BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / lisp / global.h
#include <stdio.h>
#define AD 0
#define peekc(p) (p->_cnt>0? *(p)->_ptr&0377:_filbuf(p)==-1?-1:((p)->_cnt++,*--(p)->_ptr&0377))
/* */
/* file: global.h */
/* contents: */
/* GLOBAL STUFF *******************************************************/
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define EVER ;;
#include <pagsiz.h>
#define CNIL ((lispval) -4)
#define nil ((lispval) 0)
#define eofa ((lispval) 20)
#define NOTNIL(a) ((int)a)
#define ISNIL(a) (!(int)a)
#define STRBLEN 256
#define NULL_CHAR 0
#define LF '\n'
#define WILDCHR '\0177'
/* type flags and the macros to get them ********************************/
#define UNBO -1
#define STRNG 0
#define ATOM 1
#define INT 2
#define DTPR 3
#define DOUB 4
#define BCD 5
#define PORT 6
#define ARRAY 7
#define SDOT 9
#define VALUE 10
/* the numbers per page of the different data objects *******************/
#define ATOMSPP 25
#define INTSPP 128
#define DTPRSPP 64
#define DOUBSPP 64
#define ARRAYSPP 25
#define SDOTSPP 64
#define VALSPP 128
#define BCDSPP 64
extern char typetab[]; /* the table with types for each page */
#define TTSIZE 4096
/* Absolute limit, in pages of the
size to which the lisp system may grow.
If you change this, you must recompile
alloc.c and data.c */
#define TYPL(a1) ((typetab+1)[(int)(a1) >> 9])
#define SETTYPE(a1,b) {if((itemp = ((int)a1) >> 9) > TTSIZE) badmem();\
(typetab + 1)[itemp] = (b); }
#define TYPE(a1) ((typetab+1)[(int)(a1) >> 9])
#define VALID(a) (a >= CNIL && a < datalim)
/* some types ***********************************************************/
#define lispint long
#define MAX10LNG 200000000 /* max long divided by 10 */
typedef union lispobj *lispval ;
struct dtpr {lispval cdr,
struct sdot {
int I;
lispval CDR;
struct atom {
lispval clb; /* current level binding*/
lispval plist; /* pointer to prop list */
#ifndef WILD
lispval fnbnd; /* function binding */
struct atom *hshlnk; /* hash link to next */
char *pname; /* print name */
#ifdef WILD
#define fnbnd clb
struct array {
lispval accfun, /* access function--may be anything */
aux; /* slot for dimensions or auxilliary data */
char *data; /* pointer to first byte of array */
lispval length, delta; /* length in items and length of one item */
struct bfun {
lispval (*entry)(); /* entry point to routine */
lispval discipline, /* argument-passing discipline */
language, /* language coded in */
params, /* parameter list if relevant */
loctab; /* local table */
union lispobj {
struct atom a;
FILE *p;
struct dtpr d;
long int i;
long int *j;
double r;
lispval (*f)();
struct array ar;
struct sdot s;
char c;
lispval l;
struct bfun bcd;
#include "sigtab.h" /* table of all pointers to lisp data */
/* Port definitions *****************************************************/
extern FILE *piport, /* standard input port */
*poport, /* standard output port */
*errport, /* port for error messages */
*rdrport; /* temporary port for readr */
extern FILE *xports[]; /* page of file *'s for lisp */
extern int lineleng ; /* line length desired */
extern char rbktf; /* logical flag: ] mode */
extern char *ctable; /* Character table in current use */
#define Xdqc ctable[131]
#define Xesc ctable[130]
#define Xsdc ctable[129]
/* name stack ***********************************************************/
#ifdef ROWAN
#define NAMESIZE 4096
#define NAMESIZE 1024
extern struct nament {
lispval val,
} *bnp, /* first free bind entry*/
*bnplim; /* limit of bindstack */
extern struct argent {
lispval val;
} *np, /* top entry on stack */
*lbot, /* bottom of cur frame */
*namptr, /* temporary pointer */
*nplim; /* don't have this = np */
#define TNP if(np >= nplim) namerr();
#define INRNP if (np++ >= nplim) namerr();
#define INCNP(x,y) {np[1].atm = (lispval)(x); np[1].val = (lispval)(y);\
if(np++ >= nplim) namerr();}
/** status codes **********************************************/
/* */
/* these define how status and sstatus should service probes */
/* into the lisp data base */
/* common status codes */
#define ST_NO 0
/* status codes */
#define ST_READ 1
#define ST_FEATR 2
#define ST_SYNT 3
#define ST_RINTB 4
#define ST_NFETR 5
#define ST_DMPR 6
/* sstatus codes */
#define ST_SET 1
#define ST_FEATW 2
#define ST_TOLC 3
#define ST_CORE 4
#define ST_INTB 5
#define ST_NFETW 6
#define ST_DMPW 7
/* hashing things *******************************************************/
#define HASHTOP 128 /* we handle 8-bit characters by dropping top bit */
extern struct atom *hasht[HASHTOP];
extern int hash; /* set by ratom */
extern int atmlen; /* length of atom including final null */
/* big string buffer for whomever needs it ******************************/
extern char strbuf[STRBLEN];
extern char *endstrb;
/* break and error declarations *****************************************/
#define SAVSIZE 40 /* number of bytes saved by setexit */
#define BRRETB 1
#define BRCONT 2
#define BRGOTO 3
#define BRRETN 4
#define INTERRUPT 5
#define THROW 6
extern int depth; /* depth of nested breaks */
extern lispval contval; /* the value being returned up */
extern int retval; /* used by each error/prog call */
extern struct argent *orgnp; /* used by top level to reset to start */
extern struct nament *orgbnp; /* used by top level to reset to start */
/* other stuff **********************************************************/
extern lispval ftemp,vtemp,argptr,ttemp; /* temporaries: use briefly */
extern int itemp;
/* for pointer type conversion */
#include "dfuncs.h"
#define NUMBERP 2
#define BCDP 5
#define PORTP 6
#define ARRAYP 7
#define ABSVAL 0
#define MINUS 1
#define ADD1 2
#define SUB1 3
#define NOT 4
#define LNILL 5
#define ZEROP 6
#define ONEP 7
#define PLUS 8
#define TIMES 9
#define DIFFERENCE 10
#define QUOTIENT 11
#define MOD 12
#define LESSP 13
#define GREATERP 14
#define SUM 15
#define PRODUCT 16
#define AND 17
#define OR 18
#define XOR 19
handler(); extern lispval sigacts[16]; extern sigdelay, sigstruck;
/* limit of valid data area **************************************/
extern lispval datalim;
/** macros to push and pop the value of an atom on the stack ******/
#define PUSHDOWN(atom,value)\
{bnp->atm=atom;bnp++->val=atom->clb;atom->clb=value;if(bnp>bnplim) binderr();}
#define POP\
/** macro for evaluating atoms in eval and interpreter ***********/
#define EVALATOM(x) vtemp = x->clb;\
if( vtemp == CNIL ) {\
printf("%s: ",(x)->pname);\
vtemp = error("UNBOUND VARIABLE",TRUE);}
/* having to do with small integers */
#define SMALL(i) ((lispval)(1024 + (i<<2)))
#define P(p) ((lispval) (xports +((p)-_iob)))
/* interpreter globals */
extern int lctrace;
/* register lisp macros for registers */
#define saveonly(n) asm("#save n");
#define snpand(n) asm("#protect n");