos
* name "kdata" translates to the same name as "luser" (using
* krb_kntoln()), returns OK. Otherwise, if the authorization file
* can't be accessed, returns NOTOK. Otherwise, the file is read for
* a matching principal name, instance, and realm. If one is found,
* returns OK, if none is found, returns NOTOK.
* The file entries are in the format:
* name.instance@realm
* one entry per line.
* The ATHENA_COMPAT code supports old-style Athena ~luser/.klogin
* file entries. See the file "kparse.c".
kuserok(kdata, luser)
AUTH_DAT *kdata;
char *luser;
struct stat sbuf;
struct passwd *pwd;
char pbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
int isok = NOTOK, rc;
FILE *fp;
char kuser[MAX_USERNAME];
char principal[ANAME_SZ], inst[INST_SZ], realm[REALM_SZ];
char linebuf[BUFSIZ];
char *newline;
int gobble;
/* no account => no access */
if ((pwd = getpwnam(luser)) == NULL) {
(void) strcpy(pbuf, pwd->pw_dir);
(void) strcat(pbuf, "/.klogin");
if (access(pbuf, F_OK)) { /* not accessible */
* if he's trying to log in as himself, and there is no .klogin file,
* let him. To find out, call
* krb_kntoln to convert the triple in kdata to a name which we can
* string compare.
if (!krb_kntoln(kdata, kuser) && (strcmp(kuser, luser) == 0)) {
/* open ~/.klogin */
if ((fp = fopen(pbuf, "r")) == NULL) {
* security: if the user does not own his own .klogin file,
* do not grant access
if (fstat(fileno(fp), &sbuf)) {
if (sbuf.st_uid != pwd->pw_uid) {
/* check each line */
while ((isok != OK) && (fgets(linebuf, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL)) {
/* null-terminate the input string */
linebuf[BUFSIZ-1] = '\0';
newline = NULL;
/* nuke the newline if it exists */
if (newline = index(linebuf, '\n'))
*newline = '\0';
rc = kname_parse(principal, inst, realm, linebuf);
if (rc == KSUCCESS) {
isok = (strncmp(kdata->pname, principal, ANAME_SZ) ||
strncmp(kdata->pinst, inst, INST_SZ) ||
strncasecmp(kdata->prealm, realm, REALM_SZ));
/* clean up the rest of the line if necessary */
if (!newline)
while (((gobble = getc(fp)) != EOF) && gobble != '\n');