add cg_ctot to summarize cg_b
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / man / man7 / hier.7
.TH HIER 7 11/16/79
hier \- file system hierarchy
The following outline gives a quick tour through
a representative directory hierarchy.
.IP /
.PD 0
.IP /dev/
devices (4)
.IP console
main console,
.IR tty (4)
.IP tty*
.IR tty (4)
.IP cat
.IR cat (4)
.IP rp*
.IR hp (4)
.IP rrp*
raw disks,
.IR hp (4)
.IP ...
.IP /bin/
utility programs, cf /usr/bin/ (1)
.IP as
.IP cc
C compiler executive,
cf /lib/ccom, /lib/cpp, /lib/c2
.IP csh
C shell
.IP ...
.IP /lib/
object libraries and other stuff, cf /usr/lib/
.IP libc.a
system calls, standard I/O, etc. (2,3,3S)
.IP libm.a
math routines (3M)
.IP ...
.IP ccom
C compiler proper
.IP cpp
C preprocessor
.IP c2
C code improver
.IP ...
.IP /etc/
essential data and dangerous maintenance utilities
.IP passwd
password file,
.IR passwd (5)
.IP group
group file,
.IR group (5)
.IP motd
message of the day,
.IR login (1)
.IP termcap
description of terminal capabilities,
.IR termcap (5)
.IP ttytype
table of what kind of terminal is on each port,
.IR ttytype (5)
.IP mtab
mounted file table,
.IR mtab (5)
.IP ddate
dump history,
.IR dump (1)
.IP ttys
properties of terminals,
.IR ttys (5)
.IP getty.vm
part of
.IR login ,
.IR getty.vm (8)
.IP init.vm
the father of all processes,
.IR init.vm (8)
.IP rc
shell program to bring the system up
.IP cron
the clock daemon,
.IR cron (8)
.IP mount
.IR mount (1)
.IP wall
.IR wall (1)
.IP ...
.IP /tmp/
temporary files, usually on a fast device, cf /usr/tmp/
.IP e*
used by
.IR ed (1)
.IP ctm*
used by
.IR cc (1)
.IP ...
.IP /usr/
general-pupose directory, usually a mounted file system
.IP adm/
administrative information
.IP wtmp
login history,
.IR utmp (5)
.IP messages
hardware error messages
.IP tracct
phototypesetter accounting,
.IR troff (1)
.IP lpacct
line printer accounting
.IR lpr (1)
.IP vpacct
versatec accounting
.IR vpr (1),
.IR vtroff (1),
.IR vpac (1)
.IP /usr\t/bin
utility programs, to keep /bin/ small
.IP tmp/
temporaries, to keep /tmp/ small
.IP stm*
used by
.IR sort (1)
.IP raster
used by
.IR plot (1)
.IP dict/
word lists, etc.
.IP words
principal word list, used by
.IR look (1)
.IP spellhist
history file for
.IR spell (1)
.IP games/
.IP hangman
.IP quiz.k/
.IR quiz (6)
.IP index
category index
.IP africa
countries and capitals
.IP ...
.IP ...
.IP include/
standard #include files
.IP a.out.h
object file layout,
.IR a.out (5)
.IP stdio.h
standard I/O,
.IR stdio (3)
.IP math.h
.IP ...
.IP sys/
system-defined layouts, cf /usr/sys/h
.IP lib/
object libraries and stuff, to keep /lib/ small
.IP lint[12]
subprocesses for
.IR lint (1)
.IP llib-lc
dummy declarations for /lib/libc.a, used by
.IR lint (1)
.IP llib-lm
dummy declarations for /lib/libc.m
.IP atrun
scheduler for
.IR at (1)
.IP struct/
passes of
.IR struct (1)
.IP ...
.IP tmac/
macros for
.IR troff (1)
macros for
.IR man (7)
.IP tmac.s
macros for
.IR ms (7)
.IP ...
.IP font/
fonts for
.IR troff (1)
.IP ftR
Times Roman
.IP ftB
Times Bold
.IP ...
.IP uucp/
programs and data for
.IR uucp (1)
.IP L.sys
remote system names and numbers
.IP uucico
the real copy program
.IP ...
.IP units
conversion tables for
.IR units (1)
.IP eign
list of English words to be ignored by
.IR ptx (1)
.ne 5
.IP /usr/\tman/
volume 1 of this manual,
.IR man (1)
.IP man0/
.IP intro
introduction to volume 1,
.IR ms (7)
.IP xx
template for manual page
.IP man1/
chapter 1
.IP as.1
.IP mount.1m
.IP ...
.IP ...
.IP msgs/
messages, cf
.IR msgs (1)
.IP bounds
highest and lowest message
.IP new/
binaries of new versions of programs
.IP preserve/
editor temporaries preserved here after crashes/hangups
.IP public/
binaries of user programs - write permission to everyone
.IP spool/
delayed execution files
.IP at/
used by
.IR at (1)
.IP lpd/
used by
.IR lpr (1)
.IP lock
present when line printer is active
.IP cf*
copy of file to be printed, if necessary
.IP df*
daemon control file,
.IR lpd (8)
.IP tf*
transient control file, while
.I lpr
is working
.IP uucp/
work files and staging area for
.IR uucp (1)
summary log
log file for one transaction
.IP mail/
mailboxes for
.IR mail (1)
.I uid
mail file for user
.I uid
.IR uid .lock
lock file while
.I uid
is receiving mail
.IP secretmail/
.IR mail /
.IP uucp/
work files and staging area for
.IR uucp (1)
summary log
log file for one transaction
.I wd
initial working directory of a user,
.I wd
is the user's login name
.BR . profile
set environment for
.IR sh (1),
.IR environ (5)
.BR . project
what you are doing
.IR finger (1)
.BR . cshrc
startup file for
.IR csh (1)
.BR . exrc
startup file for
.IR ex (1)
.BR . plan
what you short-term plans are
.IR finger (1)
.BR . netrc
startup file for
.IR net (1)
.BR . msgsrc
startup file for
.IR msgs (1)
.BR . mailrc
startup file for
.IR mail (1)
.IP calendar
user's datebook for
.IR calendar (1)
.IP doc/
papers, mostly in volume 2 of this manual, typically in
.IR ms (7)
.IP as/
assembler manual
.IP c
C manual
.IP ...
.IP /usr/\tsrc/
source programs for utilities, etc.
.IP cmd/
source of commands
.IP as/
.IP ar.c
source for
.IR ar (1)
.IP ...
.IP troff/
source for
.I nroff
.IR troff (1)
.IP font/
source for font tables, /usr/lib/font/
.IP ftR.c
.IP ...
.IP term/
terminal characteristics tables, /usr/lib/term/
.IP tab300.c
DASI 300
.IP ...
.IP ...
.IP games/
source for /usr/games
.IP junk/
source for junk (soon to be deleted)
.IP libc/
source for functions in /lib/libc.a
.IP crt/
C runtime support
.IP csu/
startup and wrapup routines needed with every C program
.IP crt0.s
regular startup
.IP mcrt0.s
modified startup for
.I cc \-p
.IP sys/
system calls (2)
.IP access.s
.IP alarm.s
.IP ...
.IP stdio/
standard I/O functions (3S)
.IP fgets.c
.IP fopen.c
.IP ...
.IP gen/
other functions in (3)
.IP abs.c
.IP ...
.IP local/
source which isn't normally distributed
.IP new/
source for new versions of commands and library routines
.IP old/
source for old versions of commands and library routines
.IP sys/
system source
.IP h/
header (include) files
.IP acct.h
.IR acct (5)
.IP stat.h
.IR stat (2)
.IP ...
.IP sys/
system source proper
.IP main.c
.IP pipe.c
.IP sysent.c
system entry points
.IP undoc/
source for programs which have no documentation
.IP ucb/
binaries of programs developed at UCB
.IP ...
.IP edit
editor for beginners
.IP ex
command editor for experienced users
.IP ...
.IP mail
mail reading/sending subsystem
.IP man
on line documentation
.IP ...
.IP pi
Pascal translator
.IP px
Pascal interpreter
.IP ...
.IP vi
visual editor
ls(1), apropos(1), whatis(1), whereis(1), finger(1), which (1), ncheck(1), find(1), grep(1)
The position of files is subject to change without notice.