BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / px / 30read.s
# 30read.s
incl r10
calls $0,_iosync #insure that something is in the window
bisw2 $SYNC,FUNIT(r7) #throw it away
jmp (r8)
incl r10
movl (sp),r0
bbs $fWRITE,FUNIT(r0),l3002 #ignore sync of output files
movl r7,r2
movl _file,r3
calls $0,_unit #do not discard arguement to unit on return
calls $0,_iosync
movl r2,r7
movl r3,_file
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $0,_unsync #prepare input stream
pushl $0 #space for answer
pushl sp #ptr to answer space
pushal rd4 #ptr to input format
pushl FBUF(r7) #stream
calls $3,_fscanf
cmpl $1,r0
bneq eiread
bisw2 $SYNC,FUNIT(r7)
jmp (r8)
movw $EBADINUM,_perrno
jbr error
incl r10
calls $0,_unsync #prepare input stream
clrd -(sp) #space for answer
pushl sp #ptr to answer space
pushal rd8 #ptr to input format
pushl FBUF(r7) #stream
calls $3,_fscanf
cmpl $1,r0
bneq efread
bisw2 $SYNC,FUNIT(r7)
jmp (r8)
movw $EBADFNUM,_perrno
jbr error
incl r10
calls $0,_iosync
bbs $fEOLN,FUNIT(r7),l3005 #check for already at end of line
pushal rdln
pushl FBUF(r7)
calls $2,_fscanf
bisw2 $SYNC,FUNIT(r7)
jmp (r8)
incl r10
calls $0,_iosync
cvtbw (r7),-(sp)
bisw2 $SYNC,FUNIT(r7)
jmp (r8)
rd4: .byte '%,'l,'d, 0
rd8: .byte '%,'l,'f, 0
rdln: .byte '%,'*,'[,'^,linefeed,'],'%,'*,'c, 0