BSD 4_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / lisp / ch10.n
." $Header: /na/franz/doc/RCS/ch10.n,v 1.1 83/01/31 07:08:20 jkf Exp $
.Lc Exception\ Handling 10
.sh 2 Errset\ and\ Error\ Handler\ Functions 10
allows the user to handle in a number of ways the errors
which arise during computation.
One way is through the use of the
.i errset
If an error occurs during the evaluation of the
.i errset 's
first argument, then
the locus of control will return to the errset which will
return nil (except in special cases, such as
.i err ).
The other method of error handling is through an error handler
When an error occurs, the error handler is called and
is given as an argument a description of the
error which just occurred.
The error handler may take one of the following actions:
.nr $p 0
it could take some drastic action like a
.i reset
or a
.i throw .
it could, assuming that the error is continuable,
to the function which noticed the error.
The error handler indicates that it wants to return a value from
the error by returning a list whose
.i car
is the value it wants to return.
it could decide not to handle the error and return a non-list to
indicate this fact.
.sh 2 "The Anatomy of an error"
Each error is described by a list of these items:
.nr $p 0
error type - This is a symbol which indicates the
general classification of the error.
This classification may determine which function handles this
unique id - This is a fixnum unique to this error.
continuable - If this is non-nil then this error is continuable.
There are some who feel that every error should be continuable
and the reason that some (in fact most) errors in
are not continuable is due to the laziness of the programmers.
message string - This is a symbol whose print name is a
message describing the error.
data - There may be from zero to three lisp values which help
describe this particular error.
For example, the unbound variable error contains one datum value,
the symbol whose value is unbound.
The list describing that error might look like:
(ER%misc 0 t |Unbound Variable:| foobar)
.sh 2 "Error handling algorithm"
This is the sequence of operations which is done when an
error occurs:
.nr $p 0
If the symbol
.b ER%all
has a non nil value
then this value is the name of an error handler function.
That function is called with a description of the error.
If that function returns (and of course it may choose not to)
and the value is a list and this error is continuable, then
we return the
.i car
of the list to the function which called the error.
Presumably the function will use this value to retry the operation.
On the other hand, if the error handler returns a non list, then
it has chosen not to handle this error, so we go on to step (2).
Something special happens before we call the
.b ER%all
handler which does not happen in any of the
other cases we will describe below.
To help insure that we don't get infinitely recursive
errors if
.b ER%all
is set to a bad value,
the value of
.b ER%all
is set to nil before the
handler is called.
Thus it is the responsibility of the
.b ER%all
handler to `reenable'
itself by storing its name in
.b ER%all.
Next the specific error handler for the type of error
which just occurred is called (if one exists) to see if
it wants to handle the error.
The names of the handlers for the specific types of errors are stored
as the values of the symbols whose names are the types.
For example the handler for miscellaneous errors is stored as the
value of
.b ER%misc.
Of course, if
.b ER%misc
has a value of nil, then there is no error
handler for this type of error.
Appendix B contains list of all error types.
The process of classifying the errors is not complete and thus most
errors are lumped into the \fBER%misc\fP category.
Just as in step (1),
the error handler function may choose not to handle the error
by returning a non-list, and then we go to step (3).
Next a check is made to see if there is an
.i errset
surrounding this error.
If so the second argument to the
.i errset
is examined.
If the second argument was not given or is non nil
then the error message associated with this error is printed.
Finally the stack is popped
to the context of the
.i errset
and then the
.i errset
returns nil.
If there was no
.i errset
we go to step (4).
If the symbol
.b ER%tpl
has a value then it is the
name of an error handler which is called in a manner similar
to that discussed above.
If it chooses not to handle the error, we go to step (5).
At this point it has been determined that the user doesn't
want to handle this error.
Thus the error message is printed out and
.i reset
is done to send the flow of control to the top-level.
To summarize the error handling system:
When an error occurs, you have two chances to handle it before
the search for an
.i errset
is done.
Then, if there is no
.i errset ,
you have one more chance to handle the error before control
jumps to the top level.
Every error handler works in the same way:
It is given a description of the error (as described in the
previous section).
It may or may not return.
If it returns, then it returns
either a list or a non-list.
If it returns a list and the error is continuable, then
.i car
of the list is returned to the function which noticed the error.
Otherwise the error handler has decided not to handle the error
and we go on to something else.
.sh 2 "Default aids"
There are two standard error handlers which will probably
handle the needs of most users.
One of these is the lisp coded function
.i break-err-handler
which is the default value of
.b ER%tpl.
Thus when all other handlers have ignored an error,
.i break-err-handler
will take over.
It will print out the error message and
go into a read-eval-print loop.
The other standard error handler is
.i debug-err-handler .
This handler is designed to be connected to
.b ER%all and
is useful if your program uses
.i errset
and you want to
look at the error before
it is thrown up to the
.i errset .
.sh +0 Autoloading
.i eval ,
.i apply
.i funcall
are told to call an undefined function, an \fBER%undef\fP
error is signaled.
The default handler for this error is
.i undef-func-handler .
This function checks the property list of the undefined function for
the indicator autoload.
If present, the value of that indicator should be the name of the file
which contains the definition of the undefined function.
.i Undef-func-handler
will load the file and check if it has defined the function which caused
the error.
If it has, the error handler will return and the computation will continue
as if the error did not occur.
This provides a way for the user to tell the lisp system about the location
of commonly used functions.
The trace package sets up an autoload property to point to /usr/lib/lisp/trace.
.sh +0 Interrupt\ processing
The UNIX operating system provides one user interrupt character which
defaults to ^C.\*[\(dg\*]
\*[\(dg\*]Actually there are two but the lisp system does not allow you
to catch the QUIT interrupt.
The user may select a lisp function to run when an interrupt occurs.
Since this interrupt could occur at any time, and in particular could
occur at a time when the internal stack pointers were in an inconsistent
state, the processing of the interrupt may be delayed until a safe
When the first ^C is typed, the lisp system sets a flag that an interrupt
has been requested.
This flag is checked at safe places within the interpreter
and in the
.i qlinker
If the lisp system doesn't respond to the first ^C, another ^C should
be typed.
This will cause all of the transfer tables to be cleared forcing
all calls from compiled code to go through the
.i qlinker
function where the interrupt flag will be checked.
If the lisp system still doesn't respond, a third ^C will cause
an immediate interrupt.
This interrupt will not necessarily be in a safe place so the
user should
.i reset
the lisp system as soon as possible.